
A crafting recipe prototype.

class LuaRecipePrototype - sort
enabled :: boolean [R] If this recipe prototype is enabled by default (enabled at the beginning of a game).
name :: string [R] Name of the recipe.
localised_name :: LocalisedString [R] Localised name of the recipe.
localised_description :: LocalisedString [R]
category :: string [R] Category of the recipe.
ingredients :: array[Ingredient] [R] Ingredients for this recipe.
products :: array[Product] [R] The results of this recipe.
main_product :: Product [R] The main product of this recipe, nil if no main product is defined.
hidden :: boolean [R] Is the recipe hidden?
hidden_from_flow_stats :: boolean [R] Is the recipe hidden from flow statistics (item/fluid production statistics)?
hidden_from_player_crafting :: boolean [R] Is the recipe hidden from player crafting?
always_show_made_in :: boolean [R] Should this recipe always show "Made in" in the tooltip?
energy :: double [R] Energy required to execute this recipe.
order :: string [R] Order string.
group :: LuaGroup [R] Group of this recipe.
subgroup :: LuaGroup [R] Subgroup of this recipe.
request_paste_multiplier :: uint [R] The multiplier used when this recipe is copied from an assembling machine to a requester chest.
overload_multiplier :: uint [R] Used to determine how many extra items are put into an assembling machine before it's considered "full enough".
allow_inserter_overload :: boolean [R] If the recipe is allowed to have the extra inserter overload bonus applied (4 * stack inserter stack size).
allow_as_intermediate :: boolean [R] If this recipe is enabled for the purpose of intermediate hand-crafting.
allow_intermediates :: boolean [R] If this recipe is allowed to use intermediate recipes when hand-crafting.
show_amount_in_title :: boolean [R] If the amount is shown in the recipe tooltip title when the recipe produces more than 1 product.
always_show_products :: boolean [R] If the products are always shown in the recipe tooltip.
emissions_multiplier :: double [R] The emissions multiplier for this recipe.
allow_decomposition :: boolean [R] Is this recipe allowed to be broken down for the recipe tooltip "Total raw" calculations?
unlock_results :: boolean [R] Is this recipe unlocks the result item(s) so they're shown in filter-select GUIs.
valid :: boolean [R] Is this object valid?
object_name :: string [R] The class name of this object.
help() → string All methods, and properties that this object supports.
enabled :: boolean [Read-only]

If this recipe prototype is enabled by default (enabled at the beginning of a game).

name :: string [Read-only]

Name of the recipe. This can be different than the name of the result items as there could be more recipes to make the same item.

localised_name :: LocalisedString [Read-only]

Localised name of the recipe.

localised_description :: LocalisedString [Read-only]

category :: string [Read-only]

Category of the recipe.

ingredients :: array[Ingredient] [Read-only]

Ingredients for this recipe.

products :: array[Product] [Read-only]

The results of this recipe.

main_product :: Product [Read-only]

The main product of this recipe, nil if no main product is defined.

hidden :: boolean [Read-only]

Is the recipe hidden? Hidden recipe don't show up in the crafting menu.

hidden_from_flow_stats :: boolean [Read-only]

Is the recipe hidden from flow statistics (item/fluid production statistics)?

hidden_from_player_crafting :: boolean [Read-only]

Is the recipe hidden from player crafting? The recipe will still show up for selection in machines.

always_show_made_in :: boolean [Read-only]

Should this recipe always show "Made in" in the tooltip?

energy :: double [Read-only]

Energy required to execute this recipe. This directly affects the crafting time: Recipe's energy is exactly its crafting time in seconds, when crafted in an assembling machine with crafting speed exactly equal to one.

order :: string [Read-only]

Order string. This is used to sort the crafting menu.

group :: LuaGroup [Read-only]

Group of this recipe.

subgroup :: LuaGroup [Read-only]

Subgroup of this recipe.

request_paste_multiplier :: uint [Read-only]

The multiplier used when this recipe is copied from an assembling machine to a requester chest. For each item in the recipe the item count * this value is set in the requester chest.

overload_multiplier :: uint [Read-only]

Used to determine how many extra items are put into an assembling machine before it's considered "full enough".

allow_inserter_overload :: boolean [Read-only]

If the recipe is allowed to have the extra inserter overload bonus applied (4 * stack inserter stack size).

allow_as_intermediate :: boolean [Read-only]

If this recipe is enabled for the purpose of intermediate hand-crafting.

allow_intermediates :: boolean [Read-only]

If this recipe is allowed to use intermediate recipes when hand-crafting.

show_amount_in_title :: boolean [Read-only]

If the amount is shown in the recipe tooltip title when the recipe produces more than 1 product.

always_show_products :: boolean [Read-only]

If the products are always shown in the recipe tooltip.

emissions_multiplier :: double [Read-only]

The emissions multiplier for this recipe.

allow_decomposition :: boolean [Read-only]

Is this recipe allowed to be broken down for the recipe tooltip "Total raw" calculations?

unlock_results :: boolean [Read-only]

Is this recipe unlocks the result item(s) so they're shown in filter-select GUIs.