
This is a list of all Lua classes defined by Factorio.

class LuaAISettings - sort
allow_destroy_when_commands_fail :: boolean [RW] If enabled, units that repeatedly fail to succeed at commands will be destroyed.
allow_try_return_to_spawner :: boolean [RW] If enabled, units that have nothing else to do will attempt to return to a spawner.
do_separation :: boolean [RW] If enabled, units will try to separate themselves from nearby friendly units.
path_resolution_modifier :: boolean [RW] The pathing resolution modifier.
valid :: boolean [R] Is this object valid?
help() → string All methods, and properties that this object supports.
class LuaAmmoCategoryPrototype - sort
name :: string [R] Name of this prototype.
order :: string [R] Order string of this prototype.
localised_name :: LocalisedString [R]
localised_description :: LocalisedString [R]
bonus_gui_order :: string [R]
valid :: boolean [R] Is this object valid?
help() → string All methods, and properties that this object supports.
class LuaAutoplaceControlPrototype - sort
name :: string [R] Name of this prototype.
order :: string [R] Order string of this prototype.
localised_name :: LocalisedString [R]
localised_description :: LocalisedString [R]
richness :: boolean [R]
control_order :: string [R]
valid :: boolean [R] Is this object valid?
help() → string All methods, and properties that this object supports.
class LuaBootstrap - sort
on_init(f) Register a callback to be run on mod init.
on_load(f) Register a function to be run on module load.
on_configuration_changed(f) Register a function to be run when mod configuration changes.
on_event(event, f) Register a handler to run on event or events.
on_nth_tick(tick, f) Register a handler to run on nth tick(s).
generate_event_name() → uint Generate a new, unique event ID.
get_event_handler(event) Find the event handler for an event.
raise_event(event, table) Raise an event.
get_event_order() Gets the mod event order.
mod_name :: string [R] The name of the mod from the environment this is used in.
class LuaBurner - sort
owner :: LuaEntity or LuaEquipment [R] The owner of this burner energy source
inventory :: LuaInventory [R] The fuel inventory.
burnt_result_inventory :: LuaInventory [R] The burnt result inventory.
heat :: double [RW]
heat_capacity :: double [R]
remaining_burning_fuel :: double [RW]
currently_burning :: LuaItemPrototype [RW]
fuel_categories :: dictionary stringboolean [R] The fuel categories this burner uses.
valid :: boolean [R] Is this object valid?
help() → string All methods, and properties that this object supports.
class LuaBurnerPrototype - sort
emissions :: double [R]
render_no_network_icon :: boolean [R]
render_no_power_icon :: boolean [R]
effectivity :: double [R]
fuel_inventory_size :: uint [R]
burnt_inventory_size :: uint [R]
smoke :: array of table [R] The smoke sources for this burner prototype if any.
light_flicker :: table [R] The light flicker definition for this burner prototype if any.
fuel_categories :: dictionary stringboolean [R]
valid :: boolean [R] Is this object valid?
help() → string All methods, and properties that this object supports.
class LuaChunkIterator - sort
operator ()() → ChunkPosition Get the next chunk position or nil, and increments the iterator.
valid :: boolean [R] Is this object valid?
help() → string All methods, and properties that this object supports.
class LuaCircuitNetwork - sort
get_signal(signal) → int
entity :: LuaEntity [R] The entity this circuit network reference is associated with
wire_type :: defines.wire_type [R] The wire type this network is associated with.
circuit_connector_id :: defines.circuit_connector_id [R] The circuit connector ID on the associated entity this network was gotten from.
signals :: array of Signal [R] The circuit network signals last tick.
network_id :: uint [R] The circuit networks ID.
valid :: boolean [R] Is this object valid?
help() → string All methods, and properties that this object supports.
class LuaCommandProcessor - sort
add_command(name, help, function) Add a command.
remove_command(string) → boolean Removes a registered command
commands :: dictionary stringLocalisedString [R] Commands registered by scripts through LuaCommandProcessor.
game_commands :: dictionary stringLocalisedString [R] Builtin commands of the core game.
class LuaControl - sort
get_inventory(inventory) → LuaInventory Get an inventory belonging to this entity.
get_main_inventory() → LuaInventory Gets the main inventory for this character or player if this is a character or player.
can_insert(items) → boolean Can at least some items be inserted?
insert(items) → uint Insert items into this entity.
set_gui_arrow{type=…} Create an arrow which points at this entity.
clear_gui_arrow() Removes the arrow created by set_gui_arrow.
get_item_count(item) → uint Get the number of all or some items in this entity.
has_items_inside() → boolean Does this entity have any item inside it?
can_reach_entity(entity) → boolean Can a given entity be opened or accessed?
clear_items_inside() Remove all items from this entity.
remove_item(items) → uint Remove items from this entity.
teleport(position, surface) → boolean Teleport the entity to a given position, possibly on another surface.
update_selected_entity(position) Select an entity, as if by hovering the mouse above it.
clear_selected_entity() Unselect any selected entity.
disable_flashlight() Disable the flashlight.
enable_flashlight() Enable the flashlight.
get_craftable_count(recipe) → uint Gets the count of the given recipe that can be crafted.
begin_crafting{count=…, recipe=…, silent=…} → uint Begins crafting the given count of the given recipe
cancel_crafting(options) Cancels crafting the given count of the given crafting queue index
mine_entity(entity, force) → boolean Mines the given entity as if this player (or character) mined it.
mine_tile(tile) → boolean Mines the given tile as if this player (or character) mined it.
is_player() → boolean When true control adapter is a LuaPlayer object, false for entities including characters with players
surface :: LuaSurface [R] The surface this entity is currently on.
position :: Position [R] Current position of the entity.
vehicle :: LuaEntity [R] The vehicle the player is currently sitting in; nil if none.
force :: ForceSpecification [RW] The force of this entity.
selected :: LuaEntity [RW] The currently selected entity; nil if none.
opened :: LuaEntity or LuaItemStack or LuaEquipment or LuaEquipmentGrid or LuaGuiElement or defines.gui_type [RW] The GUI target the player currently has open; nil if none.
crafting_queue_size :: uint [R] Size of the crafting queue.
walking_state :: table [RW] Current walking state.
riding_state :: RidingState [RW] Current riding state of this car or the vehicle this player is riding in.
mining_state :: table [RW] Current mining state.
shooting_state :: table [RW] Current shooting state.
picking_state :: boolean [RW] Current item-picking state.
repair_state :: table [RW] Current repair state.
cursor_stack :: LuaItemStack [R] The player's cursor stack.
driving :: boolean [RW] true if the player is in a vehicle.
crafting_queue :: array of CraftingQueueItem [R] Gets the current crafting queue items.
following_robots :: array of LuaEntity [R] The current combat robots following the character
cheat_mode :: boolean [RW] When true hand crafting is free and instant
character_crafting_speed_modifier :: double [RW]
character_mining_speed_modifier :: double [RW]
character_additional_mining_categories :: array of string [RW]
character_running_speed_modifier :: double [RW]
character_build_distance_bonus :: uint [RW]
character_item_drop_distance_bonus :: uint [RW]
character_reach_distance_bonus :: uint [RW]
character_resource_reach_distance_bonus :: uint [RW]
character_item_pickup_distance_bonus :: uint [RW]
character_loot_pickup_distance_bonus :: uint [RW]
character_inventory_slots_bonus :: uint [RW]
character_logistic_slot_count_bonus :: uint [RW]
character_trash_slot_count_bonus :: uint [RW]
character_maximum_following_robot_count_bonus :: uint [RW]
character_health_bonus :: float [RW]
auto_trash_filters :: dictionary stringuint [RW] The auto-trash filters.
opened_gui_type :: defines.gui_type [R] Returns the defines.gui_type or nil.
build_distance :: uint [R] The build distance of this character or max uint when not a character or player connected to a character.
drop_item_distance :: uint [R] The item drop distance of this character or max uint when not a character or player connected to a character.
reach_distance :: uint [R] The reach distance of this character or max uint when not a character or player connected to a character.
item_pickup_distance :: double [R] The item pickup distance of this character or max double when not a character or player connected to a character.
loot_pickup_distance :: double [R] The loot pickup distance of this character or max double when not a character or player connected to a character.
resource_reach_distance :: double [R] The resource reach distance of this character or max double when not a character or player connected to a character.
in_combat :: boolean [R] If this character entity is in combat.
character_running_speed :: double [R] Gets the current movement speed of this character, including effects from exoskeletons, tiles, stickers and shooting.
class LuaControlBehavior - sort
get_circuit_network(wire, circuit_connector) → LuaCircuitNetwork
type :: defines.control_behavior.type [R] The concrete type of this control behavior.
entity :: LuaEntity [R] The entity this control behavior belongs to.
class LuaAccumulatorControlBehavior extends LuaControlBehavior - sort
output_signal :: SignalID [RW]
valid :: boolean [R] Is this object valid?
help() → string All methods, and properties that this object supports.
class LuaCombinatorControlBehavior extends LuaControlBehavior - sort
get_signal_last_tick(signal) → int Gets the value of a specific signal sent by this combinator behavior last tick or nil if the signal didn't exist.
signals_last_tick :: array of Signal [R] The circuit network signals sent by this combinator last tick.
class LuaConstantCombinatorControlBehavior extends LuaControlBehavior - sort
set_signal(index, signal) Sets the signal at the given index
get_signal(index) → Signal Gets the signal at the given index.
parameters :: ConstantCombinatorParameters [RW] The constant combinator parameters
enabled :: boolean [RW] Turns this constant combinator on and off.
signals_count :: uint [R] The number of signals this constant combinator supports
valid :: boolean [R] Is this object valid?
help() → string All methods, and properties that this object supports.
class LuaContainerControlBehavior extends LuaControlBehavior - sort
valid :: boolean [R] Is this object valid?
help() → string All methods, and properties that this object supports.
class LuaGenericOnOffControlBehavior extends LuaControlBehavior - sort
disabled :: boolean [R] If the entity is currently disabled because of the control behavior.
circuit_condition :: CircuitConditionSpecification [RW] The circuit condition.
logistic_condition :: CircuitConditionSpecification [RW] The logistic condition.
connect_to_logistic_network :: boolean [RW] true if this should connect to the logistic network.
valid :: boolean [R] Is this object valid?
help() → string All methods, and properties that this object supports.
class LuaLogisticContainerControlBehavior extends LuaControlBehavior - sort
circuit_mode_of_operation :: defines.control_behavior.logistic_container.circuit_mode_of_operation [RW] The circuit mode of operations for the logistic container.
valid :: boolean [R] Is this object valid?
help() → string All methods, and properties that this object supports.
class LuaProgrammableSpeakerControlBehavior extends LuaControlBehavior - sort
circuit_parameters :: ProgrammableSpeakerCircuitParameters [RW]
circuit_condition :: CircuitConditionSpecification [RW]
valid :: boolean [R] Is this object valid?
help() → string All methods, and properties that this object supports.
class LuaRailChainSignalControlBehavior extends LuaControlBehavior - sort
red_signal :: SignalID [RW]
orange_signal :: SignalID [RW]
green_signal :: SignalID [RW]
blue_signal :: SignalID [RW]
valid :: boolean [R] Is this object valid?
help() → string All methods, and properties that this object supports.
class LuaRailSignalControlBehavior extends LuaControlBehavior - sort
red_signal :: SignalID [RW]
orange_signal :: SignalID [RW]
green_signal :: SignalID [RW]
close_signal :: boolean [RW] If this will close the rail signal based off the circuit condition.
read_signal :: boolean [RW] If this will read the rail signal state.
circuit_condition :: CircuitConditionSpecification [RW] The circuit condition when controlling the signal through the circuit network.
valid :: boolean [R] Is this object valid?
help() → string All methods, and properties that this object supports.
class LuaRoboportControlBehavior extends LuaControlBehavior - sort
mode_of_operations :: defines.control_behavior.roboport.circuit_mode_of_operation [RW]
available_logistic_output_signal :: SignalID [RW]
total_logistic_output_signal :: SignalID [RW]
available_construction_output_signal :: SignalID [RW]
total_construction_output_signal :: SignalID [RW]
valid :: boolean [R] Is this object valid?
help() → string All methods, and properties that this object supports.
class LuaStorageTankControlBehavior extends LuaControlBehavior - sort
valid :: boolean [R] Is this object valid?
help() → string All methods, and properties that this object supports.
class LuaWallControlBehavior extends LuaControlBehavior - sort
circuit_condition :: CircuitConditionSpecification [RW] The circuit condition.
open_gate :: boolean [RW]
read_sensor :: boolean [RW]
output_signal :: SignalID [RW]
valid :: boolean [R] Is this object valid?
help() → string All methods, and properties that this object supports.
class LuaArithmeticCombinatorControlBehavior extends LuaCombinatorControlBehavior - sort
parameters :: ArithmeticCombinatorParameters [RW] The arithmetic combinator parameters.
valid :: boolean [R] Is this object valid?
help() → string All methods, and properties that this object supports.
class LuaDeciderCombinatorControlBehavior extends LuaCombinatorControlBehavior - sort
parameters :: DeciderCombinatorParameters [RW] The decider combinator parameters
valid :: boolean [R] Is this object valid?
help() → string All methods, and properties that this object supports.
class LuaInserterControlBehavior extends LuaGenericOnOffControlBehavior - sort
circuit_read_hand_contents :: boolean [RW] true if the contents of the inserter hand should be sent to the circuit network
circuit_mode_of_operation :: defines.control_behavior.inserter.circuit_mode_of_operation [RW] The circuit mode of operations for the inserter.
circuit_hand_read_mode :: defines.control_behavior.inserter.hand_read_mode [RW] The hand read mode for the inserter.
circuit_set_stack_size :: boolean [RW] If the stack size of the inserter is set through the circuit network or not.
circuit_stack_control_signal :: SignalID [RW] The signal used to set the stack size of the inserter.
valid :: boolean [R] Is this object valid?
help() → string All methods, and properties that this object supports.
class LuaLampControlBehavior extends LuaGenericOnOffControlBehavior - sort
use_colors :: boolean [RW] true if the lamp should set the color from the circuit network signals.
color :: Color [R] The color the lamp is showing or nil if not using any color.
valid :: boolean [R] Is this object valid?
help() → string All methods, and properties that this object supports.
class LuaMiningDrillControlBehavior extends LuaGenericOnOffControlBehavior - sort
circuit_enable_disable :: boolean [RW] true if this drill is enabled or disabled using the logistics or circuit condition.
circuit_read_resources :: boolean [RW] true if this drill should send the resources in the field to the circuit network.
resource_read_mode :: defines.control_behavior.mining_drill.resource_read_mode [RW] If the mining drill should send just the resources in its area or the entire field it's on to the circuit network.
resource_read_targets :: array of LuaEntity [R] The resource entities that the mining drill will send information about to the circuit network or an empty array.
valid :: boolean [R] Is this object valid?
help() → string All methods, and properties that this object supports.
class LuaTrainStopControlBehavior extends LuaGenericOnOffControlBehavior - sort
send_to_train :: boolean [RW] true if the train stop should send the circuit network contents to the train to use.
read_from_train :: boolean [RW] true if the train stop should send the train contents to the circuit network.
read_stopped_train :: boolean [RW] true if the train stop should send the stopped train id to the circuit network.
enable_disable :: boolean [RW] true if the train stop is enabled/disabled through the circuit network.
stopped_train_signal :: SignalID [RW] The signal that will be sent when using the send-train-id option.
valid :: boolean [R] Is this object valid?
help() → string All methods, and properties that this object supports.
class LuaTransportBeltControlBehavior extends LuaGenericOnOffControlBehavior - sort
enable_disable :: boolean [RW] If the belt will be enabled/disabled based off the circuit network.
read_contents :: boolean [RW] If the belt will read the contents and send them to the circuit network.
read_contents_mode :: defines.control_behavior.transport_belt.content_read_mode [RW] The read mode for the belt.
valid :: boolean [R] Is this object valid?
help() → string All methods, and properties that this object supports.
class LuaCustomChartTag - sort
destroy() Destroys this tag.
icon :: SignalID [RW]
last_user :: LuaPlayer [RW] The player who last edited this tag.
position :: Position [R] The position of this tag.
text :: string [RW]
tag_number :: uint [R] The unique ID for this tag on this force.
force :: LuaForce [R] The force this tag belongs to.
surface :: LuaSurface [R] The surface this tag belongs to.
valid :: boolean [R] Is this object valid?
help() → string All methods, and properties that this object supports.
