Factorio Prototype Docs Version 1.1.94

SpriteSheet :: struct

Inherits from SpriteParameters


layers optional :: array[SpriteSheet]

If this property is present, all SpriteSheet definitions have to be placed as entries in the array, and they will all be loaded from there.

If this property is present, all SpriteSheet definitions have to be placed as entries in the array, and they will all be loaded from there.

hr_version optional :: SpriteSheet

Only loaded if layers is not defined.

Only loaded if layers is not defined.

variation_count optional :: uint32
repeat_count optional :: uint32
line_length optional :: uint32

Inherited from SpriteParameters
filename :: FileName

The path to the sprite file to use.

The path to the sprite file to use.

priority optional :: SpritePriority
flags optional :: SpriteFlags
size optional :: SpriteSizeType or {SpriteSizeType, SpriteSizeType}

The width and height of the sprite.

The width and height of the sprite.

width optional :: SpriteSizeType

Mandatory if size is not defined.

Mandatory if size is not defined.

height optional :: SpriteSizeType

Mandatory if size is not defined.

Mandatory if size is not defined.

x optional :: SpriteSizeType

Horizontal position of the sprite in the source file in pixels.

Horizontal position of the sprite in the source file in pixels.

y optional :: SpriteSizeType

Vertical position of the sprite in the source file in pixels.

Vertical position of the sprite in the source file in pixels.

position optional :: {SpriteSizeType, SpriteSizeType}

Loaded only when x and y are both 0.

Loaded only when x and y are both 0.

shift optional :: Vector

The shift in tiles.

The shift in tiles.

scale optional :: double

Values other than 1 specify the scale of the sprite on default zoom.

Values other than 1 specify the scale of the sprite on default zoom.

draw_as_shadow optional :: bool

Only one of draw_as_shadow, draw_as_glow and draw_as_light can be true.

Only one of draw_as_shadow, draw_as_glow and draw_as_light can be true.

draw_as_glow optional :: bool

Only one of draw_as_shadow, draw_as_glow and draw_as_light can be true.

Only one of draw_as_shadow, draw_as_glow and draw_as_light can be true.

draw_as_light optional :: bool

Only one of draw_as_shadow, draw_as_glow and draw_as_light can be true.

Only one of draw_as_shadow, draw_as_glow and draw_as_light can be true.

mipmap_count optional :: uint8

Only loaded if this is an icon, that is it has the flag "group=icon" or "group=gui".

Only loaded if this is an icon, that is it has the flag "group=icon" or "group=gui".

apply_runtime_tint optional :: bool
tint optional :: Color
blend_mode optional :: BlendMode
load_in_minimal_mode optional :: bool

Minimal mode is entered when mod loading fails.

Minimal mode is entered when mod loading fails.

premul_alpha optional :: bool

Whether alpha should be pre-multiplied.

Whether alpha should be pre-multiplied.

generate_sdf optional :: bool

This property is only used by sprites used in UtilitySprites that have the "icon" flag set.

This property is only used by sprites used in UtilitySprites that have the "icon" flag set.


layers :: array[SpriteSheet] optional

If this property is present, all SpriteSheet definitions have to be placed as entries in the array, and they will all be loaded from there. layers may not be an empty table. Each definition in the array may also have the layers property.

If this property is present, all other properties, including those inherited from SpriteParameters, are ignored.

hr_version :: SpriteSheet optional

Only loaded if layers is not defined.

If this property exists and high resolution sprites are turned on, this is used to load the SpriteSheet.

variation_count :: uint32 optional

Default: 1

repeat_count :: uint32 optional

Default: 1

line_length :: uint32 optional

Default: Value of variation_count


