Factorio API Docs

1.1.65 <>

Class LuaTilePrototype

Prototype of a tile.


All methods and properties that this object supports.

:: string

Name of this prototype.

:: string

The string used to alphabetically sort these prototypes.


The collision mask this tile uses

:: uint


Autoplace specification for this prototype, if any.

:: Color

:: float

The probability that decorative entities will be removed from on top of this tile when this tile is generated.

:: dictionary[stringLuaTilePrototype]

:: boolean

If this tile needs correction logic applied when it's generated in the world..

:: table


The next direction of this tile, if any.

:: array[SimpleItemStack]

Items that when placed will produce this tile.

:: boolean

False if this tile is not allowed in blueprints regardless of the ability to build it.

:: double

Amount of pollution emissions per second this tile will absorb.

:: boolean

True if building this tile should check for colliding entities above and prevent building if such are found.

:: boolean

Is this object valid?

:: string

The class name of this object.


help() → string

All methods and properties that this object supports.


name :: string [Read]

Name of this prototype.

order :: string [Read]

The string used to alphabetically sort these prototypes. It is a simple string that has no additional semantic meaning.

localised_name :: LocalisedString [Read]

localised_description :: LocalisedString [Read]

collision_mask :: CollisionMask [Read]

The collision mask this tile uses

collision_mask_with_flags :: CollisionMaskWithFlags [Read]

layer :: uint [Read]

autoplace_specification :: AutoplaceSpecification? [Read]

Autoplace specification for this prototype, if any.

walking_speed_modifier :: float [Read]

vehicle_friction_modifier :: float [Read]

map_color :: Color [Read]

decorative_removal_probability :: float [Read]

The probability that decorative entities will be removed from on top of this tile when this tile is generated.

automatic_neighbors :: boolean [Read]

allowed_neighbors :: dictionary[stringLuaTilePrototype] [Read]

needs_correction :: boolean [Read]

If this tile needs correction logic applied when it's generated in the world..

mineable_properties :: table [Read]

Table fields

:: boolean

Is this tile mineable at all?

:: double

Energy required to mine a tile.

:: string?

Prototype name of the particle produced when mining this tile. Will only be present if this tile produces any particle during mining.

:: array[Product]

Products obtained by mining this tile.

next_direction :: LuaTilePrototype? [Read]

The next direction of this tile, if any. Used when a tile has multiple directions (such as hazard concrete)

items_to_place_this :: array[SimpleItemStack] [Read]

Items that when placed will produce this tile. It is a dictionary indexed by the item prototype name. nil (instead of an empty table) if no items can place this tile.

can_be_part_of_blueprint :: boolean [Read]

False if this tile is not allowed in blueprints regardless of the ability to build it.

emissions_per_second :: double [Read]

Amount of pollution emissions per second this tile will absorb.

check_collision_with_entities :: boolean [Read]

True if building this tile should check for colliding entities above and prevent building if such are found. Also during mining tiles above this tile checks for entities colliding with this tile and prevents mining if such are found.

valid :: boolean [Read]

Is this object valid? This Lua object holds a reference to an object within the game engine. It is possible that the game-engine object is removed whilst a mod still holds the corresponding Lua object. If that happens, the object becomes invalid, i.e. this attribute will be false. Mods are advised to check for object validity if any change to the game state might have occurred between the creation of the Lua object and its access.

object_name :: string [Read]

The class name of this object. Available even when valid is false. For LuaStruct objects it may also be suffixed with a dotted path to a member of the struct.






Builtin types
