Factorio Prototype DocsVersion 1.1.99


Types are data formats which are commonly used as parts of prototypes.

ActivateEquipmentCapsuleAction struct
ActivityBarStyleSpecification struct
AggregationSpecification struct
AmmoCategoryID string

The name of an AmmoCategory.

The name of an AmmoCategory.

AmmoDamageModifier struct
AmmoSourceType union

Used to allow specifying different ammo effects depending on which kind of entity the ammo is used in.

Used to allow specifying different ammo effects depending on which kind of entity the ammo is used in.

AmmoType struct

Definition of actual parameters used in attack.

Definition of actual parameters used in attack.

AndTipTrigger struct
AnimatedVector struct
Animation struct

Specifies an animation that can be used in the game.

Specifies an animation that can be used in the game.

Animation4Way struct or Animation

If this is loaded as a single Animation, it applies to all directions.

If this is loaded as a single Animation, it applies to all directions.

AnimationElement struct
AnimationFrameSequence array[uint16]

This is a list of 1-based frame indices into the spritesheet.

This is a list of 1-based frame indices into the spritesheet.

AnimationParameters struct
AnimationSheet struct
AnimationVariations struct or Animation or array[Animation]
AreaTriggerItem struct
ArtilleryRangeModifier struct
ArtilleryRemoteCapsuleAction struct
ArtilleryTriggerDelivery struct
AttackParameters union

Loaded as one of the BaseAttackParameters extensions, based on the value of the type key.

Loaded as one of the BaseAttackParameters extensions, based on the value of the type key.

AttackReactionItem struct
AutoplaceControlID string

The name of an AutoplaceControl.

The name of an AutoplaceControl.

AutoplacePeak struct
AutoplaceSettings struct
AutoplaceSpecification struct or AutoplacePeak

Autoplace specification is used to determine which entities are placed when generating map.

Autoplace specification is used to determine which entities are placed when generating map.

BaseAttackParameters struct

The abstract base of all AttackParameters.

The abstract base of all AttackParameters.

BaseEnergySource struct

The abstract base of all EnergySources.

The abstract base of all EnergySources.

BaseModifier struct

The abstract base of all Modifiers.

The abstract base of all Modifiers.

BaseNamedNoiseExpressions union

A list of notable NamedNoiseExpressions defined in the base game.

A list of notable NamedNoiseExpressions defined in the base game.

BaseStyleSpecification struct

The abstract base of all StyleSpecifications.

The abstract base of all StyleSpecifications.

BeaconGraphicsSet struct
BeaconModuleVisualization struct
BeaconModuleVisualizations struct
BeamAnimationSet struct
BeamAttackParameters struct
BeamTriggerDelivery struct
BeltTraverseTipTrigger struct
BlendMode union

Determines how sprites/animations should blend with the background.

Determines how sprites/animations should blend with the background.

BoolModifier struct
BorderImageSet struct
BoundingBox {MapPosition, MapPosition}

BoundingBoxes are typically centered around the position of an entity.

BoundingBoxes are typically centered around the position of an entity.

BoxSpecification struct

A cursor box, for use in UtilitySprites.

A cursor box, for use in UtilitySprites.

BuildEntityTipTrigger struct
BurnerEnergySource struct
ButtonStyleSpecification struct
CameraEffectTriggerEffectItem struct
CameraStyleSpecification struct
CapsuleAction union

Loaded as one of the capsule actions, based on the value of the type key.

Loaded as one of the capsule actions, based on the value of the type key.

CharacterArmorAnimation struct

The data for one variation of character animations.

The data for one variation of character animations.

CharacterBuildDistanceModifier struct
CharacterCraftingSpeedModifier struct
CharacterHealthBonusModifier struct
CharacterInventorySlotsBonusModifier struct
CharacterItemDropDistanceModifier struct
CharacterItemPickupDistanceModifier struct
CharacterLogisticRequestsModifier struct
CharacterLogisticTrashSlotsModifier struct
CharacterLootPickupDistanceModifier struct
CharacterMiningSpeedModifier struct
CharacterReachDistanceModifier struct
CharacterResourceReachDistanceModifier struct
CharacterRunningSpeedModifier struct
CheckBoxStyleSpecification struct
CircuitConnectorSprites struct
CircularParticleCreationSpecification struct
CircularProjectileCreationSpecification array[{RealOrientation, Vector}]
ClearCursorTipTrigger struct
CliffPlacementSettings struct
ClusterTriggerItem struct
CollisionMask array[union]

Every entry in the array is a specification of one layer the object collides with or a special collision option.