class LuaCustomInputPrototype - sort
name :: string [R] Name of this prototype.
order :: string [R] Order string of this prototype.
localised_name :: LocalisedString [R]
localised_description :: LocalisedString [R]
key_sequence :: string [R] The default key sequence for this custom input.
alternative_key_sequence :: string [R] The default alternative key sequence for this custom input.
linked_game_control :: string [R] The linked game control name or nil.
consuming :: string [R] The consuming type: "none" or "game-only".
enabled :: boolean [R] If this custom input is enabled.
valid :: boolean [R] Is this object valid?
help() → string All methods, and properties that this object supports.
class LuaCustomTable - sort
operator [] [RW] Access an element of this custom table.
operator # :: uint [R] Number of elements in this table.
valid :: boolean [R] Is this object valid?
help() → string All methods, and properties that this object supports.
class LuaDamagePrototype - sort
name :: string [R] Name of this prototype.
order :: string [R] Order string of this prototype.
localised_name :: LocalisedString [R]
localised_description :: LocalisedString [R]
hidden :: boolean [R] Whether this damage type is hidden from entity tooltips.
valid :: boolean [R] Is this object valid?
help() → string All methods, and properties that this object supports.
class LuaDecorativePrototype - sort
name :: string [R] Name of this prototype.
order :: string [R] Order string of this prototype.
localised_name :: LocalisedString [R]
localised_description :: LocalisedString [R]
collision_box :: BoundingBox [R] The bounding box used for collision checking.
autoplace_specification :: AutoplaceSpecification [R] Autoplace specification for this decorative prototype.
valid :: boolean [R] Is this object valid?
help() → string All methods, and properties that this object supports.
class LuaElectricEnergySourcePrototype - sort
buffer_capacity :: double [R]
usage_priority :: string [R]
input_flow_limit :: double [R]
output_flow_limit :: double [R]
drain :: double [R]
emissions :: double [R]
render_no_network_icon :: boolean [R]
render_no_power_icon :: boolean [R]
valid :: boolean [R] Is this object valid?
help() → string All methods, and properties that this object supports.
class LuaEntity extends LuaControl - sort
get_output_inventory() → LuaInventory Gets the entities output inventory if it has one.
get_module_inventory() → LuaInventory
get_fuel_inventory() → LuaInventory The fuel inventory for this entity or nil if this entity doesn't have a fuel inventory.
get_burnt_result_inventory() → LuaInventory The burnt result inventory for this entity or nil if this entity doesn't have a burnt result inventory.
damage(damage, force, type) → float Damages the entity.
can_be_destroyed() → boolean Checks if the entity can be destroyed
destroy(opts) → boolean Destroys the entity.
set_command(command) Give the entity a command.
has_command() → boolean Has this unit been assigned a command?
die(force, cause) → boolean Immediately kills the entity.
has_flag(flag) → boolean Test whether this entity's prototype has a flag set.
ghost_has_flag(flag) → boolean Same as LuaEntity::has_flag but targets the inner entity on a entity ghost.
add_market_item(offer) Offer a thing on the market.
remove_market_item(offer) → boolean Remove an offer from a market.
get_market_items() → array of Offer Get all offers in a market as an array.
clear_market_items() Removes all offers from a market.
connect_neighbour(target) → boolean Connect two devices with wire or cable.
disconnect_neighbour(target) Disconnect wires or cables.
order_deconstruction(force, player) → boolean Sets the entity to be deconstructed by construction robots.
cancel_deconstruction(force, player) Cancels deconstruction if it is scheduled, does nothing otherwise.
to_be_deconstructed(force) → boolean Is this entity marked for deconstruction?
order_upgrade{force=…, target=…, player=…} → boolean Sets the entity to be upgraded by construction robots.
cancel_upgrade(force, player) → boolean Cancels upgrade if it is scheduled, does nothing otherwise.
to_be_upgraded() → boolean Is this entity marked for upgrade?
get_request_slot(slot) → SimpleItemStack Get a logistic requester slot.
set_request_slot(request, slot) Set a logistic requester slot.
clear_request_slot(slot) Clear a logistic requester slot.
is_crafting() → boolean
is_opened() → boolean
is_opening() → boolean
is_closed() → boolean
is_closing() → boolean
request_to_open(force, extra_time)
get_transport_line(index) → LuaTransportLine Get a transport line of a belt.
launch_rocket() → boolean
revive(opts) → dictionary stringuint Revive a ghost.
silent_revive(opts) → dictionary stringuint Revives a ghost silently.
get_connected_rail{rail_direction=…, rail_connection_direction=…} → LuaEntity
get_filter(uint) → string Get the filter for a slot in an inserter or a loader.
set_filter(uint, string) Set the filter for a slot in an inserter or a loader
get_infinity_container_filter(index) → InfinityContainerFilter Gets the filter for this infinity container at the given index or nil if the filter index doesn't exist or is empty.
set_infinity_container_filter(index, filter) Sets the filter for this infinity container at the given index.
get_infinity_pipe_filter() → InfinityPipeFilter Gets the filter for this infinity pipe or nil if the filter is empty.
set_infinity_pipe_filter(filter) Sets the filter for this infinity pipe.
get_heat_setting() → HeatSetting Gets the heat setting for this heat interface.
set_heat_setting(filter) Sets the heat setting for this heat interface.
get_control_behavior() → LuaControlBehavior Gets the control behavior of the entity (if any).
get_or_create_control_behavior() → LuaControlBehavior Gets (and or creates if needed) the control behavior of the entity.
get_circuit_network(wire, circuit_connector) → LuaCircuitNetwork
get_merged_signals(circuit_connector) → array of Signal The merged circuit network signals or nil if there are no signals.
supports_backer_name() → boolean
copy_settings(entity) → dictionary stringuint Copies settings from the given entity onto this entity.
get_logistic_point(defines.logistic_member_index) → LuaLogisticPoint or array of LuaLogisticPoint Gets the LuaLogisticPoint specified by the given index or if not given returns all of the points this entity owns.
play_note(instrument, note) → boolean Plays a note with the given instrument and note.
connect_rolling_stock(direction) → boolean Connects the rolling stock in the given direction.
disconnect_rolling_stock(direction) → boolean Tries to disconnect this rolling stock in the given direction.
update_connections() Reconnect loader, beacon, cliff and mining drill connections to entities that might have been teleported out or in by the script.
get_recipe() → LuaRecipe Current recipe being assembled by this machine or nil if no recipe is set.
set_recipe(recipe) → dictionary stringuint Sets the current recipe in this assembly machine.
rotate(options) → boolean Rotates this entity as if the player rotated it
get_driver() → LuaEntity or LuaPlayer Gets the driver of this vehicle if any.
set_driver(driver) Sets the driver of this vehicle.
get_passenger() → LuaEntity or LuaPlayer Gets the passenger of this car if any.
set_passenger(passenger) Sets the passenger of this car.
is_connected_to_electric_network() → boolean Returns true if this entity is connected to an electric network.
get_train_stop_trains() → array of LuaTrain The trains scheduled to stop at this train stop.
clone{position=…, surface=…, force=…} → LuaEntity Clones this entity.
get_fluid_count(fluid) → double Get the amount of all or some fluid in this entity.
get_fluid_contents() → dictionary stringdouble Get amounts of all fluids in this entity.
remove_fluid{name=…, amount=…, minimum_temperature=…, maximum_temperature=…, temperature=…} → double Remove fluid from this entity.
insert_fluid(fluid) → double Insert fluid into this entity.
clear_fluid_inside() Remove all fluids from this entity.
get_beam_source() → BeamTarget Get the source of this beam.
set_beam_source(source) Set the source of this beam.
get_beam_target() → BeamTarget Get the target of this beam.
set_beam_target(target) Set the target of this beam.
get_radius() → double The radius of this entity.
get_health_ratio() → float The health ratio of this entity between 1 and 0 (for full health and no health respectively).
create_build_effect_smoke() Creates the same smoke that is created when you place a building by hand.
release_from_spawner() Release the unit from the spawner which spawned it.
name :: string [R] Name of the entity prototype.
ghost_name :: string [R] Name of the entity or tile contained in this ghost
localised_name :: LocalisedString [R] Localised name of the entity.
localised_description :: LocalisedString [R]
ghost_localised_name :: LocalisedString [R] Localised name of the entity or tile contained in this ghost.
ghost_localised_description :: LocalisedString [R]
type :: string [R] The entity prototype type of this entity.
ghost_type :: string [R] The prototype type of the entity or tile contained in this ghost.
active :: boolean [RW] Deactivating an entity will stop all its operations (car will stop moving, inserters will stop working, fish will stop moving etc).
destructible :: boolean [RW] When the entity is not destructible it can't be damaged.
minable :: boolean [RW]
rotatable :: boolean [RW] When entity is not to be rotatable (inserter, transport belt etc), it can't be rotated by player using the R key.
operable :: boolean [RW] Player can't open gui of this entity and he can't quick insert/input stuff in to the entity when it is not operable.
health :: float [RW] Health of the entity.
direction :: defines.direction [RW] The current direction this entity is facing.
supports_direction :: boolean [R] Whether the entity has direction.
orientation :: float [RW] The smooth orientation.
cliff_orientation :: string [R] The orientation of this cliff.
amount :: uint [RW] Count of resource units contained.
initial_amount :: uint [RW] Count of initial resource units contained.
effectivity_modifier :: float [RW] Multiplies the acceleration the vehicle can create for one unit of energy.
consumption_modifier :: float [RW] Multiplies the energy consumption.
friction_modifier :: float [RW] Multiplies the car friction rate.
speed :: float [RW] The current speed of the car or rolling stock, or current max speed of the unit.
stack :: LuaItemStack [R]
prototype :: LuaEntityPrototype [R] The entity prototype of this entity.
ghost_prototype :: LuaEntityPrototype or LuaTilePrototype [R] The prototype of the entity or tile contained in this ghost.
drop_position :: Position [RW] Position where the entity puts its stuff.
pickup_position :: Position [RW] Where the inserter will pick up items from.
drop_target :: LuaEntity [RW] The entity this entity is putting its stuff to or nil if there is no such entity.
pickup_target :: LuaEntity [RW] The entity the inserter will attempt to pick up from.
selected_gun_index :: uint [RW] Index of the currently selected weapon slot of this character.
energy :: double [RW] Energy stored in the entity (heat in furnace, energy stored in electrical devices etc.
temperature :: double [RW] The temperature of this entities heat energy source if this entity uses a heat energy source or nil.
previous_recipe :: LuaRecipe [R] The previous recipe this furnace was using or nil if the furnace had no previous recipe.
held_stack :: LuaItemStack [R] The item stack currently held in an inserter's hand.
held_stack_position :: Position [R] Current position of the inserter's "hand".
train :: LuaTrain [R] The train this rolling stock belongs to or nil if not rolling stock.
neighbours :: dictionary stringarray of LuaEntity or array of array of LuaEntity or LuaEntity [R]
fluidbox :: LuaFluidBox [RW]
backer_name :: string [RW] The name of a backer (of Factorio) assigned to a lab or train station / stop.
time_to_live :: uint [RW] The ticks left before a ghost or combat robot is destroyed.
color :: Color [RW] The character or rolling stock color.
text :: LocalisedString [RW] The text of this flying-text entity.
signal_state :: defines.signal_state [R] The state of this rail signal.
chain_signal_state :: defines.chain_signal_state [R] The state of this chain signal.
to_be_looted :: boolean [RW] Will this entity be picked up automatically when the player walks over it?
crafting_speed :: double [R] The current crafting speed, including speed bonuses from modules and beacons.
crafting_progress :: float [RW] The current crafting progress, as a number in range [0, 1].
bonus_progress :: double [RW] The current productivity bonus progress, as a number in range [0, 1].
belt_to_ground_type :: string [R] "input" or "output", depending on whether this underground belt goes down or up.
loader_type :: string [RW] "input" or "output", depending on whether this loader puts to or gets from a container.
rocket_parts :: uint [RW] Number of rocket parts in the silo.
logistic_network :: LuaLogisticNetwork [R] The logistic network this entity is a part of.
logistic_cell :: LuaLogisticCell [R] The logistic cell this entity is a part of.
item_requests :: dictionary stringuint [RW] Items this ghost will request when revived or items this item request proxy is requesting.
player :: LuaPlayer [R] The player connected to this character or nil if none.
unit_group :: LuaUnitGroup [R] The unit group this unit is a member of, or nil if none.
damage_dealt :: double [RW] The damage dealt by this turret, artillery turret, or artillery wagon.
kills :: uint [RW] The number of units killed by this turret, artillery turret, or artillery wagon.
last_user :: LuaPlayer [RW] The player who built the entity
electric_buffer_size :: double [RW] The buffer size for the electric energy source or nil if the entity doesn't have an electric energy source.
electric_input_flow_limit :: double [R] The input flow limit for the electric energy source or nil if the entity doesn't have an electric energy source.
electric_output_flow_limit :: double [R] The output flow limit for the electric energy source or nil if the entity doesn't have an electric energy source.
electric_drain :: double [R] The electric drain for the electric energy source or nil if the entity doesn't have an electric energy source.
electric_emissions :: double [R] The emissions for the electric energy source or nil if the entity doesn't have an electric energy source.
unit_number :: uint [R] The unit number or nil if the entity doesn't have one.
mining_progress :: double [RW] The mining progress for this mining drill or nil if this isn't a mining drill.
bonus_mining_progress :: double [RW] The bonus mining progress for this mining drill or nil if this isn't a mining drill.
power_production :: double [RW] The power production specific to the ElectricEnergyInterface entity type.
power_usage :: double [RW] The power usage specific to the ElectricEnergyInterface entity type.
bounding_box :: BoundingBox [R]
secondary_bounding_box :: BoundingBox [R] The secondary bounding box of this entity or nil if it doesn't have one.
selection_box :: BoundingBox [R]
secondary_selection_box :: BoundingBox [R] The secondary selection box of this entity or nil if it doesn't have one.
mining_target :: LuaEntity [R] The mining target or nil if none
circuit_connected_entities :: table [R] Entities connected to this entity via the circuit network.
circuit_connection_definitions :: array of CircuitConnectionDefinition [R] The connection definition for entities connected to this entity via the circuit network.
request_slot_count :: uint [R] The number of request slots this entity has.
filter_slot_count :: uint [R] The number of filter slots this inserter or loader has.
grid :: LuaEquipmentGrid [R] The equipment grid or nil if this entity doesn't have an equipment grid.
graphics_variation :: uint8 [RW] The graphics variation for this entity or nil if this entity doesn't use graphics variations.
tree_color_index :: uint8 [RW] Index of the tree color
burner :: LuaBurner [R] The burner energy source for this entity or nil if there isn't one.
shooting_target :: LuaEntity [RW] The shooting target for this turret or nil.
proxy_target :: LuaEntity [R] The target entity for this item-request-proxy or nil
stickers :: array of LuaEntity [R] The sticker entities attached to this entity.
parameters :: ProgrammableSpeakerParameters [RW]
alert_parameters :: ProgrammableSpeakerAlertParameters [RW]
electric_network_statistics :: LuaFlowStatistics [R] The electric network statistics for this electric pole.
inserter_stack_size_override :: uint [RW] Sets the stack size limit on this inserter.
products_finished :: uint [RW]
spawner :: LuaEntity [R] The spawner associated with this unit entity or nil if the unit has no associated spawner.
units :: array of LuaEntity [R] The units associated with this spawner entity.
power_switch_state :: boolean [RW] The state of this power switch.
relative_turret_orientation :: float [RW] The relative orientation of the vehicle turret or nil if this entity isn't a vehicle or have a vehicle turret.
effects :: Effects [R] The effects being applied to this entity or nil.
infinity_container_filters :: array of InfinityContainerFilter [RW] The filters for this infinity container.
remove_unfiltered_items :: boolean [RW] If items not included in this infinity container filters should be removed from the container.
character_corpse_player_index :: uint [RW] The player index associated with this character corpse.
character_corpse_tick_of_death :: uint [RW] The tick this character corpse died at.
character_corpse_death_cause :: LocalisedString [RW] The reason this character corpse character died (if any).
associated_player :: LuaPlayer [RW] The player this character is associated with or nil if none.
tick_of_last_attack :: uint [R] The last tick this character entity was attacked.
tick_of_last_damage :: uint [R] The last tick this character entity was damaged.
splitter_filter :: LuaItemPrototype [RW] The filter for this splitter or nil if no filter is set.
