
All events Every event contains at least the name and tick attributes.
on_ai_command_completed Called when a unit/group completes a command.
on_area_cloned Called when an area of the map is cloned.
on_biter_base_built Called when a biter migration builds a base.
on_brush_cloned Called when a set of positions on the map is cloned.
on_build_base_arrived Called when a defines.command.build_base command reaches its destination, and before building starts.
on_built_entity Called when player builds something.
on_cancelled_deconstruction Called when the deconstruction of an entity is canceled.
on_cancelled_upgrade Called when the upgrade of an entity is canceled.
on_character_corpse_expired Called when a character corpse expires due to timeout or all of the items being removed from it.
on_chart_tag_added Called when a chart tag is created.
on_chart_tag_modified Called when a chart tag is modified by a player.
on_chart_tag_removed Called just before a chart tag is deleted.
on_chunk_charted Called when a chunk is charted or re-charted.
on_chunk_deleted Called when one or more chunks are deleted using LuaSurface::delete_chunk.
on_chunk_generated Called when a chunk is generated.
on_combat_robot_expired Called when a combat robot expires through a lack of energy, or timeout.
on_console_chat Called when someone talks in-game either a player or through the server interface.
on_console_command Called when someone enters a command-like message regardless of it being a valid command.
on_cutscene_waypoint_reached Called when a cutscene is playing, each time it reaches a waypoint in that cutscene.
on_difficulty_settings_changed Called when the map difficulty settings are changed.
on_entity_cloned Called when an entity is cloned.
on_entity_damaged Called when an entity is damaged.
on_entity_died Called when an entity dies.
on_entity_renamed Called after an entity has been renamed either by the player or through script.
on_entity_settings_pasted Called after entity copy-paste is done.
on_entity_spawned Called when an entity is spawned by a EnemySpawner
on_force_cease_fire_changed Called when the a forces cease fire values change.
on_force_created Called when a new force is created using game.create_force()
on_force_friends_changed Called when the a forces friends change.
on_forces_merged Called after two forces have been merged using game.merge_forces().
on_forces_merging Called when two forces are about to be merged using game.merge_forces().
on_game_created_from_scenario Called when a game is created from a scenario.
on_gui_checked_state_changed Called when LuaGuiElement checked state is changed (related to checkboxes and radio buttons).
on_gui_click Called when LuaGuiElement is clicked.
on_gui_closed Called when the player closes the GUI they have open.
on_gui_confirmed Called when a LuaGuiElement is confirmed, for example by pressing Enter in a textfield.
on_gui_elem_changed Called when LuaGuiElement element value is changed (related to choose element buttons).
on_gui_location_changed Called when LuaGuiElement element location is changed (related to frames in player.gui.screen).
on_gui_opened Called when the player opens a GUI.
on_gui_selected_tab_changed Called when LuaGuiElement selected tab is changed (related to tabbed-panes).
on_gui_selection_state_changed Called when LuaGuiElement selection state is changed (related to drop-downs and listboxes).
on_gui_switch_state_changed Called when LuaGuiElement switch state is changed (related to switches).
on_gui_text_changed Called when LuaGuiElement text is changed by the player.
on_gui_value_changed Called when LuaGuiElement slider value is changed (related to the slider element).
on_land_mine_armed Called when a land mine is armed.
on_lua_shortcut Called when a custom Lua shortcut is pressed.
on_marked_for_deconstruction Called when an entity is marked for deconstruction with the Deconstruction planner or via script.
on_marked_for_upgrade Called when an entity is marked for upgrade with the Upgrade planner or via script.
on_market_item_purchased Called after a player purchases some offer from a Market entity.
on_mod_item_opened Called when the player uses the 'Open item GUI' control on an item defined with the 'mod-openable' flag
on_picked_up_item Called when a player picks up an item.
on_player_alt_selected_area Called after a player alt-selects an area with a selection-tool item.
on_player_ammo_inventory_changed Called after a players ammo inventory changed in some way.
on_player_armor_inventory_changed Called after a players armor inventory changed in some way.
on_player_banned Called when a player is banned.
on_player_built_tile Called after a player builds tiles.
on_player_cancelled_crafting Called when a player cancels crafting.
on_player_changed_force Called after a player changes forces.
on_player_changed_position Called when the tile position a player is located at changes.
on_player_changed_surface Called after a player changes surfaces.
on_player_cheat_mode_disabled Called when cheat mode is disabled on a player.
on_player_cheat_mode_enabled Called when cheat mode is enabled on a player.
on_player_configured_blueprint Called when a player clicks the "confirm" button in the configure Blueprint GUI.
on_player_crafted_item Called when the player crafts an item (just before inserting into player's inventory, not clicking the button to craft).
on_player_created Called after the player was created.
on_player_cursor_stack_changed Called after a players cursorstack changed in some way.
on_player_deconstructed_area Called when a player selects an area with a deconstruction planner.
on_player_demoted Called when a player is demoted.
on_player_died Called after a player dies.
on_player_display_resolution_changed Called when the display resolution changes for a given player.
on_player_display_scale_changed Called when the display scale changes for a given player.
on_player_driving_changed_state Called when the player's driving state has changed, this means a player has either entered or left a vehicle.
on_player_dropped_item Called when a player drops an item on the ground.