Every entry in the array is a specification of one layer the object collides with or a special collision option.

CollisionMaskLayer union

A string specifying a collision mask layer.

A string specifying a collision mask layer.

Color struct or {float, float, float} or {float, float, float, float}

Table of red, green, blue, and alpha float values between 0 and 1.

Table of red, green, blue, and alpha float values between 0 and 1.

ColumnAlignment struct
ColumnWidth struct
ConnectableEntityGraphics struct

Graphics for the heat pipe.

Graphics for the heat pipe.

ConstantNoiseBoolean NoiseLiteralBoolean or ConstantNoiseNumber

A constant boolean noise expression, such as a literal boolean.

A constant boolean noise expression, such as a literal boolean.

ConstantNoiseNumber NoiseNumber

A constant numeric noise expression, such as a literal number, the result of addition of constants or multioctave noise that uses only constant arguments.

A constant numeric noise expression, such as a literal number, the result of addition of constants or multioctave noise that uses only constant arguments.

ConsumingType union

Defines which other inputs a CustomInputPrototype consumes.

Defines which other inputs a CustomInputPrototype consumes.

CraftItemTipTrigger struct
CreateDecorativesTriggerEffectItem struct
CreateEntityTriggerEffectItem struct
CreateExplosionTriggerEffectItem struct
CreateFireTriggerEffectItem struct
CreateParticleTriggerEffectItem struct
CreateSmokeTriggerEffectItem struct
CreateStickerTriggerEffectItem struct
CreateTrivialSmokeEffectItem struct
CursorBoxType union

One of the following values:

One of the following values:

CyclicSound struct

Used by BaseAttackParameters to play a sound during the attack.

Used by BaseAttackParameters to play a sound during the attack.

DamagePrototype struct

A property type, NOT a prototype.

A property type, NOT a prototype.

DamageTriggerEffectItem struct
DamageTypeFilters struct or DamageTypeID or array[DamageTypeID]
DamageTypeID string

The name of a DamageType.

The name of a DamageType.

DaytimeColorLookupTable array[{double, FileName or "identity"}]

The first member of the tuple states at which time of the day the LUT should be used.

The first member of the tuple states at which time of the day the LUT should be used.

DeconstructionTimeToLiveModifier struct
DecorativeID string

The name of a DecorativePrototype.

The name of a DecorativePrototype.

DefaultRecipeTint struct
DependenciesMetTipTrigger struct

This trigger is considered fulfilled when the TipsAndTricksItem::dependencies are fulfilled.

This trigger is considered fulfilled when the TipsAndTricksItem::dependencies are fulfilled.

DestroyCliffsCapsuleAction struct
DestroyCliffsTriggerEffectItem struct
DestroyDecorativesTriggerEffectItem struct
DifficultySettings struct
DirectTriggerItem struct
Direction union
DoubleSliderStyleSpecification struct
DropDownStyleSpecification struct
Effect struct

When applied to modules, the resulting effect is a sum of all module affects, multiplied through calculations: (1 + sum module effects) or, for productivity (0 + sum).

When applied to modules, the resulting effect is a sum of all module affects, multiplied through calculations: (1 + sum module effects) or, for productivity (0 + sum).

EffectTypeLimitation union or array[union]

A list of module effects, or just a single effect.

A list of module effects, or just a single effect.

EffectValue struct
ElectricEnergySource struct
ElectricUsagePriority union

Used to specify priority of energy usage in the electric system.

Used to specify priority of energy usage in the electric system.

ElementImageSet struct or ElementImageSetLayer

If this is loaded as a single ElementImageSetLayer, it gets used as base.

If this is loaded as a single ElementImageSetLayer, it gets used as base.

ElementImageSetLayer struct or Sprite

If this is loaded as a Sprite, it gets used as center.

If this is loaded as a Sprite, it gets used as center.

EmptyWidgetStyleSpecification struct
EnemyEvolutionSettings struct
EnemyExpansionSettings struct
Energy string

Specifies an amount of electric energy in joules, or electric energy per time in watts.

Specifies an amount of electric energy in joules, or electric energy per time in watts.

EnergySource union

Loaded as one of the BaseEnergySource extensions, based on the value of the type key.

Loaded as one of the BaseEnergySource extensions, based on the value of the type key.

EntityID string

The name of an EntityPrototype.

The name of an EntityPrototype.

EntityPrototypeFlags array[union]

An array containing the following values.

An array containing the following values.

EntityTransferTipTrigger struct
EquipmentCategoryID string

The name of an EquipmentCategory.

