
class LuaBurner - sort
owner :: LuaEntity or LuaEquipment [R] The owner of this burner energy source
inventory :: LuaInventory [R] The fuel inventory.
burnt_result_inventory :: LuaInventory [R] The burnt result inventory.
heat :: double [RW]
heat_capacity :: double [R]
remaining_burning_fuel :: double [RW]
currently_burning :: LuaItemPrototype [RW]
valid :: boolean [R] Is this object valid?
help() → string All methods, and properties that this object supports.

A reference to the burner energy source owned by a specfic LuaEntity or LuaEquipment.

owner :: LuaEntity or LuaEquipment [Read-only]

The owner of this burner energy source

inventory :: LuaInventory [Read-only]

The fuel inventory.

burnt_result_inventory :: LuaInventory [Read-only]

The burnt result inventory.

heat :: double [Read-Write]

heat_capacity :: double [Read-only]

remaining_burning_fuel :: double [Read-Write]

Note: Writing will silently do nothing if there's no LuaBurner::currently_burning set.
currently_burning :: LuaItemPrototype [Read-Write]

Note: Writing automatically handles correcting LuaBurner::remaining_burning_fuel.