on_player_fast_transferred Called when a player fast-transfers something to or from an entity.
on_player_gun_inventory_changed Called after a players gun inventory changed in some way.
on_player_joined_game Called after a player joins the game.
on_player_kicked Called when a player is kicked.
on_player_left_game Called after a player leaves the game.
on_player_main_inventory_changed Called after a players main inventory changed in some way.
on_player_mined_entity Called after the results of an entity being mined are collected just before the entity is destroyed.
on_player_mined_item Called when the player mines something.
on_player_mined_tile Called after a player mines tiles.
on_player_muted Called when a player is muted.
on_player_pipette Called when a player invokes the "smart pipette" over an entity.
on_player_placed_equipment Called after the player puts equipment in an equipment grid
on_player_promoted Called when a player is promoted.
on_player_removed Called when a player is removed (deleted) from the game.
on_player_removed_equipment Called after the player removes equipment from an equipment grid
on_player_repaired_entity Called when a player repairs an entity.
on_player_respawned Called after a player respawns.
on_player_rotated_entity Called when the player rotates an entity.
on_player_selected_area Called after a player selects an area with a selection-tool item.
on_player_setup_blueprint Called when a player selects an area with a blueprint.
on_player_toggled_alt_mode Called when a player toggles alt mode, also known as "show entity info".
on_player_toggled_map_editor Called when a player toggles the map editor on or off.
on_player_trash_inventory_changed Called after a players trash inventory changed in some way.
on_player_unbanned Called when a player is un-banned.
on_player_unmuted Called when a player is unmuted.
on_player_used_capsule Called when a player uses a capsule that results in some game action.
on_post_entity_died Called after an entity dies.
on_pre_chunk_deleted Called before one or more chunks are deleted using LuaSurface::delete_chunk.
on_pre_entity_settings_pasted Called before entity copy-paste is done.
on_pre_ghost_deconstructed Called before a ghost entity is destroyed as a result of being marked for deconstruction.
on_pre_player_crafted_item Called when a player queues something to be crafted.
on_pre_player_died Called before a players dies.
on_pre_player_left_game Called before a player leaves the game.
on_pre_player_mined_item Called when the player finishes mining an entity, before the entity is removed from map.
on_pre_player_removed Called before a player is removed (deleted) from the game.
on_pre_robot_exploded_cliff Called directly before a robot explodes cliffs.
on_pre_surface_cleared Called just before a surface is cleared (all entities removed and all chunks deleted).
on_pre_surface_deleted Called just before a surface is deleted.
on_put_item Called when players uses an item to build something.
on_research_finished Called when a research finishes.
on_research_started Called when a technology research starts.
on_resource_depleted Called when a resource entity reaches 0 or its minimum yield for infinite resources.
on_robot_built_entity Called when a construction robot builds an entity.
on_robot_built_tile Called after a robot builds tiles.
on_robot_exploded_cliff Called directly after a robot explodes cliffs.
on_robot_mined Called when a robot mines an entity.
on_robot_mined_entity Called after the results of an entity being mined are collected just before the entity is destroyed.
on_robot_mined_tile Called after a robot mines tiles.
on_robot_pre_mined Called before a robot mines an entity.
on_rocket_launch_ordered Called when a rocket silo is ordered to be launched.
on_rocket_launched Called when the rocket is launched.
on_runtime_mod_setting_changed Called when a runtime mod setting is changed by a player.
on_script_path_request_finished Called when a script path request completes.
on_script_trigger_effect Called when a script trigger effect is triggered.
on_sector_scanned Called when the radar finishes scanning a sector.
on_selected_entity_changed Called after the selected entity changes for a given player.
on_string_translated Called when a translation request generated through LuaPlayer::request_translation is translated.
on_surface_cleared Called just after a surface is cleared (all entities removed and all chunks deleted).
on_surface_created Called when a surface is created.
on_surface_deleted Called after a surface is deleted.
on_surface_imported Called after a surface is imported.
on_surface_renamed Called when a surface is renamed.
on_technology_effects_reset Called when LuaForce::reset_technology_effects is finished.
on_tick It is fired once every tick.
on_train_changed_state Called when a train changes state (started to stopped and vice versa)
on_train_created Called when a new train is created either through disconnecting/connecting an existing one or building a new one.
on_train_schedule_changed Called when a trains schedule is changed either by the player or through script.
on_trigger_created_entity Called when an entity with a trigger prototype (such as capsules) create an entity AND that trigger prototype defined trigger_created_entity="true".
on_trigger_fired_artillery Called when an entity with a trigger prototype (such as capsules) fire an artillery projectile AND that trigger prototype defined trigger_fired_artillery="true".
on_unit_added_to_group Called when a unit is added to a unit group.
on_unit_group_created Called when a new unit group is created, before any members are added to it.
on_unit_group_finished_gathering Called when a unit group finishes gathering and starts executing its command.
on_unit_removed_from_group Called when a unit is removed from a unit group.
script_raised_built A static event mods can use to tell other mods they built something with a script.
script_raised_destroy A static event mods can use to tell other mods they destroyed something with a script.
script_raised_revive A static event mods can use to tell other mods they revived something with a script.
All events