The name of an EquipmentCategory.

EquipmentGridID string

The name of an EquipmentGridPrototype.

The name of an EquipmentGridPrototype.

EquipmentID string

The name of an EquipmentPrototype.

The name of an EquipmentPrototype.

EquipmentShape struct

The shape and dimensions of an equipment module.

The shape and dimensions of an equipment module.

ExplosionDefinition EntityID or struct
FastBeltBendTipTrigger struct
FastReplaceTipTrigger struct
FileName string

A slash "/" is always used as the directory delimiter.

A slash "/" is always used as the directory delimiter.

FlameThrowerExplosionTriggerDelivery struct
FlowStyleSpecification struct
FluidBox struct

Used to set the fluid amount an entity can hold, as well as the connection points for pipes leading into and out of the entity.

Used to set the fluid amount an entity can hold, as well as the connection points for pipes leading into and out of the entity.

FluidEnergySource struct
FluidID string

The name of a FluidPrototype.

The name of a FluidPrototype.

FluidIngredientPrototype struct

A fluid ingredient definition.

A fluid ingredient definition.

FluidProductPrototype struct

A fluid product definition.

A fluid product definition.

FollowerRobotLifetimeModifier struct
FootprintParticle struct
FootstepTriggerEffectItem struct
FootstepTriggerEffectList array[FootstepTriggerEffectItem]
ForceCondition union

One of the following values:

One of the following values:

FrameStyleSpecification struct
FrequencySizeRichness struct
FuelCategoryID string

The name of a FuelCategory.

The name of a FuelCategory.

GameControllerVibrationData struct
GateOverRailBuildTipTrigger struct
GhostTimeToLiveModifier struct
GiveItemModifier struct
GlowStyleSpecification struct
GraphStyleSpecification struct
GroupAttackTipTrigger struct
GunSpeedModifier struct
HeatBuffer struct

Used to specify heat capacity properties without a heat energy source.

Used to specify heat capacity properties without a heat energy source.

HeatConnection struct

Defines the connections for HeatEnergySource and HeatBuffer.

Defines the connections for HeatEnergySource and HeatBuffer.

HeatEnergySource struct
HorizontalAlign union
HorizontalFlowStyleSpecification struct
HorizontalScrollBarStyleSpecification struct
IconData struct

Icon layering follows the following rules:

  • The rendering order of the individual icons follows the array order: Later added icons (higher index) are drawn on top of previously added icons (lower index).

  • Only the first icon layer will display a shadow.

  • When the final icon is displayed with transparency (e.g. a faded out alert), the icon layer overlap may look undesirable.

  • The final combination of icons will always be resized in GUI based on the first icon layer's size, but won't be resized when displayed on machines in alt-mode. For example: recipe first icon layer is size 128, scale 1, the icon group will be displayed at resolution /4 to fit the 32px GUI boxes, but will be displayed 4 times as large on buildings.

  • Shift values are based on final size (icon_size * scale) of the first icon layer.

Icon layering follows the following rules:

  • The rendering order of the individual icons follows the array order: Later added icons (higher index) are drawn on top of previously added icons (lower index).

  • Only the first icon layer will display a shadow.

  • When the final icon is displayed with transparency (e.g. a faded out alert), the icon layer overlap may look undesirable.

  • The final combination of icons will always be resized in GUI based on the first icon layer's size, but won't be resized when displayed on machines in alt-mode. For example: recipe first icon layer is size 128, scale 1, the icon group will be displayed at resolution /4 to fit the 32px GUI boxes, but will be displayed 4 times as large on buildings.

  • Shift values are based on final size (icon_size * scale) of the first icon layer.

IconMipMapType uint8

Icons of reduced size will be used at decreased scale.

Icons of reduced size will be used at decreased scale.

ImageStyleSpecification struct
IngredientPrototype union

Defaults to loading ingredients as items.

Defaults to loading ingredients as items.

InsertItemTriggerEffectItem struct
InserterStackSizeBonusModifier struct
InstantTriggerDelivery struct
InterruptibleSound struct
InvokeTileEffectTriggerEffectItem struct
ItemCountType uint32
ItemGroupID string

The name of an ItemGroup.

The name of an ItemGroup.

ItemID string

The name of an ItemPrototype.

The name of an ItemPrototype.

ItemIngredientPrototype struct or {ItemID, uint16}

An item ingredient definition.

An item ingredient definition.

ItemProductPrototype struct or {ItemID, uint16}

An item product definition.

An item product definition.

ItemPrototypeFlags array[union]

An array containing the following values.

An array containing the following values.