inserter_filter_mode :: string [RW] The filter mode for this filter inserter or nil if this inserter doesn't use filters.
splitter_input_priority :: string [RW] The input priority for this splitter : "left", "none", or "right".
splitter_output_priority :: string [RW] The output priority for this splitter : "left", "none", or "right".
armed :: boolean [R] If this land mine is armed.
recipe_locked :: boolean [RW] When locked; the recipe in this assembling machine can't be changed by the player.
connected_rail :: LuaEntity [R] The rail entity this train stop is connected to or nil if there is none.
trains_in_block :: uint [R] The number of trains in this rail block for this rail entity.
timeout :: uint [RW] The timeout left on this landmine in ticks.
neighbour_bonus :: double [R] The current total neighbour bonus of this reactor.
ai_settings :: LuaAISettings [R] The ai settings of this unit.
highlight_box_type :: string [RW] The hightlight box type of this highlight box entity.
highlight_box_blink_interval :: uint [RW] The blink interval of this highlight box entity.
status :: defines.entity_status [R] The status of this entity or nil if no status.
enable_logistics_while_moving :: boolean [RW] If equipment grid logistics are enabled while this vehicle is moving.
render_player :: LuaPlayer [RW] The player that this simple-entity-with-owner, simple-entity-with-force, flying-text or highlight-box is visible to or nil.
render_to_forces :: array of ForceSpecification [RW] The forces that this simple-entity-with-owner, simple-entity-with-force or flying-text is visible to or nil.
pump_rail_target :: LuaEntity [R] The rail target of this pump or nil.
moving :: LuaEntity [R] Returns true if this unit is moving.
electric_network_id :: uint [R] Returns the id of the electric network that this entity is connected to or nil.
valid :: boolean [R] Is this object valid?
help() → string All methods, and properties that this object supports.
class LuaEntityPrototype - sort
has_flag(flag) → boolean Does this prototype have a flag enabled?
get_inventory_size(index) → uint Gets the base size of the given inventory on this entity or nil if the given inventory doesn't exist.
type :: string [R] Type of this prototype.
name :: string [R] Name of this prototype.
localised_name :: LocalisedString [R]
localised_description :: LocalisedString [R]
max_health :: float [R] Max health of this entity.
infinite_resource :: boolean [R] Is this resource infinite?
minimum_resource_amount :: uint [R] Minimum amount of this resource.
normal_resource_amount :: uint [R] The normal amount for this resource.
infinite_depletion_resource_amount :: uint [R] Every time this infinite resource 'ticks' down it is reduced by this amount.
resource_category :: string [R] Category of this resource.
mineable_properties :: table [R] It is a table:
items_to_place_this :: array of SimpleItemStack [R] Items that when placed will produce this entity.
collision_box :: BoundingBox [R] The bounding box used for collision checking.
map_generator_bounding_box :: BoundingBox [R] The bounding box used for map generator collision checking.
selection_box :: BoundingBox [R] The bounding box used for drawing selection.
drawing_box :: BoundingBox [R] The bounding box used for drawing the entity icon.
sticker_box :: BoundingBox [R] The bounding box used to attach sticker type entities.
collision_mask :: CollisionMask [R] The collision masks this entity uses
order :: string [R] Order string of this prototype.
group :: LuaGroup [R] Group of this entity.
subgroup :: LuaGroup [R] Subgroup of this entity.
healing_per_tick :: float [R] Amount this entity can heal per tick.
emissions_per_tick :: double [R] Amount of pollution emissions per tick this entity will create.
corpses :: dictionary stringLuaEntityPrototype [R] Corpses used when this entity is destroyed.
selectable_in_game :: boolean [R] Is this entity selectable?
selection_priority :: uint [R] The selection priority of this entity - a value between 0 and 255
weight :: double [R] The weight of this vehicle prototype or nil if not a vehicle prototype.
resistances :: Resistances [R]
fast_replaceable_group :: string [R] The group of mutually fast-replaceable entities.
next_upgrade :: LuaEntityPrototype [R] The next upgrade for this entity or nil.
loot :: Loot [R] Loot that will be dropped when this entity is killed.
repair_speed_modifier :: uint [R] Repair-speed modifier for this entity.
turret_range :: uint [R] The range of this turret or nil if this isn't a turret related prototype.
autoplace_specification :: AutoplaceSpecification [R] Autoplace specification for this entity prototype.
belt_speed :: double [R] The speed of this transport belt or nil if this isn't a transport belt related prototype.
result_units :: array of UnitSpawnDefinition [R] The result units and spawn points with weight and evolution factor for a biter spawner entity.
attack_result :: Trigger [R] The attack result of this entity if the entity has one, else nil.
final_attack_result :: Trigger [R] The final attack result for projectiles nil if not a projectile
attack_parameters :: table [R] The attack parameters for this entity or nil if the entity doesn't use attack parameters.
spawn_cooldown :: table [R] The spawning cooldown for this enemy spawner prototype or nil.
mining_drill_radius :: double [R] The mining radius of this mining drill prototype or nil if this isn't a mining drill prototype.
mining_speed :: double [R] The mining speed of this mining drill/character prototype or nil.
logistic_mode :: string [R] The logistic mode of this logistic container or nil if this isn't a logistic container prototype.
max_underground_distance :: uint [R] The max underground distance for underground belts and underground pipes or nil if this isn't one of those prototypes.
flags :: EntityPrototypeFlags [R] The entity prototype flags for this entity.
remains_when_mined :: array of LuaEntityPrototype [R] The remains left behind when this entity is mined.
additional_pastable_entities :: array of LuaEntityPrototype [R] Entities this entity can be pasted onto in addition to the normal allowed ones.
allow_copy_paste :: boolean [R] When false copy-paste is not allowed for this entity.
shooting_cursor_size :: double [R] The cursor size used when shooting at this entity.
created_smoke :: table [R] The smoke trigger run when this entity is built or nil.
created_effect :: Trigger [R] The trigger run when this entity is created or nil.
map_color :: Color [R] The map color used when charting this entity if a friendly or enemy color isn't defined or nil.
friendly_map_color :: Color [R] The friendly map color used when charting this entity.
enemy_map_color :: Color [R] The enemy map color used when charting this entity.
build_base_evolution_requirement :: double [R] The evolution requirement to build this entity as a base when expanding enemy bases.
instruments :: array of ProgrammableSpeakerInstrument [R] The instruments for this programmable speaker or nil.
max_polyphony :: uint [R] The maximum polyphony for this programmable speaker or nil.
module_inventory_size :: uint [R] The module inventory size or nil if this entity doesn't support modules.
ingredient_count :: uint [R] The max number of ingredients this crafting-machine prototype supports or nil if this isn't a crafting-machine prototype.
crafting_speed :: double [R] The crafting speed of this crafting-machine or nil.
crafting_categories :: dictionary stringboolean [R] The crafting categories this entity supports.
resource_categories :: dictionary stringboolean [R] The resource categories this mining drill supports or nil if not a mining dill.
supply_area_distance :: double [R] The supply area of this electric pole, beacon, or nil if this is neither.
max_wire_distance :: double [R] The maximum wire distance for this entity.
max_circuit_wire_distance :: double [R] The maximum circuit wire distance for this entity.
energy_usage :: double [R] The direct energy usage of this entity or nil if this entity doesn't have a direct energy usage.
max_energy_usage :: double [R] The theoretical maximum energy usage for this entity.
effectivity :: double [R] The effectivity of this car prototype, generator prototype or nil.
consumption :: double [R] The energy consumption of this car prototype or nil if not a car prototype.
friction_force :: double [R] The friction of this vehicle prototype or nil if not a vehicle prototype.
braking_force :: double [R] The braking force of this vehicle prototype or nil if not a vehicle prototype.
tank_driving :: boolean [R] If this car prototype uses tank controls to drive or nil if this is not a car prototype.
rotation_speed :: double [R] The rotation speed of this car prototype or nil if not a car prototype.
turret_rotation_speed :: double [R] The turret rotation speed of this car prototype or nil if not a car prototype.
guns :: dictionary stringLuaItemPrototype [R] The guns this car prototype uses or nil if not a car prototype.
speed :: double [R] The default speed of this flying robot, rolling stock, unit or nil.
speed_multiplier_when_out_of_energy :: float [R] The speed multiplier when this flying robot is out of energy or nil.
max_payload_size :: uint [R] The max payload size of this logistics or construction robot or nil.
draw_cargo :: boolean [R] Whether this logistics or construction robot renders its cargo when flying or nil.
energy_per_move :: double [R] The energy consumed per tile moved for this flying robot or nil.
energy_per_tick :: double [R] The energy consumed per tick for this flying robot or nil.
max_energy :: double [R] The max energy for this flying robot or nil.
min_to_charge :: float [R] The minimum energy for this flying robot before it tries to recharge or nil.
max_to_charge :: float [R] The maximum energy for this flying robot above which it won't try to recharge when stationing or nil.
burner_prototype :: LuaBurnerPrototype [R] The burner energy source prototype this entity uses or nil.
electric_energy_source_prototype :: LuaElectricEnergySourcePrototype [R] The electric energy source prototype this entity uses or nil.
building_grid_bit_shift :: uint [R] The log2 of grid size of the building
fluid_usage_per_tick :: double [R] The fluid usage of this generator prototype or nil.
maximum_temperature :: double [R] The maximum fluid temperature of this generator prototype or nil.
target_temperature :: double [R] The target temperature of this boiler prototype or nil.
fluid :: LuaFluidPrototype [R] The fluid this offshore pump produces or nil.
fluid_capacity :: double [R] The fluid capacity of this entity or 0 if this entity doesn't support fluids.
pumping_speed :: double [R] The pumping speed of this offshore pump, normal pump, or nil.
stack :: boolean [R] If this inserter is a stack-type.
allow_custom_vectors :: boolean [R] If this inserter allows custom pickup and drop vectors.
count_as_rock_for_filtered_deconstruction :: boolean [R] If this simple-entity is counted as a rock for the deconstruction planner "trees and rocks only" filter.
filter_count :: uint [R] The filter count of this inserter, loader, or requester chest or nil.
production :: double [R] The max production this solar panel prototype produces or nil.
time_to_live :: uint [R] The time to live for this prototype or 0 if prototype doesn't have time_to_live or time_before_removed.
distribution_effectivity :: double [R] The distribution effectivity for this beacon prototype or nil if not a beacon prototype.
explosion_beam :: double [R] Does this explosion have a beam or nil if not an explosion prototype.
explosion_rotate :: double [R] Does this explosion rotate or nil if not an explosion prototype.
tree_color_count :: uint8 [R] If it is a tree, return the number of colors it supports.
alert_when_damaged :: boolean [R] Does this entity with health prototype alert when damaged?
alert_when_attacking :: boolean [R] Does this turret prototype alert when attacking?
color :: Color [R] The color of the prototype, or nil if the prototype doesn't have color.
collision_mask_collides_with_self :: boolean [R] Does this prototype collision mask collide with itself?
collision_mask_collides_with_tiles_only :: boolean [R] Does this prototype collision mask collide with tiles only?
collision_mask_considers_tile_transitions :: boolean [R] Does this prototype collision mask consider tile transitions?
allowed_effects :: dictionary stringboolean [R] The allowed module effects for this entity or nil.
rocket_parts_required :: uint [R] The rocket parts required for this rocket silo prototype or nil.
fixed_recipe :: string [R] The fixed recipe name for this assembling machine prototype or nil.
construction_radius :: double [R] The construction radius for this roboport prototype or nil.
logistic_radius :: double [R] The logistic radius for this roboport prototype or nil.
energy_per_hit_point :: double [R] The energy used per hitpoint taken for this vehicle during collisions or nil.
create_ghost_on_death :: boolean [R] If this prototype will attempt to create a ghost of itself on death.
timeout :: uint [R] The time it takes this land mine to arm.
fluidbox_prototypes :: array of LuaFluidBoxPrototype [R] The fluidbox prototypes for this entity.
neighbour_bonus :: double [R]
neighbour_collision_increase :: double [R] Controls how much a reactor extends when connected to other reactors.
container_distance :: double [R]
belt_distance :: double [R]
belt_length :: double [R]
is_building :: boolean [R]
automated_ammo_count :: uint [R] The amount of ammo that inserters automatically insert into this ammo-turret or artillery-turret or nil.
max_speed :: double [R] The max speed of this Projectile prototype or 'nil'.
darkness_for_all_lamps_on :: float [R] Value between 0 and 1 darkness where all lamps of this lamp prototype are on or 'nil'.
darkness_for_all_lamps_off :: float [R] Value between 0 and 1 darkness where all lamps of this lamp prototype are off or 'nil'.
min_darkness_to_spawn :: float [R] The minimum darkness at which this unit spawner can spawn entities.
max_darkness_to_spawn :: float [R] The maximum darkness at which this unit spawner can spawn entities.
radius :: double [R] The radius of this entity prototype.
cliff_explosive_prototype :: string [R] The item prototype name used to destroy this cliff or 'nil'.
vision_distance :: double [R] The vision distance of this unit prototype.
running_speed :: double [R]
maximum_corner_sliding_distance :: double [R]
build_distance :: uint [R]
drop_item_distance :: uint [R]
reach_distance :: uint [R]
reach_resource_distance :: double [R]
item_pickup_distance :: double [R]
loot_pickup_distance :: double [R]
enter_vehicle_distance :: double [R]
ticks_to_keep_gun :: uint [R]
ticks_to_keep_aiming_direction :: uint [R]
ticks_to_stay_in_combat :: uint [R]
respawn_time :: uint [R]
damage_hit_tint :: Color [R]
character_corpse :: LuaEntityPrototype [R]
valid :: boolean [R] Is this object valid?
help() → string All methods, and properties that this object supports.
class LuaEquipment - sort
name :: string [R] Name of this equipment.
type :: string [R] Type of this equipment.
position :: Position [R] Position of this equipment in the equipment grid.
shape :: table [R] Shape of this equipment.
shield :: double [RW] Current shield value of the equipment.
max_shield :: double [R] Maximum shield value.
max_solar_power :: double [R] Maximum solar power generated.
movement_bonus :: double [R] Movement speed bonus.
generator_power :: double [R] Energy generated per tick.
energy :: double [RW] Current available energy.
max_energy :: double [R] Maximum amount of energy that can be stored in this equipment.
prototype :: LuaEquipmentPrototype [R]
burner :: LuaBurner [R] The burner energy source for this equipment or nil if there isn't one.
valid :: boolean [R] Is this object valid?
help() → string All methods, and properties that this object supports.
class LuaEquipmentGrid - sort
take{position=…, equipment=…} → SimpleItemStack Remove an equipment from the grid.
take_all() → dictionary stringuint Remove all equipment from the grid.
clear() Clear all equipment from the grid.
put{name=…, position=…} → LuaEquipment Insert an equipment into the grid.
can_move{equipment=…, position=…} → boolean Check whether moving an equipment would succeed.
move{equipment=…, position=…} → boolean Move an equipment within this grid.
get(position) → LuaEquipment Find equipment in the Equipment Grid based off a position.
get_contents() → dictionary stringuint Get counts of all equipment in this grid.
prototype :: LuaEquipmentGridPrototype [R]
width :: uint [R] Width of the equipment grid.
height :: uint [R] Height of the equipment grid.
equipment :: array of LuaEquipment [R] All the equipment in this grid.
generator_energy :: double [R] Total energy per tick generated by the equipment inside this grid.
max_solar_energy :: double [R] Maximum energy per tick that can be created by any solar panels in the equipment grid.
available_in_batteries :: double [R] The total energy stored in all batteries in the equipment grid.
battery_capacity :: double [R] Total energy storage capacity of all batteries in the equipment grid.
shield :: float [R] The amount of shields this equipment grid has.
max_shield :: float [R] The maximum amount of shields this equipment grid has.
valid :: boolean [R] Is this object valid?
help() → string All methods, and properties that this object supports.
class LuaEquipmentGridPrototype - sort
name :: string [R] Name of this prototype.
order :: string [R] Order string of this prototype.
localised_name :: LocalisedString [R]
localised_description :: LocalisedString [R]
equipment_categories :: array of string [R] Equipment category names for the categories that may be inserted into this equipment grid.
width :: uint [R]
height :: uint [R]
locked :: boolean [R] If the player can move equipment into or out of this grid.
valid :: boolean [R] Is this object valid?
help() → string All methods, and properties that this object supports.
class LuaEquipmentPrototype - sort
name :: string [R] Name of this prototype.
type :: string [R] Type of this equipment prototype.