Every event contains at least the name and tick attributes. Other events may include some additional attributes, specific to the event.

name :: Identifier of the event
tick :: uint: Tick the event was generated.

It is fired once every tick. Since this event is fired every tick, its handler shouldn't include performance heavy code.


Called when a unit/group completes a command.

unit_number :: uint: unit_number/group_number of the unit/group which just completed a command.

Called when an area of the map is cloned.

source_surface :: LuaSurface
source_area :: BoundingBox
destination_surface :: LuaSurface
destination_area :: BoundingBox
destination_force :: LuaForce (optional)
clone_tiles :: boolean
clone_entities :: boolean
clone_decoratives :: boolean
clear_destination_entities :: boolean
clear_destination_decoratives :: boolean

Called when a biter migration builds a base.

entity :: LuaEntity: The built entity.
Note: This will be called multiple times as each biter in a given migration is sacrificed and builds part of the base.

Called when a set of positions on the map is cloned.

source_offset :: TilePosition
destination_offset :: TilePosition
source_surface :: LuaSurface
source_positions :: array of TilePosition
destination_surface :: LuaSurface
destination_force :: LuaForce (optional)
clone_tiles :: boolean
clone_entities :: boolean
clone_decoratives :: boolean
clear_destination_entities :: boolean
clear_destination_decoratives :: boolean

Called when a defines.command.build_base command reaches its destination, and before building starts.

unit :: LuaEntity: The unit the command was assigned to, or nil
group :: LuaUnitGroup: The unit group the command was assigned to, or nil.

Called when player builds something. Can be filtered using LuaPlayerBuiltEntityEventFilters

created_entity :: LuaEntity
player_index :: uint
stack :: LuaItemStack
item :: LuaItemPrototype (optional): The item prototype used to build the entity. Note this won't exist in some situations (built from blueprint, undo, etc).
tags :: Tags (optional): The tags associated with this entity if any.

Called when the deconstruction of an entity is canceled. Can be filtered using LuaEntityDeconstructionCancelledEventFilters

entity :: LuaEntity
player_index :: uint (optional)

Called when the upgrade of an entity is canceled. Can be filtered using LuaUpgradeCancelledEventFilters

entity :: LuaEntity
player_index :: uint (optional)

Called when a character corpse expires due to timeout or all of the items being removed from it.

corpse :: LuaEntity: The corpse.
Note: this is not called if the corpse is mined. See to detect that.

Called when a chart tag is created.

force :: LuaForce
player_index :: uint (optional)

Called when a chart tag is modified by a player.

player_index :: uint (optional)
force :: LuaForce
old_text :: string
old_icon :: SignalID
old_player_index :: uint (optional)

Called just before a chart tag is deleted.

force :: LuaForce
player_index :: uint (optional)

Called when a chunk is charted or re-charted.

surface_index :: uint
position :: ChunkPosition
area :: BoundingBox: Area of the chunk.
force :: LuaForce

Called when one or more chunks are deleted using LuaSurface::delete_chunk.

surface_index :: uint
positions :: array of ChunkPosition: The chunks deleted.

Called when a chunk is generated.

area :: BoundingBox: Area of the chunk.
position :: ChunkPosition: Position of the chunk.
surface :: LuaSurface: The surface the chunk is on.

Called when a combat robot expires through a lack of energy, or timeout.

robot :: LuaEntity
owner :: LuaEntity (optional): The entity that owns the robot if any.

Called when someone talks in-game either a player or through the server interface.

player_index :: uint (optional): The player if any.
message :: string: The chat message.