ItemStackIndex uint16
ItemSubGroupID string

The name of an ItemSubGroup.

The name of an ItemSubGroup.

ItemToPlace struct

Item that when placed creates this entity/tile.

Item that when placed creates this entity/tile.

LabelStyleSpecification struct
LaboratoryProductivityModifier struct
LaboratorySpeedModifier struct
LayeredSound struct or Sound
LightDefinition struct or array[struct]

Specifies a light source.

Specifies a light source.

LightFlickeringDefinition struct

Specifies the light flicker.

Specifies the light flicker.

LimitChestTipTrigger struct
LineStyleSpecification struct
LineTriggerItem struct
LinkedGameControl union

The internal name of a game control (key binding).

The internal name of a game control (key binding).

ListBoxStyleSpecification struct
LoaderStructure struct
LocalisedString string or bool or array[LocalisedString]

Localised strings are a way to support translation of in-game text.

Localised strings are a way to support translation of in-game text.

LootItem struct

The items generated when an EntityWithHealthPrototype is killed.

The items generated when an EntityWithHealthPrototype is killed.

LowPowerTipTrigger struct
ManualTransferTipTrigger struct
ManualWireDragTipTrigger struct
MapGenPreset struct
MapGenPresetDifficultySettings struct
MapGenPresetEnemyEvolutionSettings struct
MapGenPresetEnemyExpansionSettings struct
MapGenPresetPollutionSettings struct

The pollution settings, the values are for 60 ticks (1 second).

The pollution settings, the values are for 60 ticks (1 second).

MapGenSettings struct
MapGenSize union

A floating point number specifying an amount.

A floating point number specifying an amount.

MapPosition struct or {double, double}

Coordinates of a tile in a map.

Coordinates of a tile in a map.

MaterialAmountType double
MaxFailedAttemptsPerTickPerConstructionQueueModifier struct
MaxSuccessfulAttemptsPerTickPerConstructionQueueModifier struct
MaximumFollowingRobotsCountModifier struct
MinableProperties struct

The mining properties of objects.

The mining properties of objects.

MinimapStyleSpecification struct
MiningDrillGraphicsSet struct
MiningDrillProductivityBonusModifier struct
Modifier union

The effect that is applied when a TechnologyPrototype is researched.

The effect that is applied when a TechnologyPrototype is researched.

ModuleCategoryID string

The name of a ModuleCategory.

The name of a ModuleCategory.

ModuleSpecification struct

The number of module slots in this entity, and their icon positions.

The number of module slots in this entity, and their icon positions.

ModuleTint union
MouseCursorID string

The name of a MouseCursor.

The name of a MouseCursor.

NestedTriggerEffectItem struct
NoiseArrayConstruction struct

value_expressions property should be a list of numeric expressions, each of which will be evaluated to come up with the corresponding numeric value in the resulting array.

value_expressions property should be a list of numeric expressions, each of which will be evaluated to come up with the corresponding numeric value in the resulting array.

NoiseExpression union

Loaded as one of the noise expressions listed in this union, based on the value of the type key.

Loaded as one of the noise expressions listed in this union, based on the value of the type key.

NoiseFunctionAbsoluteValue struct

Takes a single argument and returns its absolute value.

Takes a single argument and returns its absolute value.

NoiseFunctionAdd struct

Takes between 0 and 32 numbers and adds them up.

Takes between 0 and 32 numbers and adds them up.

NoiseFunctionApplication union

Loaded as one of the NoiseFunctions listed in this union, based on the value of the function_name key.

Loaded as one of the NoiseFunctions listed in this union, based on the value of the function_name key.

NoiseFunctionAtan2 struct

Returns the arc tangent of y/x using the signs of arguments to determine the correct quadrant.

Returns the arc tangent of y/x using the signs of arguments to determine the correct quadrant.

NoiseFunctionAutoplaceProbability struct
NoiseFunctionAutoplaceRichness struct
NoiseFunctionBitwiseAnd struct

Casts between 0 and 32 numbers to 32-bit integers and performs a bitwise AND on them.

Casts between 0 and 32 numbers to 32-bit integers and performs a bitwise AND on them.

NoiseFunctionBitwiseNot struct

Casts the single argument to a 32-bit integer and performs bitwise negates it.

Casts the single argument to a 32-bit integer and performs bitwise negates it.

NoiseFunctionBitwiseOr struct

Casts between 0 and 32 numbers to 32-bit integers and performs a bitwise OR on them.

Casts between 0 and 32 numbers to 32-bit integers and performs a bitwise OR on them.

