
class LuaEntity extends LuaControl
get_output_inventory() → LuaInventory Gets the entities output inventory if it has one.
get_module_inventory() → LuaInventory
get_fuel_inventory() → LuaInventory The fuel inventory for this entity or nil if this entity doesn't have a fuel inventory.
damage(damage, force, type) → float Damages the entity.
destroy() → boolean Destroys the entity.
set_command(command) Give the entity a command.
has_command() → boolean Has this unit been assigned a command?
die() Immediately kills the entity.
has_flag(flag) → boolean Test whether this entity's prototype has a flag set.
add_market_item{price=…, offer=…} Offer a thing on the market.
remove_market_item(offer) → boolean Remove an offer from a market.
get_market_items() → array of Offer Get all offers in a market as an array.
connect_neighbour(target) Connect two devices with wire or cable.
disconnect_neighbour(target) Disconnect wires or cables.
order_deconstruction(force) → boolean Sets the entity to be deconstructed by construction robots.
cancel_deconstruction(force) Cancels deconstruction if it is scheduled, does nothing otherwise.
to_be_deconstructed(force) → boolean Is this entity marked for deconstruction?
get_request_slot(slot) → SimpleItemStack Get a logistic requester slot.
set_request_slot(request, slot) Set a logistic requester slot.
clear_request_slot(slot) Clear a logistic requester slot.
is_crafting() → boolean
is_opened() → boolean
is_opening() → boolean
is_closed() → boolean
is_closing() → boolean
request_to_open(force, extra_time)
get_transport_line(index) → LuaTransportLine Get a transport line of a belt.
launch_rocket() → boolean
revive() → uint Revive a ghost.
get_connected_rail{rail_direction=…, rail_connection_direction=…} → LuaEntity
get_filter(uint) → string Get the filter for a slot in an inserter or a loader.
set_filter(uint, string) Set the filter for a slot in an inserter or a loader
get_control_behavior() → LuaControlBehavior Gets the control behavior of the entity (if any).
get_or_create_control_behavior() → LuaControlBehavior Gets (and or creates if needed) the control behavior of the entity.
get_circuit_network(wire, circuit_connector) → LuaCircuitNetwork
supports_backer_name() → boolean
copy_settings(entity) → dictionary stringuint Copies settings from the given entity onto this entity.
passenger :: LuaEntity [RW] Setting to nil forces the character out of the vehicle, setting to a new character forces any existing passenger out and the given character becomes the new passenger.
name :: string [R] Name of the entity prototype.
ghost_name :: string [R] Name of the entity contained in this ghost
localised_name :: LocalisedString [R] Localised name of the entity.
ghost_localised_name :: LocalisedString [R] Localised name of the entity contained in this ghost.
type :: string [R] The entity prototype type of this entity.
ghost_type :: string [R] The prototype type of the entity contained in this ghost.
active :: boolean [RW] Deactivating an entity will stop all its operations (car will stop moving, inserters will stop working, fish will stop moving etc).
destructible :: boolean [RW] When the entity is not destructible it can't be damaged.
minable :: boolean [RW]
rotatable :: boolean [RW] When entity is not to be rotatable (inserter, transport belt etc), it can't be rotated by player using the R key.
operable :: boolean [RW] Player can't open gui of this entity and he can't quick insert/input stuff in to the entity when it is not operable.
health :: float [RW] Health of the entity.
direction :: defines.direction [RW] The current direction this entity is facing.
orientation :: float [RW] The smooth orientation.
amount :: uint [RW] Count of resource units contained.
effectivity_modifier :: float [RW] Multiplies the acceleration the vehicle can create for one unit of energy.
consumption_modifier :: float [RW] Multiplies the the energy consumption.
friction_modifier :: float [RW] Multiplies the car friction rate.
speed :: float [RW] The current speed of the car.
stack :: LuaItemStack [R]
prototype :: LuaEntityPrototype [R] The entity prototype of this entity.
ghost_prototype :: LuaEntityPrototype [R] The entity prototype of the entity contained in this ghost.
drop_position :: Position [RW] Position where the entity puts its stuff.
pickup_position :: Position [RW] Where the inserter will pick up items from.
drop_target :: LuaEntity [R] The entity this entity is putting its stuff to or nil if there is no such entity.
pickup_target :: LuaEntity [R] The entity the inserter will attempt to pick up from.
selected_gun_index :: uint [RW] Index of the currently selected weapon slot of this character.
energy :: double [RW] Energy stored in the entity (heat in furnace, energy stored in electrical devices etc.
recipe :: LuaRecipe [RW] Current recipe being assembled by this machine.