Called when someone enters a command-like message regardless of it being a valid command.

player_index :: uint (optional): The player if any.
command :: string: The command as typed without the preceding forward slash ('/').
parameters :: string: The parameters provided if any.

Called when a cutscene is playing, each time it reaches a waypoint in that cutscene.

This refers to an index in the table previously passed to set_controller which started the cutscene.

player_index :: uint: The player index of the player viewing the cutscene.
waypoint_index :: uint: The index of the waypoint we just completed.

Called when the map difficulty settings are changed.

old_recipe_difficulty :: uint
old_technology_difficulty :: uint
Note: It's not guaranteed that both settings are changed - just that at least one has been changed.

Called when an entity is cloned.

source :: LuaEntity
destination :: LuaEntity

Called when an entity is damaged. Can be filtered using LuaEntityDamagedEventFilters

entity :: LuaEntity
damage_type :: LuaDamagePrototype
original_damage_amount :: float
final_damage_amount :: float
cause :: LuaEntity (optional): The entity that did the attacking if available.
force :: LuaForce (optional): The force that did the attacking if any.
Note: This is not called when an entities health is set directly by another mod.

Called when an entity dies. Can be filtered using LuaEntityDiedEventFilters

entity :: LuaEntity
cause :: LuaEntity (optional): The entity that did the killing if available.
loot :: LuaInventory: The loot generated by this entity if any.
force :: LuaForce (optional): The force that did the killing if any.

Called after an entity has been renamed either by the player or through script.

player_index :: uint (optional): If by_script is true this will not be included.
by_script :: boolean
entity :: LuaEntity
old_name :: string

Called after entity copy-paste is done.

player_index :: uint
source :: LuaEntity: The source entity settings have been copied from.
destination :: LuaEntity: The destination entity settings have been copied to.

Called when an entity is spawned by a EnemySpawner

spawner :: LuaEntity
entity :: LuaEntity

Called when the a forces cease fire values change.

force :: LuaForce: The force who's cease fire changed.
other_force :: LuaForce: Which force was added or removed.
added :: boolean: If the other force was added or removed.

Called when a new force is created using game.create_force()

force :: LuaForce: The newly created force.

Called when the a forces friends change.

force :: LuaForce: The force who's friends changed.
other_force :: LuaForce: Which force was added or removed.
added :: boolean: If the other force was added or removed.

Called after two forces have been merged using game.merge_forces().

source_name :: string: The force destroyed.
source_index :: uint: The index of the destroyed force.
destination :: LuaForce: The force entities where reassigned to.
Note: The source force is invalidated before this event is called and the name can be re-used in this event if desired.

Called when two forces are about to be merged using game.merge_forces().

source :: LuaForce: The force to be destroyed
destination :: LuaForce: The force to reassign entities to.

Called when a game is created from a scenario.


Called when LuaGuiElement checked state is changed (related to checkboxes and radio buttons).

element :: LuaGuiElement: The element whose checked state changed.
player_index :: uint: The player who did the change.

Called when LuaGuiElement is clicked.

element :: LuaGuiElement: The clicked element.
player_index :: uint: The player who did the clicking.
button :: defines.mouse_button_type: The mouse button used if any.
alt :: boolean: If alt was pressed.
control :: boolean: If control was pressed.
shift :: boolean: If shift was pressed.

Called when the player closes the GUI they have open.

player_index :: uint: The player.
gui_type :: defines.gui_type: The GUI type that was open.
entity :: LuaEntity (optional): The entity that was open
item :: LuaItemStack (optional): The item that was open
equipment :: LuaEquipment (optional): The equipment that was open
other_player :: LuaPlayer (optional): The other player that was open
element :: LuaGuiElement (optional): The custom GUI element that was open
technology :: LuaTechnology (optional): The technology that was automatically selected when opening the research GUI
tile_position :: TilePosition (optional): The tile position that was open
Note: This is only called if the player explicitly closed the GUI.
Note: It's not advised to open any other GUI during this event because if this is run as a request to open a different GUI the game will force close the new opened GUI without notice to ensure the original requested GUI is opened.

Called when a LuaGuiElement is confirmed, for example by pressing Enter in a textfield.

element :: LuaGuiElement: The confirmed element.
player_index :: uint: The player who did the confirming.
alt :: boolean: If alt was pressed.
control :: boolean: If control was pressed.
shift :: boolean: If shift was pressed.

Called when LuaGuiElement element value is changed (related to choose element buttons).

element :: LuaGuiElement: The element whose element value changed.
player_index :: uint: The player who did the change.