NoiseFunctionBitwiseXor struct

Casts between 0 and 32 numbers to 32-bit integers and performs a bitwise EXCLUSIVE OR on them.

Casts between 0 and 32 numbers to 32-bit integers and performs a bitwise EXCLUSIVE OR on them.

NoiseFunctionCeil struct

Takes a single argument and returns its ceil.

Takes a single argument and returns its ceil.

NoiseFunctionClamp struct

The first argument is clamped to be between the second and third.

The first argument is clamped to be between the second and third.

NoiseFunctionCompileTimeLog struct

Prints between 0 and 32 arguments to the log file when the expression is compiled.

Prints between 0 and 32 arguments to the log file when the expression is compiled.

NoiseFunctionCos struct

Takes a single argument and returns its cosine.

Takes a single argument and returns its cosine.

NoiseFunctionDistanceFromNearestPoint struct

Computes the euclidean distance of the position {x, y} to all position listed in points and returns the shortest distance.

Computes the euclidean distance of the position {x, y} to all position listed in points and returns the shortest distance.

NoiseFunctionDivide struct

Takes two arguments and divides the first by the second.

Takes two arguments and divides the first by the second.

NoiseFunctionEquals struct

Returns the result of first argument == second argument as a literal number that is 0 for false and 1 for true.

Returns the result of first argument == second argument as a literal number that is 0 for false and 1 for true.

NoiseFunctionExponentiate struct

Takes two arguments and raises the first to the second power.

Takes two arguments and raises the first to the second power.

NoiseFunctionFactorioBasisNoise struct

Scaling input and output can be accomplished other ways, but are done so commonly as to be built into this function for performance reasons.

Scaling input and output can be accomplished other ways, but are done so commonly as to be built into this function for performance reasons.

NoiseFunctionFactorioMultioctaveNoise struct
NoiseFunctionFactorioQuickMultioctaveNoise struct
NoiseFunctionFloor struct

Takes a single argument and returns its floor.

Takes a single argument and returns its floor.

NoiseFunctionLessOrEqual struct

Returns the result of first argument <= second argument as a literal number that is 0 for false and 1 for true.

Returns the result of first argument <= second argument as a literal number that is 0 for false and 1 for true.

NoiseFunctionLessThan struct

Returns the result of first argument < second argument as a literal number that is 0 for false and 1 for true.

Returns the result of first argument < second argument as a literal number that is 0 for false and 1 for true.

NoiseFunctionLog2 struct
NoiseFunctionModulo struct

Takes two arguments and divides the first by the second and returns the remainder.

Takes two arguments and divides the first by the second and returns the remainder.

NoiseFunctionMultiply struct

Takes between 0 and 32 numbers and multiplies them.

Takes between 0 and 32 numbers and multiplies them.

NoiseFunctionNoiseLayerNameToID struct
NoiseFunctionOffsetPoints struct

The first argument represents a vector of how the positions should be shifted, and the second argument lists the positions that should be shifted.

The first argument represents a vector of how the positions should be shifted, and the second argument lists the positions that should be shifted.

NoiseFunctionRandomPenalty struct

Subtracts a random value in the [0, amplitude) range from source if source is larger than 0.

Subtracts a random value in the [0, amplitude) range from source if source is larger than 0.

NoiseFunctionRidge struct

Similar to clamp, where the first argument is folded back across the third and second limits until it lies between them.

Similar to clamp, where the first argument is folded back across the third and second limits until it lies between them.

NoiseFunctionSin struct

Takes a single argument and returns its sine.

Takes a single argument and returns its sine.

NoiseFunctionSpotNoise struct

Generates random conical spots.

Generates random conical spots.

NoiseFunctionSubtract struct

Takes two arguments and subtracts the second from the first.

Takes two arguments and subtracts the second from the first.

NoiseFunctionTerrace struct

The first argument is the value to be terraced.

The first argument is the value to be terraced.

NoiseIfElseChain struct

Has an arguments property that is a list of condition-result expression pairs followed by a default result expression, like so:

  type = "if-else-chain",
  arguments = {
    condition1, result1,
    condition2, result2,

The result of the if-else-chain is the value of the first result expression whose condition expression evaluated to true, or the value of the default result ('else') expression.

Has an arguments property that is a list of condition-result expression pairs followed by a default result expression, like so:

  type = "if-else-chain",
  arguments = {
    condition1, result1,
    condition2, result2,

The result of the if-else-chain is the value of the first result expression whose condition expression evaluated to true, or the value of the default result ('else') expression.

NoiseLayerID string

The name of a NoiseLayer.