order :: string [R] Order string of this prototype.
localised_name :: LocalisedString [R]
localised_description :: LocalisedString [R]
shape :: table [R] Shape of this equipment prototype.
take_result :: LuaItemPrototype [R] The result item when taking this equipment out of an equipment grid.
energy_production :: double [R] The max power generated by this equipment.
shield :: float [R] The shield value of this equipment.
energy_per_shield :: double [R] The energy per shield point restored.
logistic_parameters :: table [R] The logistic parameters for roboport equipment.
energy_consumption :: double [R]
movement_bonus :: float [R]
night_vision_tint :: Color [R]
energy_source :: LuaElectricEnergySourcePrototype [R] The energy source prototype for the equipment.
equipment_categories :: array of string [R] Category names for this equipment.
burner_prototype :: LuaBurnerPrototype [R] The burner energy source prototype this equipment uses or nil.
electric_energy_source_prototype :: LuaElectricEnergySourcePrototype [R] The electric energy source prototype this equipment uses or nil.
background_color :: Color [R] The background color of this equipment prototype.
valid :: boolean [R] Is this object valid?
help() → string All methods, and properties that this object supports.
class LuaFlowStatistics - sort
get_input_count(string) → uint64 or double Gets the total input count for a given prototype.
set_input_count(string, count) Sets the total input count for a given prototype.
get_output_count(string) → uint64 or double Gets the total output count for a given prototype.
set_output_count(string, count) Sets the total output count for a given prototype.
get_flow_count{name=…, input=…, precision_index=…, count=…} → double Gets the flow count value for the given time frame.
on_flow(string, count) Adds a value to this flow statistics.
input_counts :: dictionary stringarray of uint64 or double [R] List of input counts indexed by name <> value.
output_counts :: dictionary stringarray of uint64 or double [R] List of output counts indexed by name <> value.
force :: LuaForce [R] The force these statistics belong to.
valid :: boolean [R] Is this object valid?
help() → string All methods, and properties that this object supports.
class LuaFluidBox - sort
get_prototype(index) → LuaFluidBoxPrototype The prototype of this fluidbox index.
get_capacity(index) → double The capacity of the given fluidbox index.
get_connections(index) → array of LuaFluidBox The fluidbox connections for the given fluidbox index.
get_filter(index) → table The filter of the given fluidbox index, 'nil' if none.
set_filter(index, table) → boolean Set the filter of the given fluidbox index, 'nil' to clear.
get_flow(index) → double Flow through the fluidbox in the last tick.
get_locked_fluid(index) → string Returns the fluid the fluidbox is locked onto (along with its whole system) Returns 'nil' for no lock
operator # :: uint [R] Number of fluid boxes.
owner :: LuaEntity [R] The entity that owns this fluidbox.
operator [] :: Fluid or nil [R] Access, set or clear a fluid box.
valid :: boolean [R] Is this object valid?
help() → string All methods, and properties that this object supports.
class LuaFluidBoxPrototype - sort
entity :: LuaEntityPrototype [R] The entity that this belongs to.
index :: uint [R] The index of this fluidbox prototype in the owning entity.
pipe_connections :: array of FluidBoxConnection [R] The pipe connection points.
production_type :: string [R] The production type.
base_area :: double [R]
base_level :: double [R]
height :: double [R]
volume :: double [R]
filter :: LuaFluidPrototype [R] The filter or nil if no filter is set.
minimum_temperature :: double [R] The minimum temperature or nil if none is set.
maximum_temperature :: double [R] The maximum temperature or nil if none is set.
secondary_draw_orders :: array of int [R] The secondary draw orders for the 4 possible connection directions.
render_layer :: string [R] The render layer.
valid :: boolean [R] Is this object valid?
help() → string All methods, and properties that this object supports.
class LuaFluidPrototype - sort
name :: string [R] Name of this prototype.
localised_name :: LocalisedString [R]
localised_description :: LocalisedString [R]
default_temperature :: double [R] Default temperature of the fluid.
max_temperature :: double [R] Maximum temperature the fluid can reach.
heat_capacity :: double [R] How much energy the fluid will generate at max temperature assuming 100% efficiency steam engine.
order :: string [R] Order string for this prototype.
group :: LuaGroup [R] Group of this prototype.
subgroup :: LuaGroup [R] Subgroup of this prototype.
base_color :: Color [R]
flow_color :: Color [R]
gas_temperature :: double [R]
emissions_multiplier :: double [R]
fuel_value :: double [R]
hidden :: boolean [R]
valid :: boolean [R] Is this object valid?
help() → string All methods, and properties that this object supports.
class LuaForce - sort
get_entity_count(name) → uint Count entities of given type.
disable_research() Disable research for this force.
enable_research() Enable research for this force.
disable_all_prototypes() Disable all recipes and technologies.
enable_all_prototypes() Enables all recipes and technologies.
reset_recipes() Load the original version of all recipes from the prototypes.
enable_all_recipes() Unlock all recipes.
enable_all_technologies() Unlock all technologies.
research_all_technologies(include_disabled_prototypes) Research all technologies.
reset_technologies() Load the original versions of technologies from prototypes.
reset() Reset everything.
reset_technology_effects() Reapplies all possible research effects, including unlocked recipes.
chart(surface, area) Chart a portion of the map.
clear_chart(surface) Erases chart data for this force.
rechart() Force a rechart of the whole chart.
chart_all(surface) Chart all generated chunks.
is_chunk_charted(surface, position) → boolean Has a chunk been charted?
is_chunk_visible(surface, position) → boolean Is the given chunk currently charted and visible (not covered by fog of war) on the map.
cancel_charting(surface) Cancels pending chart requests for the given surface or all surfaces.
get_ammo_damage_modifier(ammo) → double
set_ammo_damage_modifier(ammo, modifier)
get_gun_speed_modifier(ammo) → double
set_gun_speed_modifier(ammo, modifier)
get_turret_attack_modifier(turret) → double
set_turret_attack_modifier(turret, modifier)
set_cease_fire(other, cease_fire) Stop attacking members of a given force.
get_cease_fire(other) → boolean Will this force attack members of another force?
set_friend(other, cease_fire) Friends have unrestricted access to buildings and turrets won't fire at them.
get_friend(other) → boolean Is this force a friend?
is_pathfinder_busy() → boolean Is pathfinder busy?
kill_all_units() Kill all units and flush the pathfinder.
find_logistic_network_by_position(position, surface) → LuaLogisticNetwork
set_spawn_position(position, surface)
get_spawn_position(surface) → Position
unchart_chunk(position, surface)
get_item_launched(item) → uint Gets the count of a given item launched in rockets.
set_item_launched(item, count) Sets the count of a given item launched in rockets.
print(message, color) Print text to the chat console of all players on this force.
get_trains(surface) → array of LuaTrain
add_chart_tag(surface, tag) → LuaCustomChartTag Adds a custom chart tag to the given surface and returns the new tag or nil if the given position isn't valid for a chart tag.
find_chart_tags(surface, area) → array of LuaCustomChartTag Finds all custom chart tags within the given bounding box on the given surface.
get_saved_technology_progress(technology) → double Gets the saved progress for the given technology or nil if there is no saved progress.
set_saved_technology_progress(technology, double) Sets the saved progress for the given technology.
reset_evolution() Resets evolution for this force to zero.
play_sound{path=…, position=…, volume_modifier=…} → boolean Plays a sound for every player on this force
get_train_stops(opts) → array of LuaEntity Gets train stops matching the given filters.
get_hand_crafting_disabled_for_recipe(recipe) → boolean Gets if the given recipe is explicitly disabled from being hand crafted.
set_hand_crafting_disabled_for_recipe(recipe, hand_crafting_disabled) Sets if the given recipe can be hand-crafted.
name :: string [R] Name of the force.
technologies :: custom dictionary stringLuaTechnology [R] Technologies owned by this force, indexed by their name.
recipes :: custom dictionary stringLuaRecipe [R] Recipes available to this force, indexed by their name.
manual_mining_speed_modifier :: double [RW] Multiplier of the manual mining speed.
manual_crafting_speed_modifier :: double [RW] Multiplier of the manual crafting speed.
laboratory_speed_modifier :: double [RW]
laboratory_productivity_bonus :: double [RW]
worker_robots_speed_modifier :: double [RW]
worker_robots_battery_modifier :: double [RW]
worker_robots_storage_bonus :: double [RW]
current_research :: TechnologySpecification [RW] The current research in progress.
research_progress :: double [RW] Progress of current research, as a number in range [0, 1].
previous_research :: LuaTechnology [RW] The previous research if any.
inserter_stack_size_bonus :: double [RW] The inserter stack size bonus for non stack inserters
stack_inserter_capacity_bonus :: uint [RW] Number of items that can be transferred by stack inserters.
character_logistic_slot_count :: double [RW] Number of character logistic slots.
character_trash_slot_count :: double [RW] Number of character trash slots.
maximum_following_robot_count :: uint [RW] Maximum number of follower robots.
following_robots_lifetime_modifier :: double [RW] Additional lifetime for following robots.
ghost_time_to_live :: uint [RW] The time, in ticks, before a placed ghost disappears.
players :: array of LuaPlayer [R] Players belonging to this force.
ai_controllable :: boolean [RW] Enables some higher-level AI behaviour for this force.
logistic_networks :: dictionary stringarray of LuaLogisticNetwork [R] List of logistic networks, grouped by surface.
item_production_statistics :: LuaFlowStatistics [R] The item production statistics for this force.
fluid_production_statistics :: LuaFlowStatistics [R] The fluid production statistics for this force.
kill_count_statistics :: LuaFlowStatistics [R] The kill counter statistics for this force.
entity_build_count_statistics :: LuaFlowStatistics [R] The entity build statistics for this force (built and mined)
character_running_speed_modifier :: double [RW]
artillery_range_modifier :: double [RW]
character_build_distance_bonus :: uint [RW]
character_item_drop_distance_bonus :: uint [RW]
character_reach_distance_bonus :: uint [RW]
character_resource_reach_distance_bonus :: double [RW]
character_item_pickup_distance_bonus :: double [RW]
character_loot_pickup_distance_bonus :: double [RW]
character_inventory_slots_bonus :: uint [RW] the number of additional inventory slots the character main inventory has.
deconstruction_time_to_live :: uint [RW] The time, in ticks, before a deconstruction order is removed.
character_health_bonus :: double [RW]
max_successful_attempts_per_tick_per_construction_queue :: uint [RW]
max_failed_attempts_per_tick_per_construction_queue :: uint [RW]
auto_character_trash_slots :: boolean [RW] true if auto character trash slots are enabled.
zoom_to_world_enabled :: boolean [RW] Ability to use zoom-to-world on map.
zoom_to_world_ghost_building_enabled :: boolean [RW] Ability to build ghosts through blueprint or direct ghost placement, or "mine" ghosts when using zoom-to-world.
zoom_to_world_blueprint_enabled :: boolean [RW] Ability to create new blueprints using empty blueprint item when using zoom-to-world.
zoom_to_world_deconstruction_planner_enabled :: boolean [RW] Ability to use deconstruction planner when using zoom-to-world.
zoom_to_world_selection_tool_enabled :: boolean [RW] Ability to use custom selection tools when using zoom-to-world.
rockets_launched :: uint [RW] The number of rockets launched.
items_launched :: dictionary stringuint [R] All of the items that have been launched in rockets.
connected_players :: array of LuaPlayer [R] The connected players belonging to this force.
mining_drill_productivity_bonus :: double [RW]
train_braking_force_bonus :: double [RW]
evolution_factor :: double [RW] Evolution factor of this force.
evolution_factor_by_pollution :: double [RW]
evolution_factor_by_time :: double [RW]
evolution_factor_by_killing_spawners :: double [RW]
friendly_fire :: boolean [RW] If friendly fire is enabled for this force.
share_chart :: boolean [RW] If sharing chart data is enabled for this force.
research_queue_enabled :: boolean [RW] Whether the research queue is available for this force.
index :: uint [R] Unique ID associated with this force.
valid :: boolean [R] Is this object valid?
help() → string All methods, and properties that this object supports.
class LuaGameScript - sort
help() Internal
set_game_state{game_finished=…, player_won=…, next_level=…, can_continue=…, victorious_force=…} Set scenario state.
get_entity_by_tag(tag) → LuaEntity
show_message_dialog{text=…, image=…, point_to=…} Show an in-game message dialog.
disable_tips_and_tricks() Disable showing tips and tricks.
is_demo() → boolean Is this the demo version of Factorio?
reload_script() Forces a reload of the scenario script from the original scenario location.
reload_mods() Forces a reload of all mods.
save_atlas() Saves the current configuration of Atlas to a file.
check_consistency() Run internal consistency checks.
regenerate_entity(entities) Regenerate autoplacement of some entities on all surfaces.
take_screenshot{player=…, by_player=…, surface=…, position=…, resolution=…, zoom=…, path=…, show_gui=…, show_entity_info=…, anti_alias=…, quality=…} Take a screenshot and save it to a file.
set_wait_for_screenshots_to_finish() Forces the screenshot saving system to wait until all queued screenshots have been written to disk.
take_technology_screenshot{force=…, path=…, by_player=…, selected_technology=…, skip_disabled=…, quality=…}
table_to_json(data) → string Convert a table to a JSON string
json_to_table(json) → Any Convert a JSON string to a table
write_file(filename, data, append, for_player) Write a string to a file.
remove_path(path) Remove file or directory.
remove_offline_players(players) Remove players who are currently not connected from the map.
force_crc() Force a CRC check.
create_force(force) → LuaForce Create a new force.
merge_forces(source, destination) Marks two forces to be merge together.
create_surface(name, settings) → LuaSurface Create a new surface
server_save(name) Instruct the server to save the map.
auto_save(name) Instruct the game to perform an auto-save.
delete_surface(surface) Deletes the given surface and all entities on it.
disable_replay() Disables replay saving for the current save file.
disable_tutorial_triggers() Disables tutorial triggers, that unlock new tutorials and show notices about unlocked tutorials.
direction_to_string(direction) Converts the given direction into the string version of the direction.
print(message, color) Print text to the chat console all players.
create_random_generator(seed) → LuaRandomGenerator Creates a deterministic standalone random generator with the given seed or if a seed is not provided the initial map seed is used.
check_prototype_translations() Goes over all items, entities, tiles, recipes, technologies among other things and logs if the locale is incorrect.
play_sound{path=…, position=…, volume_modifier=…} → boolean Plays a sound for every player in the game on every surface.
is_valid_sound_path(SoundPath) → boolean Checks if the given sound path is valid.
kick_player(PlayerSpecification, reason) Kicks the given player from this multiplayer game.
ban_player(PlayerSpecification, reason) Bans the given player from this multiplayer game.
unban_player(PlayerSpecification) Unbans the given player from this multiplayer game.
purge_player(PlayerSpecification) Purges the given players messages from the game.
mute_player(PlayerSpecification) Mutes the given player.
unmute_player(PlayerSpecification) Unmutes the given player.
count_pipe_groups() Counts how many distinct groups of pipes exist in the world.
is_multiplayer() → boolean Is the map loaded is multiplayer?
get_active_entities_count(surface) → uint Gets the number of entities that are active (updated each tick).
get_map_exchange_string() → string Gets the map exchange string for the map generation settings that were used to create this map.
get_train_stops(opts) → array of LuaEntity Gets train stops matching the given filters.
get_player(player) → LuaPlayer Gets the given player or returns nil if no player is found.
get_surface(surface) → LuaSurface Gets the given surface or returns nil if no surface is found.
player :: LuaPlayer [R] The player typing at the console - nil in all other instances.
players :: custom dictionary uint or stringLuaPlayer [R]
map_settings :: MapSettings [R]
difficulty_settings :: DifficultySettings [R] Although it can be done; because different difficulties can have different technology or recipe trees it's not recommended to change difficulty settings mid-game.
difficulty :: defines.difficulty [R] Current scenario difficulty.