Called when LuaGuiElement element location is changed (related to frames in player.gui.screen).

element :: LuaGuiElement: The element whose location changed.
player_index :: uint: The player who did the change.

Called when the player opens a GUI.

player_index :: uint: The player.
gui_type :: defines.gui_type: The GUI type that was opened.
entity :: LuaEntity (optional): The entity that was opened
item :: LuaItemStack (optional): The item that was opened
equipment :: LuaEquipment (optional): The equipment that was opened
other_player :: LuaPlayer (optional): The other player that was opened
element :: LuaGuiElement (optional): The custom GUI element that was opened

Called when LuaGuiElement selected tab is changed (related to tabbed-panes).

element :: LuaGuiElement: The tabbed pane whose selected tab changed.
player_index :: uint: The player who did the change.

Called when LuaGuiElement selection state is changed (related to drop-downs and listboxes).

element :: LuaGuiElement: The element whose selection state changed.
player_index :: uint: The player who did the change.

Called when LuaGuiElement switch state is changed (related to switches).

element :: LuaGuiElement: The switch whose switch state changed.
player_index :: uint: The player who did the change.

Called when LuaGuiElement text is changed by the player.

element :: LuaGuiElement: The edited element.
player_index :: uint: The player who did the edit.

Called when LuaGuiElement slider value is changed (related to the slider element).

element :: LuaGuiElement: The element whose value changed.
player_index :: uint: The player who did the change.

Called when a land mine is armed.

mine :: LuaEntity

Called when a custom Lua shortcut is pressed.

player_index :: uint
prototype_name :: string: Shortcut prototype name of the shortcut that was clicked.

Called when an entity is marked for deconstruction with the Deconstruction planner or via script. Can be filtered using LuaEntityMarkedForDeconstructionEventFilters

entity :: LuaEntity
player_index :: uint (optional)

Called when an entity is marked for upgrade with the Upgrade planner or via script. Can be filtered using LuaEntityMarkedForUpgradeEventFilters

entity :: LuaEntity
player_index :: uint (optional)

Called after a player purchases some offer from a Market entity.

player_index :: uint: The player who did the purchasing.
market :: LuaEntity: The market entity.
offer_index :: uint: The index of the offer purchased.
count :: uint: The count of offers purchased.

Called when the player uses the 'Open item GUI' control on an item defined with the 'mod-openable' flag

player_index :: uint: The player.
item :: LuaItemPrototype: The item clicked on.

Called when a player picks up an item.

item_stack :: SimpleItemStack
player_index :: uint

Called after a player alt-selects an area with a selection-tool item.

player_index :: uint: The player doing the selection.
area :: BoundingBox: The area selected.
item :: string: The item used to select the area.
entities :: array of LuaEntity: The entities selected.
tiles :: array of LuaTile: The tiles selected.

Called after a players ammo inventory changed in some way.

player_index :: uint

Called after a players armor inventory changed in some way.

player_index :: uint

Called when a player is banned.

player_index :: uint (optional): The player banned.
player_name :: string: The banned player name.
by_player :: uint (optional): The player that did the banning if any.
reason :: string (optional): The reason given if any.

Called after a player builds tiles.

player_index :: uint
surface_index :: uint: The surface the tile(s) were built on.
tiles :: array of OldTileAndPosition: The position data.
tile :: LuaTilePrototype: The tile prototype that was placed.
item :: LuaItemPrototype (optional): The item type used to build the tiles
stack :: LuaItemStack (optional): The stack used to build the tiles (may be empty if all of the items where used to build the tiles).

Called when a player cancels crafting.

player_index :: uint
items :: LuaInventory
recipe :: LuaRecipe
cancel_count :: uint

Called after a player changes forces.

player_index :: uint: The player who changed forces.
force :: LuaForce: The old force.

Called when the tile position a player is located at changes.

player_index :: uint: The player.

Called after a player changes surfaces.

player_index :: uint: The player who changed surfaces.
surface_index :: uint: The surface index the player was on.
Note: In the instance a player is moved off a surface due to it being deleted this is not called.

Called when cheat mode is disabled on a player.

player_index :: uint: The player.

Called when cheat mode is enabled on a player.

player_index :: uint: The player.

Called when a player clicks the "confirm" button in the configure Blueprint GUI.

player_index :: uint: The player.

Called when the player crafts an item (just before inserting into player's inventory, not clicking the button to craft). It is called for each item crafted as well as what was clicked.

item_stack :: LuaItemStack: The crafted item
player_index :: uint: The player who did the crafting
recipe :: LuaRecipe: The recipe that resulted in this item being crafted

Called after the player was created.

player_index :: uint

Called after a players cursorstack changed in some way.

player_index :: uint

Called when a player selects an area with a deconstruction planner.

player_index :: uint: The player doing the selection.
area :: BoundingBox: The area selected.
item :: string: The item used to select the area.
alt :: boolean: If normal selection or alt selection was used.