The name of a NoiseLayer.

NoiseLiteralBoolean struct

Evaluates to the same boolean value (true or false) every time, given by the literal_value property.

Evaluates to the same boolean value (true or false) every time, given by the literal_value property.

NoiseLiteralExpression struct

Returns the expression represented by its literal_value property.

Returns the expression represented by its literal_value property.

NoiseLiteralNumber struct

Evaluates to the same number every time, given by the literal_value property.

Evaluates to the same number every time, given by the literal_value property.

NoiseLiteralObject struct

Evaluates to the same object every time, given by the literal_value property.

Evaluates to the same object every time, given by the literal_value property.

NoiseLiteralString struct

Evaluates to the same string every time, given by the literal_value property.

Evaluates to the same string every time, given by the literal_value property.

NoiseNumber union

A numeric noise expression, such as a literal number, the result of addition, or multioctave noise.

A numeric noise expression, such as a literal number, the result of addition, or multioctave noise.

NoiseProcedureDelimiter struct

Evaluates and returns the value of its expression property, which is itself an expression.

Evaluates and returns the value of its expression property, which is itself an expression.

NoiseVariable struct

Variables referencing named noise expressions may have their reference overridden by other named noise expression if their intended_property is the variable name and it is selected by the user in the map generator GUI.

Variables referencing named noise expressions may have their reference overridden by other named noise expression if their intended_property is the variable name and it is selected by the user in the map generator GUI.

NoiseVariableConstants union

A set of constants largely determined by MapGenSettings.

A set of constants largely determined by MapGenSettings.

NothingModifier struct
OrTipTrigger struct
Order string

The order property is a simple string.

The order property is a simple string.

OrientedCliffPrototype struct
ParticleID string

The name of a ParticlePrototype.

The name of a ParticlePrototype.

PasteEntitySettingsTipTrigger struct
PathFinderSettings struct
PipeConnectionDefinition struct
PlaceEquipmentTipTrigger struct
PlaySoundTriggerEffectItem struct
PlayerInputMethodFilter union
PollutionSettings struct

The pollution settings, the values are for 60 ticks (1 second).

The pollution settings, the values are for 60 ticks (1 second).

ProductPrototype union

Defaults to loading products as items.

Defaults to loading products as items.

ProgrammableSpeakerNote struct
ProgressBarStyleSpecification struct
ProjectileAttackParameters struct
ProjectileTriggerDelivery struct
PumpConnectorGraphics struct

A mapping of arrays of PumpConnectorGraphicsAnimations to all 4 directions of the pump connection (to a fluid wagon).

A mapping of arrays of PumpConnectorGraphicsAnimations to all 4 directions of the pump connection (to a fluid wagon).

PumpConnectorGraphicsAnimation struct
PushBackTriggerEffectItem struct

The push back effect used by the discharge defense.

The push back effect used by the discharge defense.

RadioButtonStyleSpecification struct
RadiusVisualisationSpecification struct

Sprite to be shown around the entity when it is selected/held in the cursor.

Sprite to be shown around the entity when it is selected/held in the cursor.

RailPictureSet struct
RailPieceLayers struct

Used for graphics by RailPrototype and RailRemnantsPrototype.

Used for graphics by RailPrototype and RailRemnantsPrototype.

RealOrientation float

Specified by a float between 0 and 1, including 0 and excluding 1.

Specified by a float between 0 and 1, including 0 and excluding 1.

RecipeCategoryID string

The name of a RecipeCategory.

The name of a RecipeCategory.

RecipeData struct

Used when defining a RecipePrototype that uses difficulty.

Used when defining a RecipePrototype that uses difficulty.

RecipeID string

The name of a RecipePrototype.

The name of a RecipePrototype.

RenderLayer union

The render layer specifies the order of the sprite when rendering, most of the objects have it hardcoded in the source, but some are configurable.

The render layer specifies the order of the sprite when rendering, most of the objects have it hardcoded in the source, but some are configurable.

ResearchTechnologyTipTrigger struct
Resistance struct

Resistances to certain types of attacks from enemy, and physical damage.

Resistances to certain types of attacks from enemy, and physical damage.

ResourceCategoryID string

The name of a ResourceCategory.

The name of a ResourceCategory.

RichTextSetting union
RotatedAnimation struct
RotatedAnimation4Way struct or RotatedAnimation

A map of rotated animations for all 4 directions of the entity.

A map of rotated animations for all 4 directions of the entity.

RotatedAnimationVariations RotatedAnimation or array[RotatedAnimation]
RotatedSprite struct

Specifies series of sprites used to visualize different rotations of the object.