forces :: custom dictionary stringLuaForce [R]
entity_prototypes :: custom dictionary stringLuaEntityPrototype [R]
item_prototypes :: custom dictionary stringLuaItemPrototype [R]
fluid_prototypes :: custom dictionary stringLuaFluidPrototype [R]
tile_prototypes :: custom dictionary stringLuaTilePrototype [R]
equipment_prototypes :: custom dictionary stringLuaEquipmentPrototype [R]
damage_prototypes :: custom dictionary stringLuaDamagePrototype [R]
virtual_signal_prototypes :: custom dictionary stringLuaVirtualSignalPrototype [R]
equipment_grid_prototypes :: custom dictionary stringLuaEquipmentGridPrototype [R]
recipe_prototypes :: custom dictionary stringLuaRecipePrototype [R]
technology_prototypes :: custom dictionary stringLuaTechnologyPrototype [R]
decorative_prototypes :: custom dictionary stringLuaDecorativePrototype [R]
autoplace_control_prototypes :: custom dictionary stringLuaAutoplaceControlPrototype [R]
noise_layer_prototypes :: custom dictionary stringLuaNoiseLayerPrototype [R]
mod_setting_prototypes :: custom dictionary stringLuaModSettingPrototype [R]
custom_input_prototypes :: custom dictionary stringLuaCustomInputPrototype [R]
ammo_category_prototypes :: custom dictionary stringLuaAmmoCategoryPrototype [R]
styles :: custom dictionary stringstring [R] The styles that LuaGuiElement can use.
tick :: uint [R] Current map tick.
ticks_played :: uint [R] The number of ticks since this game was 'created'.
tick_paused :: boolean [RW] If the tick has been paused.
ticks_to_run :: uint [RW] The number of ticks to be run while the tick is paused.
finished :: boolean [R] Is the scenario finished?
speed :: float [RW] Speed to update the map at.
surfaces :: custom dictionary uint or stringLuaSurface [R]
active_mods :: dictionary stringstring [R] The active mods versions.
connected_players :: array of LuaPlayer [R] The online players This is primarily useful when you want to do some action against all online players.
permissions :: LuaPermissionGroups [R]
backer_names :: custom dictionary uintstring [R]
default_map_gen_settings :: MapGenSettings [R] The default map gen settings for this save.
enemy_has_vision_on_land_mines :: boolean [RW] Determines if enemy land mines are completely invisible or not.
autosave_enabled :: boolean [RW] True by default.
draw_resource_selection :: boolean [RW] True by default.
class LuaGroup - sort
name :: string [R]
localised_name :: LocalisedString [R] Localised name of the group.
type :: string [R]
group :: LuaGroup [R] The parent group if any; nil if none.
subgroups :: array of LuaGroup [R] Subgroups of this group.
order_in_recipe :: string [R] The additional order value used in recipe ordering.
order :: string [R]
valid :: boolean [R] Is this object valid?
help() → string All methods, and properties that this object supports.
class LuaGui - sort
is_valid_sprite_path(sprite_path) → boolean Returns true if sprite_path is valid and contains loaded sprite, otherwise false.
player :: LuaPlayer [R] The player who owns this gui.
children :: dictionary stringLuaGuiElement [R] The children GUI elements mapped by name <> element.
top :: LuaGuiElement [R] The top part of the GUI.
left :: LuaGuiElement [R] The left part of the GUI.
center :: LuaGuiElement [R] The center part of the GUI.
goal :: LuaGuiElement [R] The flow used in the objectives window.
valid :: boolean [R] Is this object valid?
help() → string All methods, and properties that this object supports.
class LuaGuiElement - sort
add{type=…, name=…, caption=…, tooltip=…, enabled=…, ignored_by_interaction=…, style=…} → LuaGuiElement Add a child element.
clear() Remove children of this element.
destroy() Remove this element, along with its children.
clear_items() Clears the items in this dropdown or listbox.
get_item(index) → LocalisedString Gets an item at the given index from this dropdown or listbox.
set_item(index, LocalisedString) Sets an item at the given index in this dropdown or listbox.
add_item(LocalisedString, index) Adds an item at the end or at the given index in this dropdown or listbox.
remove_item(index) Removes an item at the given index in this dropdown or listbox.
get_slider_minimum() → double Gets this sliders minimum value.
get_slider_maximum() → double Gets this sliders minimum value.
set_slider_minimum_maximum(minimum, maximum) Sets this sliders minimum and maximum values.
focus() Focuses this GUI element if possible.
index :: uint [R] The unique index of this GUI element.
gui :: LuaGui [R] The GUI this element is a part of.
parent :: LuaGuiElement [R] The direct parent of this element; nil if this is a top-level element.
name :: string [R] The name of this element.
caption :: LocalisedString [RW] The text displayed on the element.
value :: double [RW] How much this progress bar is filled.
direction :: string [R] Direction of the layout.
style :: LuaStyle or string [RW] The style of this element.
visible :: boolean [RW] When not visible the GUI element is hidden completely and takes no space in the layout.
text :: string [RW] The text contained in a textfield or text-box.
children_names :: array of string [R] Names of all the children of this element.
state :: boolean [RW] Is this checkbox checked?
player_index :: uint [R] Index into LuaGameScript::players specifying the player who owns this element.
sprite :: SpritePath [RW] The image to display on this sprite-button or sprite in the default state.
resize_to_sprite :: boolean [RW] Whether should the image widget resize its size according to the sprite in it (true by default)
hovered_sprite :: SpritePath [RW] The image to display on this sprite-button when it is hovered.
clicked_sprite :: SpritePath [RW] The image to display on this sprite-button when it is clicked.
tooltip :: LocalisedString [RW]
horizontal_scroll_policy :: string [RW] Policy of the horizontal scroll bar, possible values are "auto" (default), "never", "always", "auto-and-reserve-space".
vertical_scroll_policy :: string [RW] Policy of the vertical scroll bar, possible values are "auto" (default), "never", "always", "auto-and-reserve-space".
type :: string [R] The type of this GUI element.
children :: array of LuaGuiElement [R] The children elements
items :: array of LocalisedString [RW] The items in this dropdown or listbox.
selected_index :: uint [RW] The selected index for this dropdown or listbox.
number :: double [RW] The number to be shown in the right-bottom corner of the sprite-button.
show_percent_for_small_numbers :: boolean [RW] Related to the number to be shown in the right-bottom corner of the sprite-button.
position :: Position [RW] The position this camera or minimap is focused on if any.
surface_index :: uint [RW] The surface index this camera or minimap is using.
zoom :: double [RW] The zoom this camera or minimap is using.
minimap_player_index :: uint [RW] The player index this minimap is using.
force :: string [RW] The force this minimap is using or nil if no force is set.
elem_type :: string [R] The elem type of this choose-elem-button.
elem_value :: string or SignalID [RW] The elem value of this choose-elem-button or nil if there is no value.
selectable :: boolean [RW] If the contents of this text-box are selectable.
word_wrap :: boolean [RW] If this text-box will word-wrap automatically.
read_only :: boolean [RW] If this text-box is read-only.
enabled :: boolean [RW] If this GUI element is enabled.
ignored_by_interaction :: boolean [RW] If this GUI element is ignored by interaction.
locked :: boolean [RW] If this choose-elem-button can be changed by the player.
draw_vertical_lines :: boolean [RW] If this table should draw vertical grid lines.
draw_horizontal_lines :: boolean [RW] If this table should draw horizontal grid lines.
draw_horizontal_line_after_headers :: boolean [RW] If this table should draw a horizontal grid line after the headers.
column_count :: uint [R] The number of columns in this table.
slider_value :: double [RW] The value of this slider element.
mouse_button_filter :: dictionary stringboolean [RW] The mouse button filters for this button or sprite-button.
entity :: LuaEntity [RW] The entity associated with this entity-preview or nil if no entity is associated.
valid :: boolean [R] Is this object valid?
help() → string All methods, and properties that this object supports.
class LuaInventory - sort
clear() Make this inventory empty.
can_insert(items) → boolean Can at least some items be inserted?
insert(items) → uint Insert items into this inventory.
remove(items) → uint Remove items from this inventory.
get_item_count(item) → uint Get the number of all or some items in this inventory.
is_empty() → boolean Does this inventory contain nothing?
get_contents() → dictionary stringuint Get counts of all items in this inventory.
hasbar() → boolean Does this inventory have a bar?
getbar() → uint Get the current bar.
setbar(bar) Set the current bar.
supports_filters() → boolean If this inventory supports filters.
is_filtered() → boolean If this inventory supports filters and has at least 1 filter set.
can_set_filter(index, filter) → boolean If the given inventory slot filter can be set to the given filter.
get_filter(index) → string Gets the filter for the given item stack index.
set_filter(index, filter) → boolean Sets the filter for the given item stack index.
find_item_stack(item) → LuaItemStack Gets the first LuaItemStack in the inventory that matches the given item name.
sort_and_merge() Sorts and merges the items in this inventory.
operator # :: uint [R] Get the number of slots in this inventory.
index :: uint [R] The inventory index this inventory uses.
entity_owner :: LuaEntity [R] The entity that owns this inventory or nil if this isn't owned by an entity.
player_owner :: LuaPlayer [R] The player that owns this inventory or nil if this isn't owned by a player.
equipment_owner :: LuaEntity [R] The equipment that owns this inventory or nil if this isn't owned by an equipment.
operator [] :: LuaItemStack [R] The indexing operator.
valid :: boolean [R] Is this object valid?
help() → string All methods, and properties that this object supports.
class LuaItemPrototype - sort
has_flag(flag) → boolean Does this prototype have a flag enabled?
get_ammo_type(ammo_source_type) → AmmoType Type of this ammo prototype or nil if this is not an ammo prototype.
type :: string [R] Type of this prototype.
name :: string [R] Name of this prototype.
localised_name :: LocalisedString [R]
localised_description :: LocalisedString [R]
order :: string [R] Order string.
place_result :: LuaEntityPrototype [R] Prototype of the entity that will be created by placing this item, or nil if there is no such entity.
place_as_equipment_result :: LuaEquipmentPrototype [R] Prototype of the equipment that will be created by placing this item in an equipment grid or nil if there is no equipment defined.
place_as_tile_result :: PlaceAsTileResult [R] The place as tile result if one is defined else nil.
stackable :: boolean [R] Is this item allowed to stack at all?
default_request_amount :: uint [R] The default request value.
stack_size :: uint [R] Maximum stack size of the item specified by this prototype.
wire_count :: uint [R] The number of items needed to connect 2 entities with this as wire.
fuel_category :: string [R] The fuel category or nil.
burnt_result :: LuaItemPrototype [R] The result of burning this item as fuel or nil.
fuel_value :: float [R] Fuel value when burned.
fuel_acceleration_multiplier :: double [R] The acceleration multiplier when this item is used as fuel in a vehicle.
fuel_top_speed_multiplier :: double [R] The fuel top speed multiplier when this item is used as fuel in a vehicle.
fuel_emissions_multiplier :: double [R] The emissions multiplier if this is used as fuel.
subgroup :: LuaGroup [R] The subgroup this prototype belongs to.
group :: LuaGroup [R] The group this prototype belongs to.
flags :: dictionary stringboolean [R] The item prototype flags for this item prototype.
rocket_launch_products :: array of Product [R] The results from launching this item in a rocket.
can_be_mod_opened :: boolean [R] If this item can be mod-opened.
magazine_size :: float [R] Size of full magazine; nil if this is not an ammo item.
reload_time :: float [R] Amount of extra time (in ticks) it takes to reload the weapon after depleting the magazine or nil if this is not an ammo item.
equipment_grid :: LuaEquipmentGridPrototype [R] The prototype of this armor equipment grid or nil if none or this is not an armor item.
resistances :: Resistances [R] Resistances of this armour item; nil if not an armor or the armor has no resistances.
inventory_size_bonus :: uint [R] The inventory size bonus for this armor prototype.
capsule_action :: CapsuleAction [R] The capsule action for this capsule item prototype or nil if this isn't a capsule item prototype.
robot_action :: Trigger [R] The robot action for this capsule item prototype or nil if this isn't a capsule item prototype.
attack_parameters :: AttackParameters [R] The gun attack parameters or nil if not a gun item prototype.
inventory_size :: uint [R] The main inventory size for item-with-inventory-prototype.
item_filters :: dictionary stringLuaItemPrototype [R]
item_group_filters :: dictionary stringLuaGroup [R]
item_subgroup_filters :: dictionary stringLuaGroup [R]
filter_mode :: string [R] The filter mode used by this item with inventory.
insertion_priority_mode :: string [R] The insertion priority mode used by this item with inventory.
localised_filter_message :: LocalisedString [R] The localised string used when the player attempts to put items into this item with inventory that aren't allowed.
extend_inventory_by_default :: boolean [R] If this item with inventory extends the inventory it resides in by default.
default_label_color :: Color [R] The default label color used for this item with label.
draw_label_for_cursor_render :: boolean [R] If true, and this item with label has a label it is drawn in place of the normal number when held in the cursor.
speed :: float [R] The repairing speed if this is a repairing tool; otherwise nil.
module_effects :: Effects [R] Effects of this module; nil if this is not a module.
category :: string [R] The module category name
tier :: float [R] The module tier
limitations :: array of string [R] An array of recipe names this module is allowed to work with.
limitation_message_key :: string [R] The limitation message key used when the player attempts to use this modules in some place it's not allowed.
straight_rail :: LuaEntityPrototype [R] The straight rail prototype used for this rail planner prototype.
curved_rail :: LuaEntityPrototype [R] The curved rail prototype used for this rail planner prototype.
repair_result :: Trigger [R] The repair result of this repair tool prototype or nil if this isn't a repair tool prototype.
selection_border_color :: Color [R] The color used when doing normal selection with this selection tool prototype.
alt_selection_border_color :: Color [R] The color used when doing alt selection with this selection tool prototype.
selection_mode_flags :: SelectionModeFlags [R] Flags that affect which entities will be selected.
alt_selection_mode_flags :: SelectionModeFlags [R] Flags that affect which entities will be selected during alternate selection.
selection_cursor_box_type :: string [R]
alt_selection_cursor_box_type :: string [R]
always_include_tiles :: boolean [R] If tiles area always included when doing selection with this selection tool prototype.
show_in_library :: boolean [R] Is this selection tool prototype available in the blueprint library.
entity_filter_mode :: string [R] The entity filter mode used by this selection tool.
alt_entity_filter_mode :: string [R] The alt entity filter mode used by this selection tool.
tile_filter_mode :: string [R] The tile filter mode used by this selection tool.
alt_tile_filter_mode :: string [R] The alt tile filter mode used by this selection tool.
entity_filters :: dictionary stringLuaEntityPrototype [R] The entity filters used by this selection tool indexed by entity name.
alt_entity_filters :: dictionary stringLuaEntityPrototype [R] The alt entity filters used by this selection tool indexed by entity name.
entity_type_filters :: dictionary stringboolean [R] The entity type filters used by this selection tool indexed by entity type.
alt_entity_type_filters :: dictionary stringboolean [R] The alt entity type filters used by this selection tool indexed by entity type.
tile_filters :: dictionary stringLuaTilePrototype [R] The tile filters used by this selection tool indexed by tile name.
alt_tile_filters :: dictionary stringLuaTilePrototype [R] The alt tile filters used by this selection tool indexed by tile name.
entity_filter_slots :: uint [R] The number of entity filters this deconstruction item has or nil if this isn't a deconstruction item prototype.
tile_filter_slots :: uint [R] The number of tile filters this deconstruction item has or nil if this isn't a deconstruction item prototype.
durability_description_key :: string [R] The durability message key used when displaying the durability of this tool.
durability :: double [R] The durability of this tool item or nil if not a tool item.
infinite :: boolean [R] If this tool item has infinite durability.
valid :: boolean [R] Is this object valid?
help() → string All methods, and properties that this object supports.
class LuaItemStack - sort
is_blueprint_setup() → boolean Is this blueprint item setup?
get_blueprint_entities() → array of blueprint entity Entities in this blueprint.
set_blueprint_entities(entities) Set new entities to be a part of this blueprint.
add_ammo(amount) Add ammo to this ammo item.
drain_ammo(amount) Remove ammo from this ammo item.
add_durability(amount) Add durability to this tool item.
drain_durability(amount) Remove durability from this tool item.
can_set_stack(stack) → boolean Would a call to LuaItemStack::set_stack succeed?
set_stack(stack) → boolean Set this item stack to another item stack.
transfer_stack(stack) → boolean Transfers the given item stack into this item stack.
export_stack() → string Export a supported item (blueprint, blueprint-book, deconstruction-planner, item-with-tags) to a string
import_stack(data) → int Import a supported item (blueprint, blueprint-book, deconstruction-planner, item-with-tags) from a string
swap_stack(stack) → boolean Swaps this item stack with the given item stack if allowed.
clear() Clear this item stack.
get_blueprint_tiles() → array of blueprint tile Tiles in this blueprint
set_blueprint_tiles(tiles) Set tiles in this blueprint
get_inventory(inventory) → LuaInventory Access the inner inventory of an item.