Called when a player is demoted.

player_index :: uint: The player.

Called after a player dies.

player_index :: uint
cause :: LuaEntity (optional)

Called when the display resolution changes for a given player.

player_index :: uint: The player
old_resolution :: DisplayResolution: The old display resolution

Called when the display scale changes for a given player.

player_index :: uint: The player
old_scale :: double: The old display scale

Called when the player's driving state has changed, this means a player has either entered or left a vehicle.

player_index :: uint
entity :: LuaEntity (optional): The vehicle if any.

Called when a player drops an item on the ground.

player_index :: uint
entity :: LuaEntity: The item-on-ground entity.

Called when a player fast-transfers something to or from an entity.

player_index :: uint
entity :: LuaEntity
from_player :: boolean: If the transfer was from player to entity or entity to player.

Called after a players gun inventory changed in some way.

player_index :: uint

Called after a player joins the game.

player_index :: uint

Called when a player is kicked.

player_index :: uint: The player kicked.
by_player :: uint (optional): The player that did the kicking if any.
reason :: string (optional): The reason given if any.

Called after a player leaves the game.

player_index :: uint

Called after a players main inventory changed in some way.

player_index :: uint

Called after the results of an entity being mined are collected just before the entity is destroyed. After this event any items in the buffer will be transferred into the player as if they came from mining the entity. Can be filtered using LuaPlayerMinedEntityEventFilters

player_index :: uint: The index of the player doing the mining.
entity :: LuaEntity: The entity that has been mined.
buffer :: LuaInventory: The temporary inventory that holds the result of mining the entity.
Note: The buffer inventory is special in that it's only valid during this event and has a dynamic size expanding as more items are transferred into it.

Called when the player mines something.

item_stack :: SimpleItemStack: The item given to the player
player_index :: uint

Called after a player mines tiles.

player_index :: uint
surface_index :: uint: The surface the tile(s) were mined from.
tiles :: array of OldTileAndPosition: The position data.

Called when a player is muted.

player_index :: uint: The player.

Called when a player invokes the "smart pipette" over an entity.

player_index :: uint: The player
item :: LuaItemPrototype: The item put in the cursor
used_cheat_mode :: boolean: If cheat mode was used to give a free stack of the item.

Called after the player puts equipment in an equipment grid

player_index :: uint
equipment :: LuaEquipment: The equipment put in the equipment grid.
grid :: LuaEquipmentGrid: The equipment grid the equipment was put in.

Called when a player is promoted.

player_index :: uint: The player.

Called when a player is removed (deleted) from the game. Not to be confused with the player logging of this is different in that the player is deleted as if he never existed in the save file.

player_index :: uint: The player index that was removed

Called after the player removes equipment from an equipment grid

player_index :: uint
grid :: LuaEquipmentGrid: The equipment grid removed from.
equipment :: string: The equipment removed.
count :: uint: The count of equipment removed.

Called when a player repairs an entity. Can be filtered using LuaPlayerRepairedEntityEventFilters

player_index :: uint
entity :: LuaEntity

Called after a player respawns.

player_index :: uint
player_port :: LuaEntity (optional): The player port used to respawn if one was used.

Called when the player rotates an entity. This event is only fired when the entity actually changes its orientation -- pressing the rotate key on an entity that can't be rotated won't fire this event.

entity :: LuaEntity: The rotated entity.
previous_direction :: defines.direction: The previous direction
player_index :: uint

Called after a player selects an area with a selection-tool item.

player_index :: uint: The player doing the selection.
area :: BoundingBox: The area selected.
item :: string: The item used to select the area.
entities :: array of LuaEntity: The entities selected.
tiles :: array of LuaTile: The tiles selected.

Called when a player selects an area with a blueprint.

player_index :: uint: The player doing the selection.
area :: BoundingBox: The area selected.
item :: string: The item used to select the area.
alt :: boolean: If normal selection or alt selection was used.
mapping :: LazyLoadedValue (dictionary uintLuaEntity): The blueprint entity index to source entity mapping. Note: if any mod changes the blueprint this will be incorrect.

Called when a player toggles alt mode, also known as "show entity info".

player_index :: uint

Called when a player toggles the map editor on or off.

player_index :: uint

Called after a players trash inventory changed in some way.

player_index :: uint

Called when a player is un-banned.

player_index :: uint (optional): The player un-banned.
player_name :: string: The player name un-banned.
by_player :: uint (optional): The player that did the un-banning if any.
reason :: string (optional): The reason the player was banned if any.