held_stack :: LuaItemStack [R] The item stack currently held in an inserter's hand.
held_stack_position :: Position [R] Current position of the inserter's "hand".
train :: LuaTrain [R] The train this rolling stock belongs to.
neighbours :: dictionary stringarray of LuaEntity or array of LuaEntity or LuaEntity [R]
fluidbox :: LuaFluidBox [RW]
backer_name :: string [RW] The name of a backer (of Factorio) assigned to a lab or train station / stop.
time_to_live :: uint [RW] The ticks left for a ghost entity before it's destroyed.
color :: Color [RW] The character or rolling stock color.
signal_state :: defines.signal_state [R] The state of this rail signal.
chain_signal_state :: uint [R] The state of this chain signal.
to_be_looted :: boolean [RW] Will this entity be picked up automatically when the player walks over it?
crafting_progress :: float [RW] The current crafting progress, as a number in range [0, 1].
bonus_progress :: float [RW] The current productivity bonus progress, as a number in range [0, 1].
belt_to_ground_type :: string [R] "input" or "output", depending on whether this underground belt goes down or up.
loader_type :: string [R] "input" or "output", depending on whether this loader puts to or gets from a container.
rocket_parts :: uint [RW] Number of rocket parts in the silo.
logistic_network :: LuaLogisticNetwork [R] The logistic network this entity is a part of.
logistic_cell :: LuaLogisticCell [R] The logistic cell this entity is a part of.
item_requests :: dictionary stringuint [RW] Items this ghost will request when revived.
player :: LuaPlayer [R] The player connected to this character.
unit_group :: LuaUnitGroup [R] The unit group this unit is a member of, or nil if none.
damage_dealt :: double [RW] The damage dealt by this turret.
kills :: uint [RW] The number of units killed by this turret.
built_by :: LuaPlayer [RW] The player who built the entity
electric_buffer_size :: double [RW] The buffer size for the electric energy source or nil if the entity doesn't have an electric energy source.
electric_input_flow_limit :: double [RW] The input flow limit for the electric energy source or nil if the entity doesn't have an electric energy source.
electric_output_flow_limit :: double [RW] The output flow limit for the electric energy source or nil if the entity doesn't have an electric energy source.
electric_drain :: double [RW] The electric drain for the electric energy source or nil if the entity doesn't have an electric energy source.
electric_emissions :: double [RW] The emissions size for the electric energy source or nil if the entity doesn't have an electric energy source.
unit_number :: uint [R] The unit number or nil if the entity doesn't have one.
mining_progress :: double [RW] The mining progress for this mining drill or nil if this isn't a mining drill.
bonus_mining_progress :: double [RW] The bonus mining progress for this mining drill or nil if this isn't a mining drill.
power_production :: double [RW] The power production specific to the ElectricEnergyInterface entity type.
power_usage :: double [RW] The power usage specific to the ElectricEnergyInterface entity type.
bounding_box :: BoundingBox [R]
mining_target :: LuaEntity [R] The mining target or nil if none
circuit_connected_entities [R] Entities connected to this entity via the circuit network.
circuit_connection_definitions :: array of CircuitConnectionDefinition [R] The connection definition for entities connected to this entity via the circuit network.
request_slot_count :: uint [R] The number of request slots this entity has.
filter_slot_count :: uint [R] The number of filter slots this inserter or loader has.
grid :: LuaEquipmentGrid [R] The equipment grid or nil if this entity doesn't have an equipment grid.
supports_direction [R] If this entity supports directions.
valid :: boolean [R] Is this object valid?
Inherited from LuaControl: get_inventory, get_quickbar, can_insert, insert, set_gui_arrow, clear_gui_arrow, get_item_count, has_items_inside, can_reach_entity, clear_items_inside, remove_item, teleport, update_selected_entity, clear_selected_entity, disable_flashlight, enable_flashlight, get_craftable_count, begin_crafting, cancel_crafting, surface, position, vehicle, force, selected, opened, crafting_queue_size, walking_state, riding_state, mining_state, cursor_stack, driving, crafting_queue, cheat_mode, character_crafting_speed_modifier, character_mining_speed_modifier, character_running_speed_modifier, character_build_distance_bonus, character_item_drop_distance_bonus, character_reach_distance_bonus, character_resource_reach_distance_bonus, character_item_pickup_distance_bonus, character_loot_pickup_distance_bonus, quickbar_count_bonus, character_inventory_slots_bonus, character_logistic_slot_count_bonus, character_trash_slot_count_bonus, character_maximum_following_robot_count_bonus, character_health_bonus, auto_trash_filters