build_blueprint{surface=…, force=…, position=…, force_build=…, direction=…, skip_fog_of_war=…, by_player=…} → array of LuaEntity Build this blueprint
deconstruct_area{surface=…, force=…, area=…, skip_fog_of_war=…, by_player=…} Deconstruct the given area with this deconstruction item.
cancel_deconstruct_area{surface=…, force=…, area=…, skip_fog_of_war=…, by_player=…} Cancel deconstruct the given area with this deconstruction item.
create_blueprint{surface=…, force=…, area=…, always_include_tiles=…} Sets up this blueprint using the found blueprintable entities/tiles on the surface.
get_tag(tag_name) → Any Gets the tag with the given name or returns nil if it doesn't exist.
set_tag(tag_name, tag) → Any Sets the tag with the given name and value.
remove_tag(tag) → boolean Removes a tag with the given name.
clear_blueprint() Clears this blueprint item.
get_entity_filter(index) → string Gets the entity filter at the given index for this deconstruction item.
set_entity_filter(index, filter) → boolean Sets the entity filter at the given index for this deconstruction item.
get_tile_filter(index) → string Gets the tile filter at the given index for this deconstruction item.
set_tile_filter(index, filter) → boolean Sets the tile filter at the given index for this deconstruction item.
clear_deconstruction_item() Clears all settings/filters on this deconstruction item resetting it to default values.
clear_upgrade_item() Clears all settings/filters on this upgrade item resetting it to default values.
get_mapper(index, type) → UpgradeFilter Gets the filter at the given index for this upgrade item.
set_mapper(index, type, filter) Sets the module filter at the given index for this upgrade item.
valid_for_read :: boolean [R] Is this valid for reading?
prototype :: LuaItemPrototype [R] Prototype of the item held in this stack.
name :: string [R] Prototype name of the item held in this stack.
type :: string [R] Type of the item prototype.
count :: uint [RW] Number of items in this stack.
grid :: LuaEquipmentGrid [R] The equipment grid of this item or nil if this item doesn't have a grid.
health :: float [RW] How much health the item has, as a number in range [0, 1].
durability :: double [RW] Durability of the contained item.
ammo :: uint [RW] Number of bullets left in the magazine.
blueprint_icons :: array of Icon [RW] Icons of a blueprint item.
label :: string [RW] The current label for this item.
label_color :: Color [RW] The current label color for this item.
allow_manual_label_change :: boolean [RW] If the label for this item can be manually changed.
cost_to_build :: dictionary stringuint [R] Raw materials required to build this blueprint.
extends_inventory :: boolean [RW] If this item extends the inventory it resides in (provides its contents for counts, crafting, insertion).
prioritize_insertion_mode :: string [RW] The insertion mode priority this ItemWithInventory uses when items are inserted into an inventory it resides in.
default_icons :: array of Icon [R] The default icons for a blueprint item.
tags :: dictionary stringAny [RW]
custom_description :: LocalisedString [RW] The custom description this item-with-tags.
entity_filters :: array of string [RW] The entity filters for this deconstruction item.
tile_filters :: array of string [RW] The tile filters for this deconstruction item.
entity_filter_mode :: defines.deconstruction_item.entity_filter_mode [RW] The blacklist/whitelist entity filter mode for this deconstruction item.
tile_filter_mode :: defines.deconstruction_item.tile_filter_mode [RW] The blacklist/whitelist tile filter mode for this deconstruction item.
tile_selection_mode :: defines.deconstruction_item.tile_selection_mode [RW] The tile selection mode for this deconstruction item.
trees_and_rocks_only :: boolean [RW] If this deconstruction item is set to allow trees and rocks only.
entity_filter_count :: uint [R] The number of entity filters this deconstruction item supports.
tile_filter_count :: uint [R] The number of tile filters this deconstruction item supports.
active_index :: uint [RW] The active blueprint index for this blueprint book.
item_number :: uint [R] The unique ID for this item if it has a unique ID or nil.
is_blueprint :: boolean [R] If this is a blueprint item.
is_blueprint_book :: boolean [R] If this is a blueprint book item.
is_module :: boolean [R] If this is a module item.
is_tool :: boolean [R] If this is a tool item.
is_mining_tool :: boolean [R] If this is a mining tool item.
is_armor :: boolean [R] If this is an armor item.
is_repair_tool :: boolean [R] If this is a repair tool item.
is_item_with_label :: boolean [R] If this is an item with label item.
is_item_with_inventory :: boolean [R] If this is an item with inventory item.
is_item_with_entity_data :: boolean [R] If this is an item with entity data item.
is_selection_tool :: boolean [R] If this is a selection tool item.
is_item_with_tags :: boolean [R] If this is an item with tags item.
is_deconstruction_item :: boolean [R] If this is a deconstruction tool item.
is_upgrade_item :: boolean [R] If this is a upgrade item.
valid :: boolean [R] Is this object valid?
help() → string All methods, and properties that this object supports.
class LuaLogisticCell - sort
is_in_logistic_range(position) → boolean Is a given position within the logistic range of this cell?
is_in_construction_range(position) → boolean Is a given position within the construction range of this cell?
is_neighbour_with(other) → boolean Are two cells neighbours?
logistic_radius :: float [R] Logistic radius of this cell.
logistics_connection_distance :: float [R] Logistic connection distance of this cell.
construction_radius :: float [R] Construction radius of this cell.
stationed_logistic_robot_count :: uint [R] Number of stationed logistic robots in this cell.
stationed_construction_robot_count :: uint [R] Number of stationed construction robots in this cell.
mobile :: boolean [R] true if this is a mobile cell.
transmitting :: boolean [R] true if this cell is active.
charge_approach_distance :: float [R] Radius at which the robots hover when waiting to be charged.
charging_robot_count :: uint [R] Number of robots currently charging.
to_charge_robot_count :: uint [R] Number of robots waiting to charge.
owner :: LuaEntity [R] This cell's owner.
logistic_network :: LuaLogisticNetwork [R] The network that owns this cell or nil.
neighbours :: array of LuaLogisticCell [R] Neighbouring cells.
charging_robots :: array of LuaEntity [R] Robots currently being charged.
to_charge_robots :: array of LuaEntity [R] Robots waiting to charge.
valid :: boolean [R] Is this object valid?
help() → string All methods, and properties that this object supports.
class LuaLogisticNetwork - sort
get_item_count(item, member) → int Count given or all items in the network or given members.
get_contents() → dictionary stringuint Get item counts for the entire network.
remove_item(item, members) → uint Remove items from the logistic network.
insert(item, members) → uint Insert items into the logistic network.
find_cell_closest_to(position) → LuaLogisticCell Find logistic cell closest to a given position.
select_pickup_point{name=…, position=…, include_buffers=…, members=…} → LuaLogisticPoint Find the 'best' logistic point with this item ID and from the given position or from given chest type.
select_drop_point{stack=…, members=…} → LuaLogisticPoint Find a logistic point to drop the specific item stack.
force :: LuaForce [R] The force this logistic network belongs to.
available_logistic_robots :: uint [R] Number of logistic robots available for a job.
all_logistic_robots :: uint [R] The total number of logistic robots in the network (idle and active + in roboports).
available_construction_robots :: uint [R] Number of construction robots available for a job.
all_construction_robots :: uint [R] The total number of construction robots in the network (idle and active + in roboports).
robot_limit :: uint [R] Maximum number of robots the network can work with.
cells :: array of LuaLogisticCell [R] All cells in this network.
providers :: array of LuaEntity [R] All entities that have logistic provider points in this network.
empty_providers :: array of LuaEntity [R] All entities that have empty logistic provider points in this network.
requesters :: array of LuaEntity [R] All entities that have logistic requester points in this network.
storages :: array of LuaEntity [R] All entities that have logistic storage points in this network.
logistic_members :: array of LuaEntity [R] All other entities that have logistic points in this network (inserters mostly).
provider_points :: array of LuaLogisticPoint [R] All things that have provider points in this network.
passive_provider_points :: array of LuaLogisticPoint [R] All passive provider points in this network.
active_provider_points :: array of LuaLogisticPoint [R] All active provider points in this network.
empty_provider_points :: array of LuaLogisticPoint [R] All things that have empty provider points in this network.
requester_points :: array of LuaLogisticPoint [R] All things that have requester points in this network.
storage_points :: array of LuaLogisticPoint [R] All things that have storage points in this network.
robots :: array of LuaEntity [R] All robots in this logistic network.
construction_robots :: array of LuaEntity [R] All construction robots in this logistic network.
logistic_robots :: array of LuaEntity [R] All logistic robots in this logistic network.
valid :: boolean [R] Is this object valid?
help() → string All methods, and properties that this object supports.
class LuaLogisticPoint - sort
owner :: LuaEntity [R] The LuaEntity owner of this LuaLogisticPoint.
logistic_network :: LuaLogisticNetwork [R]
logistic_member_index :: uint [R] The Logistic member index of this logistic point.
filters :: array of LogisticFilter [R] The logistic filters for this logistic point or nil if this doesn't use logistic filters.
mode :: defines.logistic_mode [R] The logistic mode.
force :: LuaForce [R] The force of this logistic point.
targeted_items_pickup :: dictionary stringuint [R] Items targeted to be picked up from this logistic point by robots.
targeted_items_deliver :: dictionary stringuint [R] Items targeted to be dropped off into this logistic point by robots.
exact :: boolean [R] If this logistic point is using the exact mode.
valid :: boolean [R] Is this object valid?
help() → string All methods, and properties that this object supports.
class LuaModSettingPrototype - sort
name :: string [R] Name of this prototype.
order :: string [R] Order string of this prototype.
localised_name :: LocalisedString [R]
localised_description :: LocalisedString [R]
mod :: string [R] The mod that owns this setting.
setting_type :: string [R]
default_value :: boolean or double or int or string [R] The default value of this setting.
minimum_value :: double or int [R] The minimum value for this setting or nil if this setting type doesn't support a minimum.
maximum_value :: double or int [R] The maximum value for this setting or nil if this setting type doesn't support a maximum.
allowed_values :: array of string or array of int or array of double [R] The allowed values for this setting or nil if this setting doesn't use the a fixed set of values.
allow_blank :: boolean [R] If this string setting allows blank values or nil if not a string setting.
auto_trim :: boolean [R] If this string setting auto-trims values or nil if not a string setting.
valid :: boolean [R] Is this object valid?
help() → string All methods, and properties that this object supports.
class LuaNoiseLayerPrototype - sort
name :: string [R] Name of this prototype.
order :: string [R] Order string of this prototype.
localised_name :: LocalisedString [R]
localised_description :: LocalisedString [R]
valid :: boolean [R] Is this object valid?
help() → string All methods, and properties that this object supports.
class LuaPermissionGroup - sort
add_player(player) → boolean Adds the given player to this group.
remove_player(player) → boolean Removes the given player from this group.
allows_action(action) → boolean If this group allows the given action.
set_allows_action(action, boolean) → boolean Sets if the player is allowed to perform the given action.
destroy() → boolean Destroys this group.
name :: string [RW] The name of this group.
players :: array of LuaPlayer [R] The players in this group.
group_id :: uint [R] The group ID
valid :: boolean [R] Is this object valid?
help() → string All methods, and properties that this object supports.
class LuaPermissionGroups - sort
create_group(name) → LuaPermissionGroup Creates a new permission group.
get_group(group) → LuaPermissionGroup Gets the permission group with the given name or group ID or nil if there is no matching group.
groups :: array of LuaPermissionGroup [R] All of the permission groups.
valid :: boolean [R] Is this object valid?
help() → string All methods, and properties that this object supports.
class LuaPlayer extends LuaControl - sort
set_ending_screen_data(message, file) Setup the screen to be shown when the game is finished.
print(message, color) Print text to the chat console.
clear_console() Clear the chat console.
get_goal_description() → LocalisedString Get the current goal description, as a localised string.
set_goal_description(text, only_update) Set the text in the goal window (top left).
set_controller{type=…, character=…, waypoints=…, final_transition_time=…} Set the controller type of the player.
disable_recipe_groups() Disable recipe groups.
enable_recipe_groups() Enable recipe groups.
disable_recipe_subgroups() Disable recipe subgroups.
enable_recipe_subgroups() Enable recipe subgroups.
print_entity_statistics(entities) Print entity statistics to the player's console.
unlock_achievement(name) Unlock the achievements of the given player.
clean_cursor() → boolean Invokes the "clean cursor" action on the player as if the user pressed it.
create_character(character) → boolean Creates and attaches a character entity to this player.
add_alert(entity, type) Adds an alert to this player for the given entity of the given alert type.
add_custom_alert(entity, icon, message, show_on_map) Adds a custom alert to this player.
remove_alert{entity=…, prototype=…, position=…, type=…, surface=…, icon=…, message=…} Removes all alerts matching the given filters or if an empty filters table is given all alerts are removed.
get_alerts{entity=…, prototype=…, position=…, type=…, surface=…} → dictionary uintdictionary defines.alert_typearray of alert Gets all alerts matching the given filters or if no filters are given all alerts are returned.
mute_alert(alert_type) → boolean Mutes alerts for the given alert category.
unmute_alert(alert_type) → boolean Unmutes alerts for the given alert category.
is_alert_muted(alert_type) → boolean If the given alert type is currently muted.
enable_alert(alert_type) → boolean Enables alerts for the given alert category.
disable_alert(alert_type) → boolean Disables alerts for the given alert category.
is_alert_enabled(alert_type) → boolean If the given alert type is currently enabled.
pipette_entity(entity) → boolean Invokes the "smart pipette" action on the player as if the user pressed it.
can_place_entity{name=…, position=…, direction=…} → boolean Checks if this player can build the give entity at the given location on the surface the player is on.
can_build_from_cursor{position=…, direction=…, alt=…, terrain_building_size=…, skip_fog_of_war=…} → boolean Checks if this player can build what ever is in the cursor on the surface the player is on.
build_from_cursor{position=…, direction=…, alt=…, terrain_building_size=…, skip_fog_of_war=…} Builds what ever is in the cursor on the surface the player is on.
use_from_cursor(position) Uses the current item in the cursor if it's a capsule or does nothing if not.
play_sound{path=…, position=…, volume_modifier=…} → boolean Plays a sound for this player
get_associated_characters() → array of LuaEntity The characters associated with this player.
associate_character(character) Associates a character with this player.
disassociate_character(character) Disassociates a character from this player.
create_local_flying_text{text=…, position=…, color=…, time_to_live=…, speed=…} Spawn a flying text that is only visible to this player.
get_quick_bar_slot(index) → LuaItemPrototype Gets the quick bar filter for the given slot or nil.
set_quick_bar_slot(index, filter) Sets the quick bar filter for the given slot.
get_active_quick_bar_page(index) → uint8 Gets which quick bar page is being used for the given screen page or nil if not known.
set_active_quick_bar_page(screen_index, page_index) Sets which quick bar page is being used for the given screen page.
jump_to_cutscene_waypoint(waypoint_index) Jump to the specified cutscene waypoint.
open_map(position, scale) Opens the map at the specified position.
zoom_to_world(position, scale) Zoom to world at the specified position.
close_map() Switch to the normal game view from the map or zoom to world view.
character :: LuaEntity [RW] The character attached to this player, or nil if no character.
index :: uint [R] This player's index in LuaGameScript::players.
gui :: LuaGui [R]
opened_self :: boolean [R] true if the player opened itself.
controller_type :: defines.controllers [R]
game_view_settings :: GameViewSettings [RW] The player's game view settings.
minimap_enabled :: boolean [RW] true if the minimap is visible.
color :: Color [RW] The color associated with the player.
chat_color :: Color [RW] The color used when this player talks in game.
name :: string [RW] The player's username.
tag :: string [RW] The tag that is shown after the player in chat and on the map.
connected :: boolean [R] true if the player is currently connected to the game.
admin :: boolean [RW] true if the player is an admin.
entity_copy_source :: LuaEntity [R] The source entity used during entity settings copy-paste if any.
afk_time :: uint [R] How many ticks since the last action of this player
online_time :: uint [R] How many ticks did this player spend playing this save (all sessions combined)
permission_group :: LuaPermissionGroup [RW] The permission group this player is part of or nil if not part of any group.
mod_settings [R]
ticks_to_respawn :: uint [RW] The number of ticks until this player will respawn or nil if not waiting to respawn.
display_resolution :: DisplayResolution [R] The display resolution for this player.
display_scale :: double [R] The display scale for this player.