Called when a player is unmuted.

player_index :: uint: The player.

Called when a player uses a capsule that results in some game action.

player_index :: uint: The player.
item :: LuaItemPrototype: The capsule item used.
position :: Position: The position the capsule was used.

Called after an entity dies. Can be filtered using LuaPostEntityDiedEventFilters

ghost :: LuaEntity (optional): The ghost created by the entity dying if any.
force :: LuaForce (optional): The force that did the killing if any.
position :: Position: Position where the entity died.
prototype :: LuaEntityPrototype: The entity prototype of the entity that died.
corpses :: array of LuaEntity: The corpses created by the entity dying if any.
surface_index :: uint: The surface the entity was on.
unit_number :: uint (optional): The unit number the entity had if any.

Called before one or more chunks are deleted using LuaSurface::delete_chunk.

surface_index :: uint
positions :: array of ChunkPosition: The chunks to be deleted.

Called before entity copy-paste is done.

player_index :: uint
source :: LuaEntity: The source entity settings will be copied from.
destination :: LuaEntity: The destination entity settings will be copied to.

Called before a ghost entity is destroyed as a result of being marked for deconstruction. Can be filtered using LuaPreGhostDeconstructedEventFilters

player_index :: uint (optional): The player that did the deconstruction if any.
ghost :: LuaEntity

Called when a player queues something to be crafted.

player_index :: uint: The player.
recipe :: LuaRecipe: The recipe.
items :: LuaInventory: The items removed from the players inventory to do the crafting.

Called before a players dies.

player_index :: uint
cause :: LuaEntity (optional)

Called before a player leaves the game.

player_index :: uint

Called when the player finishes mining an entity, before the entity is removed from map. Can be filtered using LuaPrePlayerMinedEntityEventFilters

entity :: LuaEntity: The entity being mined
player_index :: uint

Called before a player is removed (deleted) from the game. Not to be confused with the player logging of this is different in that the player is deleted as if he never existed in the save file.

player_index :: uint: The player index that will be removed

Called directly before a robot explodes cliffs.

robot :: LuaEntity
cliff :: LuaEntity
item :: LuaItemPrototype: The cliff explosive used.

Called just before a surface is cleared (all entities removed and all chunks deleted).

surface_index :: uint

Called just before a surface is deleted.

surface_index :: uint

Called when players uses an item to build something. Called before on_built_entity.

position :: Position: Where the item was placed.
player_index :: uint: The player who did the placing.
shift_build :: boolean: Item was placed using shift building.
built_by_moving :: boolean: Item was placed while moving.
direction :: defines.direction: The direction the item was facing when placed.

Called when a research finishes.

research :: LuaTechnology: The researched technology
by_script :: boolean: If the technology was researched by script.

Called when a technology research starts.

research :: LuaTechnology: The technology being researched
last_research :: LuaTechnology (optional)

Called when a resource entity reaches 0 or its minimum yield for infinite resources.

entity :: LuaEntity

Called when a construction robot builds an entity. Can be filtered using LuaRobotBuiltEntityEventFilters

robot :: LuaEntity: The robot that did the building.
created_entity :: LuaEntity: The entity built.
stack :: LuaItemStack: The item used to do the building.
tags :: Tags (optional): The tags associated with this entity if any.

Called after a robot builds tiles.

robot :: LuaEntity: The robot.
tiles :: array of OldTileAndPosition: The position data.
tile :: LuaTilePrototype: The tile prototype that was placed.
item :: LuaItemPrototype: The item type used to build the tiles.
stack :: LuaItemStack: The stack used to build the tiles (may be empty if all of the items where used to build the tiles).
surface_index :: uint: The surface the tile(s) are build on.

Called directly after a robot explodes cliffs.

robot :: LuaEntity
item :: LuaItemPrototype: The cliff explosive used.

Called when a robot mines an entity.

robot :: LuaEntity: The robot that did the mining.
item_stack :: SimpleItemStack: The entity the robot just picked up.

Called after the results of an entity being mined are collected just before the entity is destroyed. After this event any items in the buffer will be transferred into the robot as if they came from mining the entity. Can be filtered using LuaRobotMinedEntityEventFilters

robot :: LuaEntity: The robot doing the mining.
entity :: LuaEntity: The entity that has been mined.
buffer :: LuaInventory: The temporary inventory that holds the result of mining the entity.
Note: The buffer inventory is special in that it's only valid during this event and has a dynamic size expanding as more items are transferred into it.