The primary interface for interacting with entities through the Lua API. Entity is everything on the map except tiles.

get_output_inventory() → LuaInventory

Gets the entities output inventory if it has one.

Return value
a reference to the entities output inventory.
get_module_inventory() → LuaInventory

Return value
Inventory for storing modules of this entity; nil if this entity has no module inventory.
get_fuel_inventory() → LuaInventory

The fuel inventory for this entity or nil if this entity doesn't have a fuel inventory.

damage(damage, force, type) → float

Damages the entity.

damage :: float: The amount of damage to be done
force :: string or LuaForce: The force that will be doing the damage.
type :: string (optional): The type of damage to be done.
Return value
the total damage actually applied after resistances.
Can only be used if this is EntityWithHealth
destroy() → boolean

Destroys the entity.

Return value
if the entity was actually destroyed.
Note: Not all entities can be destroyed - things such as rails under trains cannot be destroyed until the train is moved or destroyed.

Give the entity a command.

command :: Command
Can only be used if this is Unit
has_command() → boolean

Has this unit been assigned a command?

Can only be used if this is Unit

Immediately kills the entity. Doesn't attribute the kill to any force. Doesn't care whether the entity is destroyable or damageable. Error is thrown when called on entity that doesn't have health. Unlike LuaEntity::destroy, die will trigger on_entity_died and the entity will drop loot and corpse if it have any.

has_flag(flag) → boolean

Test whether this entity's prototype has a flag set.

flag :: string: The flag to test
Return value
true if the entity has the given flag set.
Note: entity.has_flag(f) is a shortcut for entity.prototype.has_flag(f).
add_market_item{price=…, offer=…}

Offer a thing on the market.

Table with the following fields:
  • price: list of prices, every element is 2 item table, first is the item name, the second is count.
  • offer :: Modifier: The action that will take place when a player accepts the offer. Usuallly a "give-item" modifier.
Adds market offer, 1 copper ore for 10 iron ore.
market.add_market_item{price={{"iron-ore", 10}}, offer={type="give-item", item="copper-ore"}}
Adds market offer, 1 copper ore for 5 iron ore and 5 stone ore.
market.add_market_item{price={{"iron-ore", 5}, {"stone", 5}}, offer={type="give-item", item="copper-ore"}}
Can only be used if this is Market
remove_market_item(offer) → boolean

Remove an offer from a market.

offer :: uint: Index of offer to remove.
Return value
true if the offer was successfully removed; false when the given index was not valid.
Can only be used if this is Market
get_market_items() → array of Offer

Get all offers in a market as an array.

Return value
See LuaEntity::add_market_item for the format of an Offer.
Can only be used if this is Market

Connect two devices with wire or cable.

target :: LuaEntity or table:
  • To connect two electric poles, target has to be a LuaEntity specifying another electric pole. This will connect them with copper cable.
  • To connect two devices with wire, this parameter is a table:

Disconnect wires or cables.

target :: defines.wire_type or LuaEntity or table (optional):
order_deconstruction(force) → boolean

Sets the entity to be deconstructed by construction robots.

force :: string or LuaForce: The force whose robots are supposed to do the deconstruction.
Return value
if the entity was marked for deconstruction.

Cancels deconstruction if it is scheduled, does nothing otherwise.

force :: string or LuaForce: The force who did the deconstruction order.
to_be_deconstructed(force) → boolean

Is this entity marked for deconstruction?

force :: string or LuaForce: The force which ordered the deconstruction. This parameter is is currently unused; it exists only for forward compatibility of the API.
get_request_slot(slot) → SimpleItemStack

Get a logistic requester slot.

slot :: uint: The slot index.
Return value
Contents of the specified slot; nil if the given slot contains no request.
Note: Useable only on entities that have requester slots.
set_request_slot(request, slot)

Set a logistic requester slot.

request :: SimpleItemStack: What to request.
slot :: uint: The slot index.
Note: Useable only on entities that have requester slots.