Specifies series of sprites used to visualize different rotations of the object.

ScriptTriggerEffectItem struct
ScrollBarStyleSpecification struct
ScrollPaneStyleSpecification struct
SelectionModeFlags array[union]

An array containing the following values.

An array containing the following values.

SequenceTipTrigger struct
SetFilterTipTrigger struct
SetLogisticRequestTipTrigger struct
SetRecipeTipTrigger struct
SetTileTriggerEffectItem struct
ShiftAnimationWaypoints struct
ShiftBuildTipTrigger struct
ShowExplosionOnChartTriggerEffectItem struct
SignalIDConnector struct
SimpleModifier struct
SimulationDefinition struct

Used by tips and tricks and main menu simulations.

Used by tips and tricks and main menu simulations.

SliderStyleSpecification struct
SmokeSource struct

Definition of the smoke of an entity.

Definition of the smoke of an entity.

Sound struct or array[SoundDefinition]
SoundDefinition struct
SoundType union

This defines which slider in the sound settings affects the volume of this sound.

This defines which slider in the sound settings affects the volume of this sound.

SpawnPoint struct or {double, double}

The definition of a evolution and probability weights for a spawnable unit for a EnemySpawnerPrototype.

The definition of a evolution and probability weights for a spawnable unit for a EnemySpawnerPrototype.

SpeechBubbleStyleSpecification struct
SpiderEnginePrototype struct
SpiderLegPart struct
SpiderLegSpecification struct
SpiderVehicleGraphicsSet struct

Used to specify the graphics for SpiderVehiclePrototype.

Used to specify the graphics for SpiderVehiclePrototype.

Sprite struct

Specifies one picture that can be used in the game.

Specifies one picture that can be used in the game.

Sprite4Way struct or Sprite

A map of sprites for all 4 directions of the entity.

A map of sprites for all 4 directions of the entity.

Sprite8Way struct

A map of sprites for all 8 directions of the entity.

A map of sprites for all 8 directions of the entity.

SpriteFlags array[union]

An array containing the following values.

An array containing the following values.

SpriteNWaySheet struct
SpriteParameters struct
SpritePriority union

This sets the "caching priority" of a sprite, so deciding priority of it being included in VRAM instead of streaming it and is therefore a purely technical value.

This sets the "caching priority" of a sprite, so deciding priority of it being included in VRAM instead of streaming it and is therefore a purely technical value.

SpriteSheet struct
SpriteSizeType int16
SpriteVariations struct or SpriteSheet or array[Sprite]
StackInserterCapacityBonusModifier struct
StackTransferTipTrigger struct
StateSteeringSettings struct
StatusColors struct
StreamAttackParameters struct
StreamTriggerDelivery struct
StretchRule union

Sets whether a GUI element can be stretched or squashed.

Sets whether a GUI element can be stretched or squashed.

Stripe struct

Used as an alternative way to specify animations.

Used as an alternative way to specify animations.

StyleSpecification union

Loaded as one of the BaseStyleSpecification extensions, based on the value of the type key.

Loaded as one of the BaseStyleSpecification extensions, based on the value of the type key.

StyleWithClickableGraphicalSetSpecification struct
SwitchStyleSpecification struct
TabStyleSpecification struct
TabbedPaneStyleSpecification struct
TableStyleSpecification struct
TechnologyData struct

Used when defining a TechnologyPrototype that uses difficulty.

Used when defining a TechnologyPrototype that uses difficulty.

TechnologyID string

The name of a TechnologyPrototype.

The name of a TechnologyPrototype.

TechnologySlotStyleSpecification struct
TechnologyUnit struct

Either count or count_formula must be defined, never both.

Either count or count_formula must be defined, never both.

TextBoxStyleSpecification struct
ThrowCapsuleAction struct
TileID string

The name of a TilePrototype.

The name of a TilePrototype.

TileRenderLayer union
TileSprite struct

Used by TilePrototype.

Used by TilePrototype.

TileSpriteWithProbability struct
TileTransitionSprite struct
TileTransitions struct

Used for TilePrototype graphics.

Used for TilePrototype graphics.

TimeElapsedTipTrigger struct
TipStatus union

This is used by TipsAndTricksItem for the initial starting status.

This is used by TipsAndTricksItem for the initial starting status.

TipTrigger union

Loaded as one of the tip triggers, based on the value of the type key.

Loaded as one of the tip triggers, based on the value of the type key.