Called after a robot mines tiles.

robot :: LuaEntity: The robot.
tiles :: array of OldTileAndPosition: The position data.
surface_index :: uint: The surface the tile(s) were mined on.

Called before a robot mines an entity. Can be filtered using LuaPreRobotMinedEntityEventFilters

robot :: LuaEntity: The robot that's about to do the mining.
entity :: LuaEntity: The entity which is about to be mined.

Called when a rocket silo is ordered to be launched.

rocket :: LuaEntity
rocket_silo :: LuaEntity
player_index :: uint (optional): The player that is riding the rocket, if any.

Called when the rocket is launched.

rocket :: LuaEntity
rocket_silo :: LuaEntity (optional)
player_index :: uint (optional): The player that is riding the rocket, if any.

Called when a runtime mod setting is changed by a player.

player_index :: uint: The player who changed the setting or nil if changed by script.
setting :: string: The setting name that changed.
setting_type :: string: The setting type: "runtime-per-user", or "runtime-global".

Called when a script path request completes. LuaSurface::request_path

Each Waypoint is a table:

  • position :: Position
  • needs_destroy_to_reach :: boolean: true if the path from the previous Waypoint to this one goes through an entity that must be destroyed.

path will be nil if pathfinding failed.

path :: array of Waypoint (optional)
id :: uint: Handle to associate the callback with a particular call to LuaSurface::request_path.
try_again_later :: boolean: Indicates that the pathfinder failed because it is too busy, and you can retry later.

Called when a script trigger effect is triggered.

effect_id :: string: The effect_id specified in the trigger effect.
surface_index :: uint: The surface the effect happened on.
source_position :: Position (optional)
source_entity :: LuaEntity (optional)
target_position :: Position (optional)
target_entity :: LuaEntity (optional)

Called when the radar finishes scanning a sector.

radar :: LuaEntity: The radar that did the scanning.
chunk_position :: ChunkPosition: The chunk scanned.
area :: BoundingBox: Area of the scanned chunk.

Called after the selected entity changes for a given player.

player_index :: uint: The player whose selected entity changed.
last_entity :: LuaEntity (optional): The last selected entity if it still exists and there was one.

Called when a translation request generated through LuaPlayer::request_translation is translated.

player_index :: uint
localised_string :: LocalisedString
result :: string
translated :: boolean

Called just after a surface is cleared (all entities removed and all chunks deleted).

surface_index :: uint

Called when a surface is created.

surface_index :: uint
Note: This is not called when the default surface is created as it will always exist.

Called after a surface is deleted.

surface_index :: uint

Called after a surface is imported.

surface_index :: uint
original_name :: string: The original surface name.

Called when a surface is renamed.

surface_index :: uint
old_name :: string
new_name :: string

Called when LuaForce::reset_technology_effects is finished.

force :: LuaForce

Called when a train changes state (started to stopped and vice versa)

train :: LuaTrain
old_state :: defines.train_state

Called when a new train is created either through disconnecting/connecting an existing one or building a new one.

train :: LuaTrain
old_train_id_1 :: uint (optional): The first old train id when splitting/merging trains.
old_train_id_2 :: uint (optional): The second old train id when splitting/merging trains.

Called when a trains schedule is changed either by the player or through script.

train :: LuaTrain
player_index :: uint (optional): The player who made the change if any.

Called when an entity with a trigger prototype (such as capsules) create an entity AND that trigger prototype defined trigger_created_entity="true".

entity :: LuaEntity
source :: LuaEntity (optional)

Called when an entity with a trigger prototype (such as capsules) fire an artillery projectile AND that trigger prototype defined trigger_fired_artillery="true".

entity :: LuaEntity
source :: LuaEntity (optional)

Called when a unit is added to a unit group.

unit :: LuaEntity
group :: LuaUnitGroup

Called when a new unit group is created, before any members are added to it.

group :: LuaUnitGroup

Called when a unit group finishes gathering and starts executing its command.

group :: LuaUnitGroup

Called when a unit is removed from a unit group.

unit :: LuaEntity
group :: LuaUnitGroup

A static event mods can use to tell other mods they built something with a script. This is event is only raised if a mod uses it with script.raise_event() or when 'raise_built' is passed to LuaSurface::create_entity.

entity :: LuaEntity

A static event mods can use to tell other mods they destroyed something with a script. This is event is only raised if a mod uses it with script.raise_event() or when 'raise_destroy' is passed to LuaEntity::destroy.

entity :: LuaEntity

A static event mods can use to tell other mods they revived something with a script. This is event is only raised if a mod uses it with script.raise_event() or when 'raise_revive' is passed to LuaEntity::revive.

entity :: LuaEntity
tags :: Tags (optional): The tags associated with this entity if any.