Clear a logistic requester slot.

slot :: uint: The slot index.
Note: Useable only on entities that have requester slots.
is_crafting() → boolean

Return value
true if this machine is currently crafting.
Can only be used if this is CraftingMachine
is_opened() → boolean

Return value
true if this gate is currently opened.
Can only be used if this is Gate
is_opening() → boolean

Return value
true if this gate is currently opening.
Can only be used if this is Gate
is_closed() → boolean

Return value
true if this gate is currently closed.
Can only be used if this is Gate
is_closing() → boolean

Return value
true if this gate is currently closing
Can only be used if this is Gate
request_to_open(force, extra_time)

force :: string or LuaForce: The force that requests the gate to be open.
extra_time :: uint (optional): Extra ticks to stay open.
Can only be used if this is Gate

force :: string or LuaForce: The force that requests the gate to be closed.
Can only be used if this is Gate
get_transport_line(index) → LuaTransportLine

Get a transport line of a belt.

index :: uint: Index of the requested transport line.
Can only be used if this is TransportBeltConnectable
launch_rocket() → boolean

Return value
true if the rocket was successfully launched. Return value of false means the silo is not ready for launch.
Can only be used if this is RocketSilo
revive() → uint

Revive a ghost. I.e. turn it from a ghost to a real entity.

Return value
Number of items the items the new real entity collided with or nil if the ghost could not be revived.
Note: If this is an entity ghost and it is successfully revived this will also return the revived entity or nil as a second return value.
get_connected_rail{rail_direction=…, rail_connection_direction=…} → LuaEntity

Table with the following fields:
Return value
Rail connected in the specified manner to this one.
Can only be used if this is Rail
get_filter(uint) → string

Get the filter for a slot in an inserter or a loader.

uint: Slot to get the filter of.
Return value
Prototype name of the entity being filtered; nil if the given slot has no filter.
Note: The inserter/loader must allow filters.
set_filter(uint, string)

Set the filter for a slot in an inserter or a loader

uint: Slot to set the filter of.
string: Prototype name of the entity to filter.
Note: The inserter/loader must allow filters.
get_control_behavior() → LuaControlBehavior

Gets the control behavior of the entity (if any).

Return value
The control behavior or nil.
get_or_create_control_behavior() → LuaControlBehavior

Gets (and or creates if needed) the control behavior of the entity.

Return value
The control behavior or nil.
get_circuit_network(wire, circuit_connector) → LuaCircuitNetwork

wire :: defines.wire_type: Wire colour of the network connected to this entity.
circuit_connector :: defines.circuit_connector_id (optional): The connector to get circuit network for. Must be specified for entities with more than one circuit network connector.
Return value
The circuit network or nil.
supports_backer_name() → boolean

Return value
true if this entity supports a backer name.
copy_settings(entity) → dictionary stringuint

Copies settings from the given entity onto this entity.

entity :: LuaEntity
Return value
Any items removed from this entity as a result of copying the settings.
passenger :: LuaEntity [Read-Write]

Setting to nil forces the character out of the vehicle, setting to a new character forces any existing passenger out and the given character becomes the new passenger.

Note: May be nil if the car contains no passenger.
Can only be used if this is Vehicle
name :: string [Read-only]

Name of the entity prototype. E.g. "inserter" or "filter-inserter".

ghost_name :: string [Read-only]

Name of the entity contained in this ghost

Can only be used if this is Ghost
localised_name :: LocalisedString [Read-only]

Localised name of the entity.

ghost_localised_name :: LocalisedString [Read-only]

Localised name of the entity contained in this ghost.

Can only be used if this is Ghost
type :: string [Read-only]

The entity prototype type of this entity.

ghost_type :: string [Read-only]

The prototype type of the entity contained in this ghost.

Can only be used if this is Ghost
active :: boolean [Read-Write]

Deactivating an entity will stop all its operations (car will stop moving, inserters will stop working, fish will stop moving etc).

Note: Entities that are are not active naturally can't be set to be active (setting it to be active will do nothing)
Note: It is even possible to set the player to not be active, so he can't move and perform most of the tasks.
destructible :: boolean [Read-Write]

When the entity is not destructible it can't be damaged.