blueprint_to_setup :: LuaItemStack [R] The item stack containing a blueprint to be setup.
render_mode :: defines.render_mode [R] The render mode of the player, like map or zoom to world.
spectator :: boolean [RW] If true, zoom-to-world noise effect will be disabled and environmental sounds will be based on zoom-to-world view instead of position of player's character.
zoom :: double [W] The player's zoom-level.
map_view_settings :: MapViewSettings [W] The player's map view settings.
valid :: boolean [R] Is this object valid?
help() → string All methods, and properties that this object supports.
class LuaRCON - sort
print(message) Print text to the calling RCON interface if any.
class LuaRailPath - sort
size :: uint [R] The total number of rails in this path.
current :: uint [R] The current rail index.
total_distance :: double [R] The total path distance.
travelled_distance :: double [R] The total distance travelled.
rails :: custom dictionary uintLuaEntity [R] The rails this path travels.
valid :: boolean [R] Is this object valid?
help() → string All methods, and properties that this object supports.
class LuaRandomGenerator - sort
operator ()(lower, upper) → double Generates a random number.
re_seed(seed) Re-seeds the random generator with the given value.
valid :: boolean [R] Is this object valid?
help() → string All methods, and properties that this object supports.
class LuaRecipe - sort
reload() Reload the recipe from the prototype.
name :: string [R] Name of the recipe.
localised_name :: LocalisedString [R] Localised name of the recipe.
localised_description :: LocalisedString [R]
prototype :: LuaRecipePrototype [R] The prototype for this recipe.
enabled :: boolean [RW] Can the recipe be used?
category :: string [R] Category of the recipe.
ingredients :: array of Ingredient [R] Ingredients for this recipe.
products :: array of Product [R] The results of this recipe.
hidden :: boolean [R] Is the recipe hidden?
hidden_from_flow_stats :: boolean [RW] Is the recipe hidden from flow statistics?
energy :: double [R] Energy required to execute this recipe.
order :: string [R] Order string.
group :: LuaGroup [R] Group of this recipe.
subgroup :: LuaGroup [R] Subgroup of this recipe.
force :: LuaForce [R] The force that owns this recipe.
valid :: boolean [R] Is this object valid?
help() → string All methods, and properties that this object supports.
class LuaRecipePrototype - sort
enabled :: boolean [R] If this recipe prototype is enabled by default (enabled at the beginning of a game).
name :: string [R] Name of the recipe.
localised_name :: LocalisedString [R] Localised name of the recipe.
localised_description :: LocalisedString [R]
category :: string [R] Category of the recipe.
ingredients :: array of Ingredient [R] Ingredients for this recipe.
products :: array of Product [R] The results of this recipe.
main_product :: Product [R] The main product of this recipe, nil if no main product is defined.
hidden :: boolean [R] Is the recipe hidden?
hidden_from_flow_stats :: boolean [R] Is the recipe hidden from flow statistics?
always_show_made_in :: boolean [R] Should this recipe always show "made-in" in the tooltip?
energy :: double [R] Energy required to execute this recipe.
order :: string [R] Order string.
group :: LuaGroup [R] Group of this recipe.
subgroup :: LuaGroup [R] Subgroup of this recipe.
request_paste_multiplier :: uint [R] The multiplier used when this recipe is copied from an assembling machine to a requester chest.
overload_multiplier :: uint [R] Used to determine how many extra items are put into an assembling machine before it's considered "full enough".
allow_as_intermediate :: boolean [R] If this recipe is enabled for the purpose of intermediate hand-crafting.
allow_intermediates :: boolean [R] If this recipe is allowed to use intermediate recipes when hand-crafting.
show_amount_in_title :: boolean [R] If the amount is shown in the recipe tooltip title when the recipe produces more than 1 product.
always_show_products :: boolean [R] If the products are always shown in the recipe tooltip.
emissions_multiplier :: double [R] The emissions multiplier for this recipe.
valid :: boolean [R] Is this object valid?
help() → string All methods, and properties that this object supports.
class LuaRemote - sort
add_interface(name, functions) Add a remote interface.
remove_interface(name) → boolean Removes an interface with the given name.
call(interface, function, ...) → Anything Call a function of an interface.
interfaces :: dictionary stringdictionary stringboolean [R] List of all registered interfaces.
class LuaRendering - sort
draw_line{color=…, width=…, gap_length=…, dash_length=…, from=…, from_offset=…, to=…, to_offset=…, surface=…, time_to_live=…, forces=…, players=…, visible=…, draw_on_ground=…} → uint64 Create a line.
draw_text{text=…, surface=…, target=…, target_offset=…, color=…, scale=…, font=…, time_to_live=…, forces=…, players=…, visible=…, draw_on_ground=…, orientation=…, alignment=…, scale_with_zoom=…} → uint64 Create a text.
draw_circle{color=…, radius=…, width=…, filled=…, target=…, target_offset=…, surface=…, time_to_live=…, forces=…, players=…, visible=…, draw_on_ground=…} → uint64 Create a circle.
draw_rectangle{color=…, width=…, filled=…, left_top=…, left_top_offset=…, right_bottom=…, right_bottom_offset=…, surface=…, time_to_live=…, forces=…, players=…, visible=…, draw_on_ground=…} → uint64 Create a rectangle.
draw_arc{color=…, max_radius=…, min_radius=…, start_angle=…, angle=…, target=…, target_offset=…, surface=…, time_to_live=…, forces=…, players=…, visible=…, draw_on_ground=…} → uint64 Create an arc.
draw_polygon{color=…, vertices=…, surface=…, time_to_live=…, forces=…, players=…, visible=…, draw_on_ground=…} → uint64 Create a polygon.
draw_sprite{sprite=…, orientation=…, x_scale=…, y_scale=…, tint=…, render_layer=…, orientation_target=…, orientation_target_offset=…, oriented_offset=…, target=…, target_offset=…, surface=…, time_to_live=…, forces=…, players=…, visible=…} → uint64 Create a sprite.
draw_light{sprite=…, orientation=…, scale=…, intensity=…, minimum_darkness=…, oriented=…, color=…, target=…, target_offset=…, surface=…, time_to_live=…, forces=…, players=…, visible=…} → uint64 Create a light.
draw_animation{animation=…, orientation=…, x_scale=…, y_scale=…, tint=…, render_layer=…, animation_speed=…, animation_offset=…, orientation_target=…, orientation_target_offset=…, oriented_offset=…, target=…, target_offset=…, surface=…, time_to_live=…, forces=…, players=…} → uint64 Create an animation.
destroy(id) Destroy the object with the given id.
is_font_valid(font_name) → boolean Does a font with this name exist?
is_valid(id) → boolean Does a valid object with this id exist?
get_all_ids(mod_name) → array of uint64 Gets an array of all valid object ids.
clear(mod_name) Destroys all render objects.
get_type(id) → string Gets the type of the given object.
get_surface(id) → LuaSurface The surface the object with this id is rendered on.
get_time_to_live(id) → uint Get the time to live of the object with this id.
set_time_to_live(id, time_to_live) Set the time to live of the object with this id.
get_forces(id) → array of LuaForce Get the forces that the object with this id is rendered to or nil if visible to all forces.
set_forces(id, forces) Set the forces that the object with this id is rendered to.
get_players(id) → array of LuaPlayer Get the players that the object with this id is rendered to or nil if visible to all players.
set_players(id, players) Set the players that the object with this id is rendered to.
get_visible(id) → boolean Get whether this is rendered to anyone at all.
set_visible(id, visible) Set whether this is rendered to anyone at all.
get_draw_on_ground(id) → boolean Get whether this is being drawn on the ground, under most entities and sprites.
set_draw_on_ground(id, draw_on_ground) Set whether this is being drawn on the ground, under most entities and sprites.
get_color(id) → Color Get the color or tint of the object with this id.
set_color(id, color) Set the color or tint of the object with this id.
get_width(id) → float Get the width of the object with this id.
set_width(id, width) Set the width of the object with this id.
get_from(id) → ScriptRenderTarget Get from where the line with this id is drawn or nil if this object is not a line.
set_from(id, from, from_offset) Set from where the line with this id is drawn.
get_to(id) → ScriptRenderTarget Get where the line with this id is drawn to or nil if the object is not a line.
set_to(id, to, to_offset) Set where the line with this id is drawn to.
get_dash_length(id) → double Get the dash length of the line with this id or nil if the object is not a line.
set_dash_length(id, dash_length) Set the dash length of the line with this id.
get_gap_length(id) → double Get the length of the gaps in the line with this id or nil if the object is not a line.
set_gap_length(id, gap_length) Set the length of the gaps in the line with this id.
set_dashes(id, dash_length, gap_length) Set the length of the dashes and the length of the gaps in the line with this id.
get_target(id) → ScriptRenderTarget Get where the object with this id is drawn or nil if the object does not support target.
set_target(id, target, target_offset) Set where the object with this id is drawn.
get_orientation(id) → float Get the orientation of the text, sprite, light or animation with this id or nil if the object is not a text, sprite, light or animation.
set_orientation(id, orientation) Set the orientation of the text, sprite, light or animation with this id.
get_scale(id) → double Get the scale of the text or light with this id or nil if the object is not a text or light.
set_scale(id, scale) Set the scale of the text or light with this id.
get_text(id) → LocalisedString Get the text that is displayed by the text with this id or nil if the object is not a text.
set_text(id, text) Set the text that is displayed by the text with this id.
get_font(id) → string Get the font of the text with this id or nil if the object is not a text.
set_font(id, font) Set the font of the text with this id.
get_alignment(id) → string Get the alignment of the text with this id or nil if the object is not a text.
set_alignment(id, alignment) Set the alignment of the text with this id.
get_scale_with_zoom(id) → boolean Get if the text with this id scales with player zoom or nil if the object is not a text.
set_scale_with_zoom(id, scale_with_zoom) Set if the text with this id scales with player zoom.
get_filled(id) → boolean Get if the circle or rectangle with this id is filled or nil if the object is not a circle or rectangle.
set_filled(id, filled) Set if the circle or rectangle with this id is filled.
get_radius(id) → double Get the radius of the circle with this id or nil if the object is not a circle.
set_radius(id, radius) Set the radius of the circle with this id.
get_left_top(id) → ScriptRenderTarget Get where top left corner of the rectangle with this id is drawn or nil if the object is not a rectangle.
set_left_top(id, left_top, left_top_offset) Set where top left corner of the rectangle with this id is drawn.
get_right_bottom(id) → ScriptRenderTarget Get where bottom right corner of the rectangle with this id is drawn or nil if the object is not a rectangle.
set_right_bottom(id, right_bottom, right_bottom_offset) Set where top bottom right of the rectangle with this id is drawn.
set_corners(id, left_top, left_top_offset, right_bottom, right_bottom_offset) Set the corners of the rectangle with this id.
get_max_radius(id) → double Get the radius of the outer edge of the arc with this id or nil if the object is not a arc.
set_max_radius(id, max_radius) Set the radius of the outer edge of the arc with this id.
get_min_radius(id) → double Get the radius of the inner edge of the arc with this id or nil if the object is not a arc.
set_min_radius(id, min_radius) Set the radius of the inner edge of the arc with this id.
get_start_angle(id) → float Get where the arc with this id starts or nil if the object is not a arc.
set_start_angle(id, start_angle) Set where the arc with this id starts.
get_angle(id) → float Get the angle of the arc with this id or nil if the object is not a arc.
set_angle(id, angle) Set the angle of the arc with this id.
get_vertices(id) → array of ScriptRenderTarget Get the vertices of the polygon with this id or nil if the object is not a polygon.
set_vertices(id, vertices) Set the vertices of the polygon with this id.
get_sprite(id) → SpritePath Get the sprite of the sprite or light with this id or nil if the object is not a sprite or light.
set_sprite(id, sprite) Set the sprite of the sprite or light with this id.
get_x_scale(id) → double Get the horizontal scale of the sprite or animation with this id or nil if the object is not a sprite or animation.
set_x_scale(id, x_scale) Set the horizontal scale of the sprite or animation with this id.
get_y_scale(id) → double Get the vertical scale of the sprite or animation with this id or nil if the object is not a sprite or animation.
set_y_scale(id, y_scale) Set the vertical scale of the sprite or animation with this id.
get_render_layer(id) → RenderLayer Get the render layer of the sprite or animation with this id or nil if the object is not a sprite or animation.
set_render_layer(id, render_layer) Set the render layer of the sprite or animation with this id.
get_orientation_target(id) → ScriptRenderTarget The sprite or animation rotates so that it faces this target.
set_orientation_target(id, orientation_target, orientation_target_offset) The sprite or animation rotates so that it faces this target.
get_oriented_offset(id) → Vector Offsets the center of the sprite or animation if orientation_target is given.
set_oriented_offset(id, oriented_offset) Offsets the center of the sprite or animation if orientation_target is given.
get_intensity(id) → float Get the intensity of the light with this id or nil if the object is not a light.
set_intensity(id, intensity) Set the intensity of the light with this id.
get_minimum_darkness(id) → float Get the minimum darkness at which the light with this id is rendered or nil if the object is not a light.
set_minimum_darkness(id, minimum_darkness) Set the minimum darkness at which the light with this id is rendered.
get_oriented(id) → boolean Get if the light with this id is rendered has the same orientation as the target entity or nil if the object is not a light.
set_oriented(id, oriented) Set if the light with this id is rendered has the same orientation as the target entity.
get_animation(id) → string Get the animation prototype name of the animation with this id or nil if the object is not an animation.
set_animation(id, animation) Set the animation prototype name of the animation with this id.
get_animation_speed(id) → double Get the animation speed of the animation with this id or nil if the object is not an animation.
set_animation_speed(id, animation_speed) Set the animation speed of the animation with this id.
get_animation_offset(id) → double Get the animation offset of the animation with this id or nil if the object is not an animation.
set_animation_offset(id, animation_offset) Set the animation offset of the animation with this id.
class LuaSettings - sort
startup :: custom dictionary stringModSetting [R]
global :: custom dictionary stringModSetting [R]
player :: custom dictionary stringModSetting [R]
class LuaStyle - sort
gui :: LuaGui [R] Gui of the LuaGuiElement of this style.
name :: string [R] Name of this style.
minimal_width :: int [RW]
maximal_width :: int [RW]
minimal_height :: int [RW]
maximal_height :: int [RW]
natural_width :: int [RW]
natural_height :: int [RW]
top_padding :: int [RW]
right_padding :: int [RW]
bottom_padding :: int [RW]
left_padding :: int [RW]
top_margin :: int [RW]
right_margin :: int [RW]
bottom_margin :: int [RW]
left_margin :: int [RW]
horizontal_align :: string [RW] Horizontal align of the inner content of the widget, possible values are "left", "center" or "right"
vertical_align :: string [RW] Vertical align of the inner content of the widget, possible values are "top", "center" or "bottom"
font_color :: Color [RW]
font :: string [RW]
top_cell_padding :: int [RW] Space between the table cell contents top and border.
right_cell_padding :: int [RW] Space between the table cell contents right and border.
bottom_cell_padding :: int [RW] Space between the table cell contents bottom and border.
left_cell_padding :: int [RW] Space between the table cell contents left and border.
horizontally_stretchable :: boolean [RW] If the GUI element stretches its size horizontally to other elements
vertically_stretchable :: boolean [RW] If the GUI element stretches its size vertically to other elements
horizontally_squashable :: boolean [RW] If the GUI element can be squashed (by maximal with of some parent element) horizontally This is mainly meant to be used for scroll-pane The default value is false
vertically_squashable :: boolean [RW] If the GUI element can be squashed (by maximal height of some parent element) vertically This is mainly meant to be used for scroll-pane The default (parent) value for scroll pane is true, false otherwise
hovered_font_color :: Color [RW]
clicked_font_color :: Color [RW]
disabled_font_color :: Color [RW]
pie_progress_color :: Color [RW]
clicked_vertical_offset :: int [RW]
horizontal_spacing :: int [RW] Horizontal space between individual cells.
vertical_spacing :: int [RW] Vertical space between individual cells.
title_top_padding :: uint [RW]
title_right_padding :: uint [RW]
title_bottom_padding :: uint [RW]
title_left_padding :: uint [RW]
use_header_filler :: boolean [RW]
color :: Color [RW]
column_alignments :: custom array of Alignment [R] Alignments of columns of the table
single_line :: boolean [RW]
want_ellipsis :: boolean [RW]
extra_padding_when_activated :: int [RW]
extra_top_margin_when_activated :: int [RW]
extra_bottom_margin_when_activated :: int [RW]
extra_left_margin_when_activated :: int [RW]
extra_right_margin_when_activated :: int [RW]
stretch_image_to_widget_size :: boolean [RW]
width :: int [W] Sets both minimal and maximal width to the given value
height :: int [W] Sets both minimal and maximal height to the given value
cell_padding :: int [W] Space between the table cell contents and border.