TrainBrakingForceBonusModifier struct
TrainStopLight struct
TransportBeltAnimationSet struct
TransportBeltAnimationSetWithCorners struct
TransportBeltConnectorFrame struct

Used to define the graphics for the (in vanilla) yellow frame that is used when a TransportBeltPrototype is connected to the circuit network.

Used to define the graphics for the (in vanilla) yellow frame that is used when a TransportBeltPrototype is connected to the circuit network.

TreeVariation struct
Trigger union or array[union]

Loaded as one of the TriggerItem extensions, based on the value of the type key.

Loaded as one of the TriggerItem extensions, based on the value of the type key.

TriggerDelivery union

Loaded as one of the TriggerDeliveryItem extensions, based on the value of the type key.

Loaded as one of the TriggerDeliveryItem extensions, based on the value of the type key.

TriggerDeliveryItem struct

The abstract base of all TriggerDeliveries.

The abstract base of all TriggerDeliveries.

TriggerEffect union or array[union]

Loaded as one of the TriggerEffectItem extensions, based on the value of the type key.

Loaded as one of the TriggerEffectItem extensions, based on the value of the type key.

TriggerEffectItem struct

The abstract base of all TriggerEffects.

The abstract base of all TriggerEffects.

TriggerItem struct

The abstract base of all Triggers.

The abstract base of all Triggers.

TriggerTargetMask array[string]

An array of names of TriggerTargetType.

An array of names of TriggerTargetType.

TrivialSmokeID string

The name of a TrivialSmokePrototype.

The name of a TrivialSmokePrototype.

TurretAttackModifier struct
UnitAISettings struct

Used by UnitPrototype.

Used by UnitPrototype.

UnitAlternativeFrameSequence struct
UnitGroupSettings struct
UnitSpawnDefinition struct or {EntityID, array[SpawnPoint]}

It can be specified as a table with named or numbered keys, but not a mix of both.

It can be specified as a table with named or numbered keys, but not a mix of both.

UnlockRecipeModifier struct
UnlockRecipeTipTrigger struct
UseConfirmTipTrigger struct
UseOnSelfCapsuleAction struct
UsePipetteTipTrigger struct
Vector struct or {double, double}

A vector is a two-element array or dictionary containing the x and y components.

A vector is a two-element array or dictionary containing the x and y components.

Vector3D struct or {float, float, float}
VerticalAlign union
VerticalFlowStyleSpecification struct
VerticalScrollBarStyleSpecification struct
VirtualSignalID string

The name of a VirtualSignalPrototype.

The name of a VirtualSignalPrototype.

VoidEnergySource struct

Void energy sources provide unlimited free energy.

Void energy sources provide unlimited free energy.

WaterReflectionDefinition struct

Entity water reflection.

Entity water reflection.

WireConnectionPoint struct

Definition of a point where circuit network wires can be connected to an entity.

Definition of a point where circuit network wires can be connected to an entity.

WirePosition struct
WorkerRobotBatteryModifier struct
WorkerRobotSpeedModifier struct
WorkerRobotStorageModifier struct
WorkingSound struct or Sound

This type is used to produce sound from in-game entities when they are working/idle.

This type is used to produce sound from in-game entities when they are working/idle.

WorkingVisualisation struct

Used by crafting machines to display different graphics when the machine is running.

Used by crafting machines to display different graphics when the machine is running.

ZoomToWorldBlueprintEnabledModifier struct
ZoomToWorldDeconstructionPlannerEnabledModifier struct
ZoomToWorldEnabledModifier struct
ZoomToWorldGhostBuildingEnabledModifier struct
ZoomToWorldSelectionToolEnabledModifier struct
ZoomToWorldUpgradePlannerEnabledModifier struct
bool builtin

A variable type which can have one of two values: true or false.

A variable type which can have one of two values: true or false.

double builtin

Format uses a dot as its decimal delimiter.

Format uses a dot as its decimal delimiter.

float builtin

Format uses a dot as its decimal delimiter.

Format uses a dot as its decimal delimiter.

int16 builtin

16 bit signed integer.

16 bit signed integer.

int32 builtin

32 bit signed integer.

32 bit signed integer.

int8 builtin

8 bit signed integer.

8 bit signed integer.

string builtin

Strings are enclosed in double-quotes.

Strings are enclosed in double-quotes.

uint16 builtin

16 bit unsigned integer.

16 bit unsigned integer.

uint32 builtin

32 bit unsigned integer.

32 bit unsigned integer.

uint64 builtin

64 bit unsigned integer.

64 bit unsigned integer.

uint8 builtin

8 bit unsigned integer.

8 bit unsigned integer.