Note: An indestructible entity can still be mined.
Note: Entities that are indestructible naturally (they have no health, like smoke, resource etc) can't be set to be destructible.
minable :: boolean [Read-Write]

Note: Not minable entities can still be destroyed.
Note: Entities that are not minable naturally (like smoke, player, enemy units etc) can't be set to minable.
rotatable :: boolean [Read-Write]

When entity is not to be rotatable (inserter, transport belt etc), it can't be rotated by player using the R key.

Note: Entities that are not rotatable naturally (like chest or furnace) can't be set to be rotatable.
operable :: boolean [Read-Write]

Player can't open gui of this entity and he can't quick insert/input stuff in to the entity when it is not operable.

health :: float [Read-Write]

Health of the entity. Setting health to less than 0 will set health to 0, entities with 0 health can not be attacked. Setting health to higher than max health will set health to max health.

Note: If used on an entity that doesn't support health, this field will be nil.
direction :: defines.direction [Read-Write]

The current direction this entity is facing.

orientation :: float [Read-Write]

The smooth orientation.

amount :: uint [Read-Write]

Count of resource units contained.

Can only be used if this is ResourceEntity
effectivity_modifier :: float [Read-Write]

Multiplies the acceleration the vehicle can create for one unit of energy. By default is 1.

Can only be used if this is Car
consumption_modifier :: float [Read-Write]

Multiplies the the energy consumption.

Can only be used if this is Car
friction_modifier :: float [Read-Write]

Multiplies the car friction rate.

This will allow the car to go much faster
game.player.vehicle.friction_modifier = 0.5
Can only be used if this is Car
speed :: float [Read-Write]

The current speed of the car.

Can only be used if this is Car
stack :: LuaItemStack [Read-only]

Can only be used if this is ItemEntity
prototype :: LuaEntityPrototype [Read-only]

The entity prototype of this entity.

ghost_prototype :: LuaEntityPrototype [Read-only]

The entity prototype of the entity contained in this ghost.

Can only be used if this is Ghost
drop_position :: Position [Read-Write]

Position where the entity puts its stuff.

Note: Meaningful only for entities that put stuff somewhere, such as mining drills or inserters.
pickup_position :: Position [Read-Write]

Where the inserter will pick up items from.

Can only be used if this is Inserter
drop_target :: LuaEntity [Read-only]

The entity this entity is putting its stuff to or nil if there is no such entity.

Note: Meaningful only for entities that put stuff somewhere, such as mining drills or inserters.
pickup_target :: LuaEntity [Read-only]

The entity the inserter will attempt to pick up from. For example, this can be a transport belt or a storage chest.

Can only be used if this is Inserter
selected_gun_index :: uint [Read-Write]

Index of the currently selected weapon slot of this character.

Can only be used if this is Character
energy :: double [Read-Write]

Energy stored in the entity (heat in furnace, energy stored in electrical devices etc.). always 0 for entities that don't have the concept of energy stored inside.

game.player.print("Machine energy: " .. .. "J") = 3000
recipe :: LuaRecipe [Read-Write]

Current recipe being assembled by this machine.

Can only be used if this is CraftingMachine
held_stack :: LuaItemStack [Read-only]

The item stack currently held in an inserter's hand.

Can only be used if this is Inserter
held_stack_position :: Position [Read-only]

Current position of the inserter's "hand".

Can only be used if this is Inserter
train :: LuaTrain [Read-only]

The train this rolling stock belongs to.

Can only be used if this is RollingStock
neighbours :: dictionary stringarray of LuaEntity or array of LuaEntity or LuaEntity [Read-only]

  • When called on an electric pole, this is a dictionary of all connections, indexed by the strings "copper", "red", and "green".
  • When called on a pipe-connectable entity, this is an array of all entities this pipe is connected to.
  • When called on an underground transport belt, this is the other end of the underground belt connection, or nil if none.

fluidbox :: LuaFluidBox [Read-Write]

backer_name :: string [Read-Write]

The name of a backer (of Factorio) assigned to a lab or train station / stop.

Note: Only useable on entities that support backer names. Returns nil when the entity doesn't support a backer name.
time_to_live :: uint [Read-Write]

The ticks left for a ghost entity before it's destroyed. Cannot be set higher than LuaForce::ghost_time_to_live of the entity's force.

Can only be used if this is Ghost
color :: Color [Read-Write]

The character or rolling stock color.

signal_state :: defines.signal_state [Read-only]

The state of this rail signal.

Can only be used if this is RailSignal
chain_signal_state :: uint [Read-only]

The state of this chain signal.