valid :: boolean [R] Is this object valid?
help() → string All methods, and properties that this object supports.
class LuaSurface - sort
get_pollution(position) → double Get the pollution for a given position.
can_place_entity{name=…, position=…, direction=…, force=…, build_check_type=…, forced=…} → boolean Check for collisions with terrain or other entities.
can_fast_replace{name=…, position=…, direction=…, force=…} → boolean If there exists an entity at the given location that can be fast-replaced with the given entity parameters.
find_entity(entity, position) → LuaEntity Find a specific entity at a specific position.
find_entities(area) → array of LuaEntity Find entities in a given area.
find_entities_filtered{area=…, position=…, name=…, type=…, ghost_name=…, ghost_type=…, direction=…, collision_mask=…, force=…, limit=…, invert=…} → array of LuaEntity Find entities of given type or name in a given area.
find_tiles_filtered{area=…, name=…, limit=…, has_hidden_tile=…, collision_mask=…} → array of LuaTile Find tiles of a given name in a given area.
count_entities_filtered{area=…, position=…, name=…, type=…, ghost_name=…, ghost_type=…, direction=…, collision_mask=…, force=…, limit=…, invert=…} → uint Count entities of given type or name in a given area.
count_tiles_filtered{area=…, name=…, limit=…, has_hidden_tile=…, collision_mask=…} → uint Count tiles of a given name in a given area.
find_non_colliding_position(name, center, radius, precision, force_to_tile_center) → Position Find a non-colliding position within a given radius.
find_non_colliding_position_in_box(name, search_space, precision, force_to_tile_center) → Position Find a non-colliding position within a given rectangle.
spill_item_stack(position, items, enable_looted, force) Spill items on the ground centered at a given location.
find_enemy_units(center, radius, force) → array of LuaEntity Find enemy units of a given force within an area.
find_units{area=…, force=…, condition=…} → array of LuaEntity Find units of a given force and force condition within a given area.
find_nearest_enemy{position=…, max_distance=…, force=…} → LuaEntity Find the enemy unit closest to the given position.
set_multi_command{command=…, unit_count=…, force=…, unit_search_distance=…} → uint Give a command to multiple units.
create_entity{name=…, position=…, direction=…, force=…, target=…, source=…, fast_replace=…, player=…, spill=…, raise_built=…, create_build_effect_smoke=…} → LuaEntity Create an entity on this surface.
create_trivial_smoke{name=…, position=…}
create_unit_group{position=…, force=…} → LuaUnitGroup Create a new unit group at a given position.
build_enemy_base(position, unit_count, force) Send a group to build a new base.
get_tile(x, y) → LuaTile Get the tile at a given position.
set_tiles(tiles, correct_tiles) Set tiles at specified locations.
pollute(source, amount) Spawn pollution at the given position.
get_chunks() → LuaChunkIterator Get an iterator going over every chunk on this surface.
is_chunk_generated(position) → boolean Is a given chunk generated?
request_to_generate_chunks(position, radius) Request that the game's map generator generate chunks at the given position for the given radius on this surface.
force_generate_chunk_requests() Blocks and generates all chunks that have been requested using all available threads.
set_chunk_generated_status(position, status) Set generated status of a chunk.
find_logistic_network_by_position(position, force) → LuaLogisticNetwork Find the logistic network that covers a given position.
find_logistic_networks_by_construction_area(position, force) → array of LuaLogisticNetwork Finds all of the logistics networks whose construction area intersects with the given position.
deconstruct_area{area=…, force=…, player=…, skip_fog_of_war=…, item=…} Place a deconstruction request.
cancel_deconstruct_area{area=…, force=…, player=…, skip_fog_of_war=…, item=…} Cancel a deconstruction order.
get_hidden_tile(position) → string The hidden tile name or nil if there isn't one for the given position.
set_hidden_tile(position, tile)
get_connected_tiles(position, tiles) → array of Position Gets all tiles of the given types that are connected horizontally or vertically to the given tile position including the given tile position.
regenerate_entity(entities, chunks) Regenerate autoplacement of some entities on this surface.
regenerate_decorative(decoratives, chunks) Regenerate autoplacement of some decoratives on this surface.
print(message, color) Print text to the chat console of all players on this surface.
destroy_decoratives{area=…, position=…, name=…, limit=…, invert=…} Removes all decoratives from the given area.
create_decoratives{check_collision=…, decoratives=…} Adds the given decoratives to the surface.
find_decoratives_filtered{area=…, position=…, name=…, limit=…, invert=…} → array of DecorativeResult Find decoratives of a given name in a given area.
get_trains(force) → array of LuaTrain
clear_pollution() Clears all pollution on this surface.
play_sound{path=…, position=…, volume_modifier=…} → boolean Plays a sound on this surface.
get_resource_counts() → dictionary stringuint Gets the resource amount of all resources on this surface
get_random_chunk() → ChunkPosition Gets a random generated chunk position or 0,0 if no chunks have been generated on this surface.
clone_area{source_area=…, destination_area=…, destination_surface=…, destination_force=…, clone_tiles=…, clone_entities=…, clone_decoratives=…, clear_destination=…, expand_map=…} Clones the given area.
clone_entities{entities=…, destination_offset=…, destination_surface=…, destination_force=…, snap_to_grid=…} Clones the given entities.
clear() Clears this surface deleting all entities and chunks on it.
request_path{bounding_box=…, collision_mask=…, start=…, goal=…, force=…, radius=…, pathfind_flags=…, can_open_gates=…, path_resolution_modifier=…} → uint Starts a path find request without actually ordering a unit to move.
get_script_areas(name) → array of ScriptArea Gets the script areas that match the given name or if no name is given all areas are returned.
get_script_positions(name) → array of ScriptPosition Gets the script positions that match the given name or if no name is given all positions are returned.
get_map_exchange_string() → string Gets the map exchange string for the current map generation settings of this surface.
get_starting_area_radius() → double Gets the starting area radius of this surface.
get_closest(position, entities) → LuaEntity Gets the closest entity in the list to this position.
get_train_stops(opts) → array of LuaEntity Gets train stops matching the given filters.
get_total_pollution() → double Gets the total amount of pollution on the surface by iterating over all of the chunks containing pollution.
name :: string [RW] The name of this surface.
index :: uint [R] Unique ID associated with this surface.
map_gen_settings :: MapGenSettings [RW] The generation settings for the surface.
always_day :: boolean [RW] When set to true, the sun will always shine.
daytime :: float [RW] Current time of day, as a number in range [0, 1).
darkness :: float [R] Amount of darkness at the current time.
wind_speed :: float [RW] Current wind speed.
wind_orientation :: float [RW] Current wind direction.
wind_orientation_change :: float [RW] Change in wind orientation per tick.
peaceful_mode :: boolean [RW] Is peaceful mode enabled on this surface?
freeze_daytime :: boolean [RW] True if daytime is currently frozen.
ticks_per_day :: uint [RW] The number of ticks per day for this surface.
dusk :: double [RW] The daytime when dusk starts.
dawn :: double [RW] The daytime when dawn starts.
evening :: double [RW] The daytime when evening starts.
morning :: double [RW] The daytime when morning starts.
solar_power_multiplier :: double [RW] The multiplier of solar power on this surface.
valid :: boolean [R] Is this object valid?
help() → string All methods, and properties that this object supports.
class LuaTechnology - sort
reload() Reload this technology from its prototype.
force :: LuaForce [R] The force this technology belongs to.
name :: string [R] Name of this technology.
localised_name :: LocalisedString [R] Localised name of this technology.
localised_description :: LocalisedString [R]
prototype :: LuaTechnologyPrototype [R] The prototype of this technology.
enabled :: boolean [RW] Can this technology be researched?
upgrade :: boolean [R] Is this an upgrade-type research?
researched :: boolean [RW] Has this technology been researched?
prerequisites :: dictionary stringLuaTechnology [R] Prerequisites of this technology.
research_unit_ingredients :: array of Ingredient [R] Ingredients labs will require to research this technology.
effects :: array of Modifier [R] Effects applied when this technology is researched.
research_unit_count :: uint [R] Number of research units required for this technology.
research_unit_energy :: double [R] Amount of energy required to finish a unit of research.
order :: string [R] Order string for this prototype.
level :: uint [RW] The current level of this technology.
research_unit_count_formula :: string [R] The count formula used for this infinite research or nil if this isn't an infinite research.
valid :: boolean [R] Is this object valid?
help() → string All methods, and properties that this object supports.
class LuaTechnologyPrototype - sort
name :: string [R] Name of this technology.
localised_name :: LocalisedString [R] Localised name of this technology.
localised_description :: LocalisedString [R]
enabled :: boolean [R] If this technology prototype is enabled by default (enabled at the beginning of a game).
hidden :: boolean [R] If this technology prototype is hidden.
upgrade :: boolean [R] If the is technology prototype is an upgrade to some other technology.
prerequisites :: dictionary stringLuaTechnologyPrototype [R] Prerequisites of this technology.
research_unit_ingredients :: array of Ingredient [R] Ingredients labs will require to research this technology.
effects :: array of Modifier [R] Effects applied when this technology is researched.
research_unit_count :: uint [R] Number of research units required for this technology.
research_unit_energy :: double [R] Amount of energy required to finish a unit of research.
order :: string [R] Order string for this prototype.
level :: uint [R] The level of this research.
max_level :: uint [R] The max level of this research.
research_unit_count_formula :: string [R] The count formula used for this infinite research or nil if this isn't an infinite research.
valid :: boolean [R] Is this object valid?
help() → string All methods, and properties that this object supports.
class LuaTile - sort
collides_with(layer) → boolean What type of things can collide with this tile?
order_deconstruction(force, player) → LuaEntity Orders deconstruction of this tile by the given force.
cancel_deconstruction(force, player) Cancels deconstruction if it is scheduled, does nothing otherwise.
name :: string [R] Prototype name of this tile.
prototype :: LuaTilePrototype [R]
position :: Position [R] The position this tile references.
hidden_tile :: string (optional) [R]
valid :: boolean [R] Is this object valid?
help() → string All methods, and properties that this object supports.
class LuaTilePrototype - sort
name :: string [R] Name of this prototype.
order :: string [R] Order string of this prototype.
localised_name :: LocalisedString [R]
localised_description :: LocalisedString [R]
collision_mask :: dictionary stringboolean [R] The collision mask this tile uses The boolean values for each item are meaningless and will always be true.
layer :: uint [R]
autoplace_specification :: AutoplaceSpecification [R] Autoplace specification for this prototype.
walking_speed_modifier :: float [R]
vehicle_friction_modifier :: float [R]
map_color :: Color [R]
decorative_removal_probability :: float [R] The probability that decorative entities will be removed from on top of this tile when this tile is generated.
automatic_neighbors :: boolean [R]
allowed_neighbors :: dictionary stringLuaTilePrototype [R]
needs_correction :: boolean [R] If this tile needs correction logic applied when it's generated in the world.
mineable_properties :: table [R] It is a table:
next_direction :: LuaTilePrototype [R] The next direction of this tile or nil - used when a tile has multiple directions (such as hazard concrete)
items_to_place_this :: array of SimpleItemStack [R] Items that when placed will produce this tile.
can_be_part_of_blueprint :: boolean [R] False if this tile is not allowed in blueprints regardless of the ability to build it.
emissions_per_tick :: double [R] Amount of pollution emissions per tick this tile will absorb.
valid :: boolean [R] Is this object valid?
help() → string All methods, and properties that this object supports.
class LuaTrain - sort
get_item_count(item) → uint Get the amount of a particular item stored in the train.
get_contents() → dictionary stringuint Get a mapping of the train's inventory.
remove_item(stack) → uint Remove some items from the train.
insert(stack) Insert a stack into the train.
clear_items_inside() Clear all items in this train.
recalculate_path(force) → boolean Checks if the path is invalid and tries to re-path if it isn't.
get_fluid_count(fluid) → double Get the amount of a particular fluid stored in the train.
get_fluid_contents() → dictionary stringdouble Gets a mapping of the train's fluid inventory.
remove_fluid(fluid) → double Remove some fluid from the train.
insert_fluid(fluid) → double Inserts the given fluid into the first available location in this train.
clear_fluids_inside() Clears all fluids in this train.
go_to_station(index) Go to the station specified by the index in the train's schedule.
get_rails() → array of LuaEntity Gets all rails under the train.
manual_mode :: boolean [RW] When true, the train is explicitly controlled by the player or script.
speed :: double [RW] Current speed.
max_forward_speed :: double [R] Current max speed when moving forward, depends on locomotive prototype and fuel.
max_backward_speed :: double [R] Current max speed when moving backwards, depends on locomotive prototype and fuel.
weight :: double [R] The weight of this train.
carriages :: array of LuaEntity [R] Rolling stocks the train is composed of.
locomotives :: dictionary stringarray of LuaEntity [R] Arrays of locomotives.
cargo_wagons :: array of LuaEntity [R] The cargo carriages the train contains.
fluid_wagons :: array of LuaEntity [R] The fluid carriages the train contains.
schedule :: TrainSchedule [RW] The trains current schedule.
state :: defines.train_state [R] This train's current state.
front_rail :: LuaEntity [R] The rail at the front end of the train, possibly nil.
back_rail :: LuaEntity [R] The rail at the back end of the train, possibly nil.
rail_direction_from_front_rail :: defines.rail_direction [R]
rail_direction_from_back_rail :: defines.rail_direction [R]
front_stock :: LuaEntity [R] The front stock of this train or nil.
back_stock :: LuaEntity [R] The back stock of this train or nil.
station :: LuaEntity [R] The train stop this train is stopped at or nil.
has_path :: boolean [R] If this train has a path.
path_end_rail :: LuaEntity [R] The destination rail this train is currently pathing to or nil.
path_end_stop :: LuaEntity [R] The destination train stop this train is currently pathing to or nil.
id :: uint [R] The unique train ID.
passengers :: array of LuaPlayer [R] The player passengers on the train
riding_state :: RidingState [R] The riding state of this train.
killed_players :: dictionary uintuint [R] The players killed by this train.
kill_count :: uint [R] The total number of kills by this train.
path :: LuaRailPath [R] The path this train is using or nil if none.
valid :: boolean [R] Is this object valid?
help() → string All methods, and properties that this object supports.
class LuaTransportLine - sort
clear() Remove all items from this transport line.
get_item_count(item) → uint Count some or all items on this line.
remove_item(items) → uint Remove some items from this line.
can_insert_at(position) → boolean Can an item be inserted at a given position?
can_insert_at_back() → boolean Can an item be inserted at the back of this line?
insert_at(position, items) → boolean Insert items at a given position.
insert_at_back(items) → boolean Insert items at the back of this line.
get_contents() → dictionary stringuint Get counts of all items on this line.
operator # :: uint [R] Get the number of items on this transport line.
owner :: LuaEntity [R] The entity this transport line belongs to.
output_lines :: array of LuaTransportLine [R] The transport lines that this transport line outputs items to or an empty table if none.
operator [] :: LuaItemStack [R] The indexing operator.
valid :: boolean [R] Is this object valid?
help() → string All methods, and properties that this object supports.
class LuaUnitGroup - sort
add_member(unit) Make a unit a member of this group.
set_command(command) Give this group a command.
set_autonomous() Make this group autonomous.
start_moving() Make the group start moving even if some of its members haven't yet arrived.
destroy() Dissolve this group.
members :: array of LuaEntity [R] Members of this group.
position :: Position [R] Group position.
state :: defines.group_state [R] Whether this group is gathering, moving or attacking.
force :: LuaForce [R] The force of this unit group.
surface :: LuaSurface [R] The surface of this unit group.
group_number :: uint [R] The group number for this unit group.
valid :: boolean [R] Is this object valid?
help() → string All methods, and properties that this object supports.
class LuaVirtualSignalPrototype - sort
name :: string [R] Name of this prototype.
order :: string [R] Order string of this prototype.
localised_name :: LocalisedString [R]
localised_description :: LocalisedString [R]
special :: boolean [R] If this is a special signal
subgroup :: LuaGroup [R]
valid :: boolean [R] Is this object valid?
help() → string All methods, and properties that this object supports.