Can only be used if this is RailChainSignal
to_be_looted :: boolean [Read-Write]

Will this entity be picked up automatically when the player walks over it?

Can only be used if this is ItemEntity
crafting_progress :: float [Read-Write]

The current crafting progress, as a number in range [0, 1].

Can only be used if this is CraftingMachine
bonus_progress :: float [Read-Write]

The current productivity bonus progress, as a number in range [0, 1].

Can only be used if this is CraftingMachine
belt_to_ground_type :: string [Read-only]

"input" or "output", depending on whether this underground belt goes down or up.

Can only be used if this is TransportBeltToGround
loader_type :: string [Read-only]

"input" or "output", depending on whether this loader puts to or gets from a container.

Can only be used if this is Loader
rocket_parts :: uint [Read-Write]

Number of rocket parts in the silo.

Can only be used if this is RocketSilo
logistic_network :: LuaLogisticNetwork [Read-only]

The logistic network this entity is a part of.

logistic_cell :: LuaLogisticCell [Read-only]

The logistic cell this entity is a part of. Will be nil if this entity is not a part of any logistic cell.

item_requests :: dictionary stringuint [Read-Write]

Items this ghost will request when revived. Result is a dictionary mapping each item prototype name to the required count.

Can only be used if this is EntityGhost
player :: LuaPlayer [Read-only]

The player connected to this character.

Can only be used if this is Character
unit_group :: LuaUnitGroup [Read-only]

The unit group this unit is a member of, or nil if none.

Can only be used if this is Unit
damage_dealt :: double [Read-Write]

The damage dealt by this turret.

Can only be used if this is Turret
kills :: uint [Read-Write]

The number of units killed by this turret.

Can only be used if this is Turret
built_by :: LuaPlayer [Read-Write]

The player who built the entity

Can only be used if this is EntityWithOwner
electric_buffer_size :: double [Read-Write]

The buffer size for the electric energy source or nil if the entity doesn't have an electric energy source.

Note: Write access is limited to the ElectricEnergyInterface type
electric_input_flow_limit :: double [Read-Write]

The input flow limit for the electric energy source or nil if the entity doesn't have an electric energy source.

Note: Write access is limited to the ElectricEnergyInterface type
electric_output_flow_limit :: double [Read-Write]

The output flow limit for the electric energy source or nil if the entity doesn't have an electric energy source.

Note: Write access is limited to the ElectricEnergyInterface type
electric_drain :: double [Read-Write]

The electric drain for the electric energy source or nil if the entity doesn't have an electric energy source.

Note: Write access is limited to the ElectricEnergyInterface type
electric_emissions :: double [Read-Write]

The emissions size for the electric energy source or nil if the entity doesn't have an electric energy source.

Note: Write access is limited to the ElectricEnergyInterface type
unit_number :: uint [Read-only]

The unit number or nil if the entity doesn't have one. This is unique for every entity that has one.

mining_progress :: double [Read-Write]

The mining progress for this mining drill or nil if this isn't a mining drill.

bonus_mining_progress :: double [Read-Write]

The bonus mining progress for this mining drill or nil if this isn't a mining drill.

power_production :: double [Read-Write]

The power production specific to the ElectricEnergyInterface entity type.

Can only be used if this is ElectricEnergyInterface
power_usage :: double [Read-Write]

The power usage specific to the ElectricEnergyInterface entity type.

Can only be used if this is ElectricEnergyInterface
bounding_box :: BoundingBox [Read-only]

mining_target :: LuaEntity [Read-only]

The mining target or nil if none

Can only be used if this is MiningDrill
circuit_connected_entities [Read-only]

Entities connected to this entity via the circuit network. It is a table:

  • red :: array of LuaEntity: Entities connected via the red wire.
  • green :: array of LuaEntity: Entities connected via the green wire.

circuit_connection_definitions :: array of CircuitConnectionDefinition [Read-only]

The connection definition for entities connected to this entity via the circuit network.

Each CircuitConnectionDefinition is a table:

request_slot_count :: uint [Read-only]

The number of request slots this entity has.

filter_slot_count :: uint [Read-only]

The number of filter slots this inserter or loader has. 0 if not an inserter or loader.

grid :: LuaEquipmentGrid [Read-only]

The equipment grid or nil if this entity doesn't have an equipment grid.

supports_direction [Read-only]

If this entity supports directions.